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Lacrimósa dies illa
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%% 2:17 AM Friday, July 14, 2023 %% Yukio Yoshida. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% LilyPond "\book format" use. \version "2.24.0" #(set-default-paper-size "letter") #(set-global-staff-size 18) \include "" \book{ \bookpart{ %% #I Caver's title \markup{ \vspace #-.5 } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #(let* ((port (open-output-file "sheet-title-line.eps"))) (display "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 15 10 585 810 %%HiResBoundingBox: 15.00 10.00 585.00 810.00 %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 950 (eps2write) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%CreationDate: D:20230508103029+09'00' %%Pages: 1 %%EndComments newpath 25 20 moveto 25 800 lineto 25 800 moveto 575 800 lineto 575 800 moveto 575 20 lineto 575 20 moveto 25 20 lineto .22 0 0 setrgbcolor 20 setlinewidth stroke %% in-line newpath 50 50 moveto 50 760 lineto 50 760 moveto 546 760 lineto 546 760 moveto 546 50 lineto 546 50 moveto 50 50 lineto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 1 setlinecap 3 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 110 scalefont setfont 126 110 moveto 0 1 0 setrgbcolor (Letters) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke %% Title-Word /Times-Italic findfont 14 scalefont setfont 80 740 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (Soprano; Instrument and Voice --- C \\clef on 1st line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 14 scalefont setfont 80 725 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (MezzoSoprano; Instrument and Voice --- C \\clef on 2nd line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 14 scalefont setfont 80 710 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (Alto; Instrument and Voice --- C \\clef on 3rd line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 14 scalefont setfont 80 695 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (Tenor; Instrument and Voice --- C \\clef on 4th line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 14 scalefont setfont 80 680 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (Baritone; Instrument and Voice --- C \\clef on 5th line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 14 scalefont setfont 80 665 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (bas; Instrument and Voice --- F \\clef on 4th line) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 120 scalefont setfont 110 560 moveto 1 0 0 setrgbcolor (SHEET) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 16 scalefont setfont 180 540 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (Typesetting output with LilyPond) false charpath 0 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 24 scalefont setfont 180 440 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (Op.42 Lacrimosa dies illa) false charpath 2 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 20 scalefont setfont 210 340 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (MUSICAL INSTRUMENT) false charpath 1 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 20 scalefont setfont 280 320 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (and) false charpath 1 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 120 scalefont setfont 61 234 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (MIXED) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 120 scalefont setfont 58 150 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (CHORUS) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 120 scalefont setfont 58 62 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (GROUP) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke" port ) (close port)) %Trailer %% end make sheet-title-line.eps -------- \markup { \center-column { \epsfile #X #124 #"sheet-title-line.eps" \vspace #-3 %% Under of Title letters \line { \bold \italic \tiny "The dynamic of performance is freedom(the conductor's) discretion." } }} }%% end bookpart I \pageBreak \bookpart{ %% II \header { dedication = " " title = \markup{ \line { \huge\bold "Lacrimósa dies illa"} } subtitle = \markup{ \line {\bold "2010" }} %% subsubtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version)) subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column { "soprano; C clef on 1st line, alto; C clef on 3rd line." " bass; F clef on 4th line, tenor; C clef on 4th line."