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Music Sheet

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%% 4:11 AM Friday, July 14, 2023
%% Yukio Yoshida.
\version "2.24.0"
\include ""
\bookpart{ %% I Caver's title
\markup{ \vspace #-.5 }
#(let* ((port (open-output-file "sheet-my-epstitle.eps")))
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%% Title-Word
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%% end make sheet-title-line.eps --------
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\epsfile #X #124 #"sheet-my-epstitle.eps"
\vspace #-6  %% Under of Title letters
\line { \bold \italic \tiny
"The dynamic of performance is freedom(the conductor's) discretion." } }}
\markup { \vspace #4 }
\markup { \hspace #10
\line \smallCaps { Matthew \tiny {(THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNAONAL VERSION)
}} }
\markup { \hspace #20 \column {
          \line \smallCaps {Matthew 1 \teeny {--excerpted this paragraph--}}
\hspace #0
\line \bold\italic { \hspace #6 The Birth of Jesus christ }
\line {....................}
\line {....................}
\hspace #0
\override #'(line-width . 60)
\wordwrap \italic {
\concat{ " "\super 23 }``The virgin will be with child and will give birth
     to a son, and they will call him Immanuel''-- which means,
``God with us.''}
\hspace #0
\line {....................}
\line {....................} }}
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #6 }
\markup { \hspace #10 \italic \line { \column {
\bold { \tiny \with-color
         #red "                      Voice Words(S,A,T,B) \"Laten\"" }
%% Don't vertical-Space
{\roman \with-color #blue \teeny \lower #1 "First."}
"Veni, veni Emmanuel!"
"Captivum solve Israel!"
"Qui gemit in exilio,"
"Privatus Dei Filio,"
\with-color #blue {
"Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel"
"nascetur pro te, Israel."}
" "
{\roman \with-color #blue \teeny \lower #1 "Second."}
"Veni o Jesse virgula!"
"Ex hostis tuos ungula,"
"De specu tuos tartari"
"Educ, et antro barathri."
\with-color #blue {
"Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel"
"nascetur pro te, Israel."}
" "
}\hspace #3
%% add a very little vertical-space
\column { \vspace #1.2
{\roman \with-color #blue \teeny \lower #1 "Third."}
"Veni, veni o oriens!"
"Solare nos adveniens,"
"Noctis depelle nebulas,"
"Dirasque noctis tenebras."
\with-color #blue {
"Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel"
"nascetur pro te, Israel."}
" "
{\roman \with-color #blue \teeny \lower #1 "Fourth."}
"Veni clavis Davidica!"
"Regna reclude coelica,"
"Fac iter Tutum superum,"
"Et claude vias Inferum."
\with-color #blue {
"Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel"
"nascetur pro te, Israel."}
" "
}\hspace #10
%% add a very little vertical-space
\column { \vspace #1.2
{\roman \with-color #blue \teeny \lower #1 "fifth."}
"Veni, veni Adonai!"
"Qui populo in Sinai"
"Legem dedisti vertice,"
"In maiestate gloriae."
\with-color #blue {
"Gaude, gaude, Emmanuel"
"nascetur pro te, Israel."}
" "
\vspace #2 }
}%% end bookpart I
\bookpart{ %% II music's body
\header {
 dedication = \markup { \italic "  " }
 title = \markup{ \line { \italic \huge "Emmanuel"} }
 subtitle = \markup{ \center-column {\italic "c major; c d e f g a b" } }
 subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column {
  \italic "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
  \italic "   bass; F clef on 4th line,    tenor; C clef on 4th line."}}
 composer = \markup { \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"} }
 arranger = \markup { \line {Op.101\hspace #1 05/15/2018} }
 meter = \markup { \hspace #4 \bold \italic "Lentissimo" }
 copyright = "public Domain"
}%% End header
%% get sheet music ---------------------------------------------------
\score {
%%  \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
  \context StaffGroup << 
  \context Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2
                      \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
  \context Voice = "sopranoVocal" { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2
                    %%\set Staff.fontSize = #-4
                    %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
                    %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
                     \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \bold
                                \italic \with-color # blue "Voice; sop " }
                                          \VoiceColorBlue { \sopranoVoice } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"First." }
                          \lyricsto "sopranoVocal" { \sopranoVoiceLI } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Second." }
                          \lyricsto "sopranoVocal" { \sopranoVoiceLII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Third." }
                          \lyricsto "sopranoVocal" { \sopranoVoiceLIII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fourth." }
                          \lyricsto "sopranoVocal" { \sopranoVoiceLIV } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fifth." }
                          \lyricsto "sopranoVocal" { \sopranoVoiceLV } }

%%% Alto
  \context Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2
                   \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
  \context Voice = "altoVocal" { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2
                   %%\set Staff.fontSize = #-4
                   %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
                   %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
                   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \bold
                                   \italic \with-color # blue "Voice; alt " }
                                             \VoiceColorBlue { \altoVoice } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"First." }
                               \lyricsto "altoVocal" { \altoVoiceLI } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Second." }
                               \lyricsto "altoVocal" { \altoVoiceLII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Third." }
                               \lyricsto "altoVocal" { \altoVoiceLIII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fourth." }
                               \lyricsto "altoVocal" { \altoVoiceLIV } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fifth." }
                               \lyricsto "altoVocal" { \altoVoiceLV } }

