PC running environment; WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) "midi , mp3 , m4a" are just references to the score. and also, Running is lilyPond ver 2.24.0 or ver-UP ---- The score display html here is an html file created via Texinfo(makeinfo)[only on linux OS]. ----
2025   Road-19     

2024   Strangers-1-11      Departure(Earth 4)      Nobody(Earth 3)      Nothing(Earth 2)      Earth      2023   Road-18      strangers-1-10      Road-17

2022   Strangers 1-9      2021   My-dream      2019   StoryLady ( --midi)   Road-12      Road-13      Road-14      Road-15      Road-16      Agnus-2019

2018   Ave Maria-2018    Road-11    Where-it    Only-alone    Strangers 1-8    Emmanuel

2017   Ave Maria(2017)        Road-9        Road-10        Strangers 1-7        2016   [Sketch A]        Road-7        Road-8

2015   Sketch7        Sketch8        Strangers 1-6        Sketch9        2014   Sketch3     Sketch4     Sketch4b     Sketch5     Sketch6

2013   Sorrow of the Night     Road-6     Sketch1     Sketch1-2     Sketch2        2012   Ave Maria(2012)        Agnus dei        Road-4        Road-5        Mourner

2011   Ave Maria(2011)      Road-1      Road-1b      kýrie eléison      Road-2      Road-2b      Rex treméndæ     Road-3     Let me die     John(3,--3-5)     Strangers 1-5

2010   Ave Maria(2010)        Lacrimósa        Avenue-wind        Strangers 1      Strangers 1-2      Strangers 1-3      Strangers 1-4      Oh-oh-oh      Confutatis

2009   Spring(1st Movement)        Spring(2nd Movement)        Four-things        Cloud-Spotting

2008   Footprints     Rainy-midnight     Wave-Landscape     Flower-Birds     Floats-to-Earth     Floats-to-Earth-2     White-Clouds     Street-Autumn

                  Pompei-5        Mind-2        Milano-4        Milano-5        Firenze-4        Siena        Pisa
2007   Venezia-2        Venezia-3        Firenze-2        Firenze-3        Pompei-2        Pompei-3        Pompei-4

2006   Milano        Milano2        Milano3        Venezia        Firenze        Pompei        2004   Wood        Plaza        Mind        Sprite        Dream

  Sheet Music Collection;     2004 (2004-sheet.tar.gz)   2006 (2006-sheet.tar.gz)   2007 (2007-sheet.tar.gz)   2008 (2008-sheet.tar.gz)   2009 (2009-sheet.tar.gz)
                                                   ---- Run only linux;(lilypond-book);     ????$ ./run--pdf.sh ????-sheet[Enter] ----   output=out-texi and luatex running.

   Japanese Environment; (Only Japan windows OS;vertical format; Poem)     Refer; web-poem-2019.pdf (web-poem-2019.gz(about;4850bytes)   linux; $ ./run--pdfptex.sh web-poem-2019[Enter] // Not! "windows OS"//
LilyPond automatically typesets everything (musical expressions you create). Also,
Basically, Sheet music is obtained by just LilyPond.

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