}} composer = \markup{ \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"}} arranger = "Jan. 08, JST 2010" poet = "Prayers" opus = "Op.42 Lacrimósa dies illa" meter = "Vivace" %% tagline = " " } %% End header %%%%%%%%%% sheet and midi music code part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% get sheet music --------------------------------------------------------------- \score { << \context Staff = "Add" { \set Staff.fontSize = #-4 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4) \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4) \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \Addsoprano } %%\new Lyrics = "AddSL" \lyricsto "Addsoprano" { \AddsopranoL } %% \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" << \context StaffGroup << \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano } \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL } \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2 \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto " \alto } \new Lyrics = "mainAL" \lyricsto "alto" { \altoL } \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2 \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor " \tenor } \new Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorL } \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass " \bass } \new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL } >> %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" << %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key c\major \time 3/2 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano " \pianoUP } %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano " \pianoDown } %% >> >> \layout { \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t } } } %% get midi music ---------------------------------------------------------------- \score { << \new Staff { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" \unfoldRepeats \AddsopranoM } \new Staff { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" \unfoldRepeats \sopranoM } \new Staff { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" \unfoldRepeats \altoM } \new Staff { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" \unfoldRepeats \tenorM } \new Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" \unfoldRepeats \bassM } %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" %% \unfoldRepeats \pianoUPm } %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 68 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand" %% \unfoldRepeats \pianoDownm } >> \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 68 4) } } %%%%%%%%% %% \markup { " " } %%\pageBreak %% since, Even-Page. %% \markup { \null } %%%%%% %% \pageBreak %% \markup { " " } %% \markup { \vspace #4 " " } %% \markup { " " } %% \markup { \vspace #4 } %% \markup { \column { \line { %% About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) %% \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) } %% \line { \hspace #4 \italic %% "Please, Breath of longa and breve do in the members alternating %% (But, like Don't stand out). " } } } %% \markup { \vspace #.5 } %% \markup { " " } %% \markup { \line { %% At location \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata", \hspace #1 %% \italic " Always, please look at the conductor(or baton). " } } %% \markup { " " } %% \markup { \with-color #blue {ɑ , ɔ , ɔː , m , n}(pronunciation-symbol); %% \hspace #1 \italic "To cearly distinguish pronunciation." } %% \markup { \vspace #1 } %%%%%%%% }%% end bookpart II \bookpart{ %% III wrting of attention And out of source code %% markup { \vspace #6 } %{ %% omit 4:20 AM Wednesday, April 5, 2023 \markup { \hspace #26 \huge "INSTRUMENT RANGES" } \markup { \hspace #8 \italic "About;" \teeny\italic "Some of Instruments; there is a difference between writing-note and real-note." \italic "for instance:" } \markup { \hspace #8 \column { \line { \bold %% "WOODWINDS; Piccolo(in C)"--\tiny "like this"-- } \line { \score { { \clef treble \key e\major \time 4/1 d'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 g'''1 s1 \bar"||" s2 d''1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave higher" } s1 g''''1 s2 | \break } \layout { \context { \Staff \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t } indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm } } } }} \markup { " " } \markup { \vspace #2 } \markup { \hspace #8 \column { \line { \hspace #18.4 \bold "Bass Flute"--\tiny "like this"-- } \line { \score { { \clef treble \key e\major \time 4/1 c'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 a'''1 s1 \bar"||" \clef bass s2 c1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave lower" } s1 \clef treble a''1 s2| \break } \layout { \context { \Staff \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t } indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm } } } }} %} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \markup { " " } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \markup { \vspace #6 } \markup { \fill-with-pattern #2 #CENTER - \null \null } \markup { " " } \markup { \hspace #20 \magnify #2 { Stage Position;\tiny \italic "(This arrangement--with the instrument needles column below--)" } } \markup { " " } \markup { \hspace #26 \column { \line { About the Chorus; \teeny \italic "(For instsnce")} \line { \hspace # 18 \rounded-box {Bass}\hspace #2 \rounded-box {Tenor}\hspace #2 \rounded-box {Alto}\hspace #2 \rounded-box{Soprano} } \teeny \italic " since, They must be reverse for Instrument's arrangement " } } \markup { \vspace #2 } \markup { \italic " About Position of Sololist is placed freely(on the stage) " } \markup { \vspace #2 } \markup { About Instrument arrangement;\teeny \italic "(must be reverse for Chours's position)" } \markup { \hspace # 20 \rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " " Soprano " " Group "} }\hspace #3 \rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " " Alto " " Group "} }\hspace #3 \rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " " Tenor " " Group "} }\hspace #3 \rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " " Bass " " Group "} } } \markup { \vspace #2 } \markup { \hspace #56 \huge " Conductor " } \markup { " " } \markup { \vspace #1 } \markup { \fill-with-pattern #2 #CENTER - \null \null } \markup { \vspace #2 } \markup { ........... Audience seats ........... } \markup { \vspace #4 } \markup { \teeny { \column { \bold \italic "If you can do it, please running on;" \line { \wordwrap { As it is the lighting of the audience's Seats(Do not turn off even when the play began). \hspace #2 \italic "When play began, lighting the stage (rather than the audience's) more brightly."}}}}} \markup { " " } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \pageBreak \markup { " " } %% eps-part ------------------------------------------------------------------- #(let* ((port (open-output-file "Source-code.eps"))) (display "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%BoundingBox: 60 227 525 636 %%HiResBoundingBox: 60.20 227.30 524.50 635.60 %%Creator: GPL Ghostscript 922 (eps2write) %%LanguageLevel: 2 %%CreationDate: D:20180608144500+09'00' %%Pages: 1 %%EndComments /Times-Italic findfont 200 scalefont setfont 120 500 moveto 1 0 0 setrgbcolor (ALL) false charpath 4 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 120 scalefont setfont 60 320 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (SOURCE) false charpath 3 setlinewidth stroke /Times-Italic findfont 120 scalefont setfont 100 230 moveto 0 0 0 setrgbcolor (CODE) false charpath 1 setlinewidth stroke" port) (close port)) %Trailer %% end -----eps part------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%% Needn't Surce code's Title-String for texi-document. \markup { \vspace #10 } \markup { \hspace #12 \epsfile #X #100 #"Source-code.eps" } \markup { " " } \markup { \vspace #1 } \markup { \fill-line { \center-column { \line { As all;\hspace #2 See! (HTML) @menu } "" } } } \pageBreak %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }}%% end bokkpart III, End book %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% exclude. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% \markup { \column { "Name; lacrimosa.y" %%%% %%%%% \verbatim-file #"" } } %%%% %%%%% \markup { \column { "Name;" %%%% %%%%% \verbatim-file #"" } } %%%% %%%%% \markup { \column { "Name;" %%%% %%%%% \verbatim-file #"" } } %%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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\version "2.24.0" %%%%%%%%% Add soprano solo(two singers alternating) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Addsoprano = { \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #red \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.color = #red \override NoteHead.color = #red \override Stem.color = #red %% 1-11 R1. * 5 | \repeat volta 2 { R1. * 6 } %% 12-19 R1. * 8 | %% 20-23 b''2.