%% Tenor
  \context Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2
                   \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
  \context Voice = "tenorVocal" { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2
                   %%\set Staff.fontSize = #-4
                   %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
                   %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
                   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \bold
                                  \italic \with-color # blue "Voice; ten " }
                                          \VoiceColorBlue { \tenorVoice  } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"First." }
                               \lyricsto "tenorVocal" { \tenorVoiceLI } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Second." }
                               \lyricsto "tenorVocal" { \tenorVoiceLII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Third." }
                               \lyricsto "tenorVocal" { \tenorVoiceLIII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fourth." }
                               \lyricsto "tenorVocal" { \tenorVoiceLIV } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainSL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fifth." }
                               \lyricsto "tenorVocal" { \tenorVoiceLV } }

%%%%%%% omit! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  \context Voice = "baritone" { \clef baritone \key c\major \time 3/2
%%                    \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \column {
%%                    \with-color #blue "baritone  "
%%                                  \tiny \with-color #blue "Solo; singer" } }
%%                                               \BaritoneSol { \baritone } }
%%  \new Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "baritone" { \baritoneL }

  \context Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2
                    \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
  \context Voice = "bassVocal" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2
                   %%\set Staff.fontSize = #-4
                   %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
                   %%\override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
                   \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \bold
                                  \italic \with-color # blue "Voice; bas " }
                                            \VoiceColorBlue { \bassVoice } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainBL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"First." }
                               \lyricsto "bassVocal" { \bassVoiceLI } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainBL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Second." }
                               \lyricsto "bassVocal" { \bassVoiceLII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainBL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Third." }
                               \lyricsto "bassVocal" { \bassVoiceLIII } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainBL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fourth." }
                               \lyricsto "bassVocal" { \bassVoiceLIV } }
  \new Lyrics = "mainBL" {
    \set vocalName = \markup { \italic \teeny \with-color #blue #"Fifth." }
                               \lyricsto "bassVocal" { \bassVoiceLV } }

  \layout {
     \context { %% \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
                %% \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
%% get midi music --------------------------------------------------
\score {
  %% \unfoldRepeats \articulate
  \context Staff { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                                  \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }
  \context Staff { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                             \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoVoiceM }

  \context Staff { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                               \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }
  \context Staff { \clef alto \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                          \unfoldRepeats          \altoVoiceM }

  \context Staff { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                                   \unfoldRepeats       \tenor }
  \context Staff { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                             \unfoldRepeats       \tenorVoiceM }
%%%%%%% omit! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%  \context Staff { \clef baritone \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
%%                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
%%                                  \unfoldRepeats       \baritoneM }

   \context Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                                \unfoldRepeats          \bassM }
   \context Staff { \clef bass \key c\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 20
                      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
                           \unfoldRepeats          \bassVoiceM }

   \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 20 4) }
%% \markup { " " }
%%\pageBreak %% since, Even-Page.
%% \markup { \null }
\markup { \vspace #3 " " }
\markup { \column { \line {
About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa)
\hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) }
\line { \hspace #4 \italic
"Please, Breath of longa and breve do in the members alternating
(But, like Don't stand out). " } } }
\markup { \vspace #.5 }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \line {
At location \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata", \hspace #1
\italic " Always, please look at the conductor(or baton). " } }
\markup { \vspace #1 }
%% \markup { \bold "About location \"Additional performance\" " }
%% \markup { \hspace #4 \tiny \italic
%%           "Instrument performance; Do not break each part!"
%%           \tiny "(Play freely in each part.)" }
\markup { " " }
}%% end bookpart II
\bookpart{ %% III wrting of attention And out of source code
\markup { \vspace #4 }
\markup { \hspace #26 \huge "INSTRUMENT RANGES" }
\markup { \hspace #8 \italic "About;" \teeny\italic
"Some of Instruments; there is a difference between
writing-note and real-note."
\italic "for instance:" }
\markup { \hspace #8 \column { \line { \bold %%
           "WOODWINDS; Piccolo(in C)"--\tiny "like this"-- }
\line { \score { { \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/1
 d'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 g'''1 s1 \bar"||"
 s2 d''1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave higher" }
 s1  g''''1 s2 | \break
\layout { \context { \Staff
        \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t
        \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t }
           indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
                 } }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { \hspace #8 \column {
\line { \hspace #18.4 \bold "Bass Flute"--\tiny "like this"-- }
\line { \score { {
\clef treble \key c\major \time 4/1
c'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 a'''1 s1 \bar"||"
\clef bass s2 c1_\markup {
\hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave lower" }
s1 \clef treble a''1 s2| \break
\layout { \context { \Staff
  \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t
  \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t }
   indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
         } }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #6 }
\markup { \fill-with-pattern #2 #CENTER - \null \null }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \hspace #20 \magnify #2 {
 Stage Position;\tiny \italic "(This arrangement--with the instrument needles column below--)" } }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \hspace #26 \column { \line { About the Chorus; \teeny \italic "(For instsnce")}
\line { \hspace # 18 \rounded-box {Bass}\hspace #2 \rounded-box {Tenor}\hspace #2 \rounded-box {Alto}\hspace #2
\rounded-box{Soprano} } \teeny \italic " since, They must be reverse for Instrument's arrangement " } }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { \italic " About Position of Sololist is placed freely(on the stage) " }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { About Instrument arrangement;\teeny \italic "(must be reverse for Chours's position)" }
\markup { \hspace # 20 \rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Soprano " "   Group "} }\hspace #3
\rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Alto " "   Group "} }\hspace #3
\rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Tenor " "   Group "} }\hspace #3
\rounded-box { \column { \huge " Instruments " "   Bass " "   Group "} } }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { \hspace #56 \huge " Conductor " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #1 }
\markup { \fill-with-pattern #2 #CENTER - \null \null }
\markup { \vspace #2 }
\markup { ........... Audience seats ........... }
\markup { \vspace #4 }
\markup { \teeny { \column { \bold \italic
"If you can do it, please running on;"
\line { \wordwrap {
As it is the lighting of the audience's Seats(Do not turn off even when the play began). \hspace #2 \italic "When play began, lighting the stage (rather than the audience's) more brightly."}}}}}
\markup { "   " }
%% eps-part -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% C:\Program Files (x86)\LilyPond\usr\share\ghostscript\8.70\Resource\Init\
%% Fontmap.GS // Not!! [Windows--ghostscript]
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%%%% Needn't Surce code's Title-String for texi-document.
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\line { As all;\hspace #2 See! (HTML) @menu }
"" } } }
}}%% end bokkpart III, End book
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% exclude. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%% \markup { \column { "Name; emmanuel.y"                  %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"" } }            %%%%
%%%%%  \markup { \column { "Name;"             %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"" } }         %%%%
%%%%%  \markup { \column { "Name; run--makeinfo-svg.cmd"      %%%%
%%%%%            \verbatim-file #"run--makeinfo-svg.cmd" } }  %%%%