^\markup { \teeny \italic "Solo(two singers alternating)" } _\markup { \teeny \italic "Dó" } a''_\markup { \teeny \italic "na" } | b''_\markup { \teeny \italic "é" } a''_\markup { \teeny \italic "is" } | b''_\markup { \teeny \italic "Dó" } a''_\markup { \teeny \italic "na" } | b''_\markup { \teeny \italic "é" } a''_\markup { \teeny \italic "is" } | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 b''\breve_\markup { \teeny \italic "A" } | \time 4/1 c'''\longa * 1/4_\markup { \teeny \italic "men" } s\longa * 3/4 \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break } %{ AddsopranoL = \lyricmode { \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic \teeny Dó -- na é -- is Dó -- na é -- is A -- men. } %} AddsopranoM = { %% 1-11 R1. * 5 | \repeat volta 2 { \tempo 4 = 40 R1. * 5 | \tempo 4 = 68 R1. | } %% 12-19 R1. * 8 | %% 20-23 b''2. a'' | b'' a'' | b'' a'' | b'' a'' | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 b''\breve | \time 4/1 c'''\longa \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break } %%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% soprano = { \hide Staff.BarLine \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 d'2. e'8 f'4. g'4~ | g'4 a'2. b'8 c''4. | d''2 r4 d'2.^\sfz | r4 c'4-. r8 c'4-. r8 c'4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 \times 2/3 { d'4.-. r8 e'2-. f'-. } g'2-. | \repeat volta 2 { \times 2/3 { d'4.-.^\markup{ \hspace #-2 \italic "riten" } r8 d'2-. d'-. } d'2-. | r8 d''4.-. e''4-. f''4. g''4. | f''2 e'' f'' | \break %% 9-13 e''4. r8 f''2 e'' | f''2 f''1 | R1. | } e''2.^\markup { \italic "a tempo" } c'' | a' f' | \break %% 14-19 e'1 d'2~ | d' c'1 | g'1 f'2 | g'2 g'2. r4 | a'1 g'2 | a'2 a'2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 g'4.. a'8. g'4.. a' | c'2 d'8 e'2.. | a'4.. b'8. a'4.. b' | d'4. e'8 f'2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa * 1/4 s\longa * 3/4 \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break } sopranoL = \lyricmode { \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic \tiny La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Qua re -- súr -- get ex fa -- vil -- la Ju -- di -- cán -- dus hó -- mo ré -- us: Hú -- ic ér -- go pár -- ce Dé -- us. Pi -- e Jé -- su Dó -- mi -- ne, La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em A -- men. } sopranoM = { \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 d'2. e'8 f'4. g'4~ | g'4 a'2. b'8 c''4. | d''2 r4 d'2.^\sfz | r4 c'4-. r8 c'4-. r8 c'4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 \times 2/3 { d'4.-. r8 e'2-. f'-. } g'2-. | \repeat volta 2 { \tempo 4 = 40 \times 2/3 { d'4.-. r8 d'2-. d'-. } d'2-. | r8 d''4.-. e''4-. f''4. g''4. | f''2 e'' f'' | \break %% 9-13 e''4. r8 f''2 e'' | f'' f''1 | \tempo 4 = 68 R1. | } e''2. c'' | a' f' | \break %% 14-19 e'1 d'2~ | d' c'1 | g'1 f'2 | g'2 g'2. r4 | a'1 g'2 | a'2 a'2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 g'4.. a'8. g'4.. a' | c'2 d'8 e'2.. | a'4.. b'8. a'4.. b' | d'4. e'8 f'2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break } %%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% alto = { \hide Staff.BarLine \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 g2. a8 b4. c'4~ | c'4 d'2. e'8 f'4. | g'2 r4 g2.^\sfz | r4 f4-. r8 f4-. r8 f4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 \times 2/3 { g4.-. r8 a2-. b-. } c'2-. | \repeat volta 2 { \times 2/3 { g4.-.^\markup{ \hspace #-2 \italic "riten" } r8 g2-. g-. } g2-. | r8 g'4.-. a'4-. b'4. c''4. | b'2 b' b' | \break %% 9-13 a'2 a' a'4. r8 | b'2 b'1 | R1. | } a'2.^\markup { \italic "a tempo" } f' | d' b | \break %% 14-19 g1 f2~ | f f1 | c'1 b2 | c'2 c'2. r4 | d'1 c'2 | d'2 d'2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 c'4.. d'8. c'4.. d' | f2 g8 a2.. | d'4.. e'8. d'4.. e' | g4. a8 b2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa * 1/4 s\longa * 3/4 \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break } altoL = \lyricmode { \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic \tiny La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Qua re -- súr -- get ex fa -- vil -- la Ju -- di -- cán -- dus hó -- mo ré -- us: Hú -- ic ér -- go pár -- ce Dé -- us. Pi -- e Jé -- su Dó -- mi -- ne, La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em A -- men. } altoM = { \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 g2. a8 b4. c'4~ | c'4 d'2. e'8 f'4. | g'2 r4 g2.^\sfz | r4 f4-. r8 f4-. r8 f4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 \times 2/3 { g4.-. r8 a2-. b-. } c'2-. | \repeat volta 2 { \tempo 4 = 40 \times 2/3 { g4.-. r8 g2-. g-. } g2-. | r8 g'4.-. a'4-. b'4. c''4. | b'2 b' b' | \break %% 9-13 a'2 a' a'4. r8 | b'2 b'1 | \tempo 4 = 68 R1. | } a'2. f' | d' b | \break %% 14-19 g1 f2~ | f f1 | c'1 b2 | c'2 c'2. r4 | d'1 c'2 | d'2 d'2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 c'4.. d'8. c'4.. d' | f2 g8 a2.. | d'4.. e'8. d'4.. e' | g4. a8 b2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break } %%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% tenor = { \hide Staff.BarLine \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 e2. e8 f4. f4~ | f4 g2. g8 a4. | a2 r4 e2.^\sfz | r4 d4-. r8 d4-. r8 d4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 e8-. r4 f8-. r4 g8-. r4 a8-. r4 | \repeat volta 2 { f4-.^\markup{ \hspace #-2 \italic "riten" } r8 g4-. r8 a4-. r8 b4-. r8 | d'4-. r8 d'4-. r8 f'4 r8 g'4. | f'2 e' f' | \break %% 9-13 e'4. r8 f'2 e' | f'2 f'1 | R1. | } e'2.^\markup { \italic "a tempo" } d' | e' d' | \break %% 14-19 e'1 d'2_~ | d' e'1 | a1 g2 | a2 a2. r4 | b1 a2 | b2 b2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 a4.. b8. a4.. b | d2 e8 f2.. | b4.. c'8. b4.. c' | e4. f8 g2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa * 1/4 s\longa * 3/4 \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break } tenorL = \lyricmode { \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic \tiny La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Qua re -- súr -- get ex fa -- vil -- la Ju -- di -- cán -- dus hó -- mo ré -- us: Hú -- ic ér -- go pár -- ce Dé -- us. Pi -- e Jé -- su Dó -- mi -- ne, La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em A -- men. } tenorM = { \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 e2. e8 f4. f4~ | f4 g2. g8 a4. | a2 r4 e2.^\sfz | r4 d4-. r8 d4-. r8 d4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 e8-. r4 f8-. r4 g8-. r4 a8-. r4 | \repeat volta 2 { \tempo 4 = 40 f4-. r8 g4-. r8 a4-. r8 b4-. r8 | d'4-. r8 d'4-. r8 f'4 r8 g'4. | f'2 e' f' | \break %% 9-13 e'4. r8 f'2 e' | f' f'1 | \tempo 4 = 68 R1. | } e'2. d' | e' d' | \break %% 14-19 e'1 d'2~ | d' e'1 | a1 g2 | a2 a2. r4 | b1 a2 | b2 b2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 a4.. b8. a4.. b | d2 e8 f2.. | b4.. c'8. b4.. c' | e4. f8 g2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d'\breve | \time 4/1 c'\longa \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break } %%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% bass = { \hide Staff.BarLine \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 g,2. g,8 a,4. a,4~ | a,4 b,2. b,8 c4. | c2 r4 a,2.^\sfz | r4 g,4-. r8 g,4-. r8 g,4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 a,8-. r4 b,8-. r4 c8-. r4 d8-. r4 | \repeat volta 2 { b,4-.^\markup{ \hspace #-2 \italic "riten" } r8 c4-. r8 d4-. r8 e4-. r8 | g4-. r8 g4-. r8 b4 r8 c'4. | b2 b2 b2 | \break %% 9-13 a2 a2 a4. r8 | b2 b1 | R1. | } a2.^\markup { \italic "a tempo" } a | a a | \break %% 14-19 a1 g2_~ | g g1 | d1 c2 | d2 d2. r4 | e1 d2 | d2 d2.. r8 |\break %% 20-23 d4.. e8. d4.. d | g,2 a,8 b,2.. | e4.. f8. e4.. e | a,4. b,8 c2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d\breve | \time 4/1 c\longa * 1/4 s\longa * 3/4 \time 3/2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break } bassL = \lyricmode { \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic \tiny La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Qua re -- súr -- get ex fa -- vil -- la Ju -- di -- cán -- dus hó -- mo ré -- us: Hú -- ic ér -- go pár -- ce Dé -- us. Pi -- e Jé -- su Dó -- mi -- ne, La -- cri -- mó -- sa di -- es il -- la, Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em Dó -- na é -- is ré -- qui -- em A -- men. } bassM = { \autoBeamOff %% 1-4 g,2. g,8 a,4. a,4~ | a,4 b,2. b,8 c4. | c2 r4 a,2.^\sfz | r4 g,4-. r8 g,4-. r8 g,4-. r4 | \break %% 5-8 a,8-. r4 b,8-. r4 c8-. r4 d8-. r4 | \repeat volta 2 { \tempo 4 = 40 b,4-. r8 c4-. r8 d4-. r8 e4-. r8 | g4-. r8 g4-. r8 b4 r8 c'4. | b2 b2 b2 | \break %% 9-13 a2 a2 a4. r8 | b2 b1 | \tempo 4 = 68 R1. | } a2. a | a a | \break %% 14-19 a1 g2~ | g g1 | d1 c2 | d2 d2. r4 | e1 d2 | d2 d2.. r8 | \break %% 20-23 d4.. e8. d4.. d | g,2 a,8 b,2.. | e4.. f8. e4.. e | a,4. b,8 c2.. r8 | \break %% 24-25 \time 2/1 d\breve | \time 4/1 c\longa \time 3/2 \bar "|." \break } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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