Next: , Previous: , Up: Top

%% 4:08 AM Tuesday, March 21, 2023
%% Yukio $ convert-ly -e
%% Part Vocal;; Start: \hide Staff.BarLine
%%              End: \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break
%%              Don't forget!   \context StaffGroup << 
%% If you want to change of color, then do see! in
%% "define-grobs.scm"(lilypond's system file)
\version "2.24.0"
%% This is system-files and for midi's effect
\include "" %% But here isn't use. See----> midi block
%% for sheet-music
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
VoiceColorBlue = {
                   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.Clef.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.KeySignature.color = #blue
                   \override Staff.BarLine.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.NoteHead.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Rest.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Stem.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Flag.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Beam.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Slur.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.PhrasingSlur.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Tie.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Dots.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Script.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.Accidental.color = #blue
                   %% \override Voice.TrillPitchAccidental.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.TrillSpanner.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.DynamicLineSpanner.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.DynamicText.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.DynamicTextSpanner.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.TupletNumber.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.TupletBracket.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.BreathingSign.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.PercentRepeat.color = #blue
                   \override Voice.RepeatSlash.color = #blue
VoiceColorBlueRevert = {
                   \revert Voice.NoteHead.color
                   \revert Voice.Rest.color
                   \revert Voice.Stem.color
                   \revert Voice.Flag.color
                   \revert Voice.Beam.color
                   \revert Voice.Slur.color
                   \revert Voice.PhrasingSlur.color
                   \revert Voice.Tie.color
                   \revert Voice.Dots.color
                   \revert Voice.Script.color
                   \revert Voice.Accidental.color
                   \revert Voice.TrillSpanner.color
                   \revert Voice.DynamicLineSpanner.color
                   \revert Voice.DynamicTextSpanner.color
                   \revert Voice.DynamicText.color
                   \revert Voice.TupletNumber.color
                   \revert Voice.TupletBracket.color
                   \revert Voice.BreathingSign.color
                   \revert Voice.BreathingSign.color
                   \revert Voice.PercentRepeat.color
                   \revert Voice.RepeatSlash.color

\paper {
        %%  ragged-last-bottom = ##f

%%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
sopranoVoice = { \hide Staff.BarLine
    \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   r4. c'4. d'4 r16 d'4 e'4.. c'4 d'8( e' f') g'( a' b') c''2 r4
   f'2 | \noBreak e'2\startTrillSpan d'2\stopTrillSpan c'2 e'2
   g'2-.\(\startTrillSpan g'-. g'2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 | \break
%% 3-4
   r8 c''2 b'2 a'2 g'2. g'4. f'4\startTrillSpan
   e' d'2\stopTrillSpan c'4 | \noBreak
   e'2 g' g'4.. b'2. c''4. a'8( f') d''1 r8.^\fermata | \break
%% 5-6
   b'4\melisma a'16  b' c'' d'' e''\melismaEnd f''4. r16
   f'4\melisma e'16  f' g' a' b'\melismaEnd c''4. r8^\fermata
   e''2 f'' d'' c''4. r16 |
   a'2 g'2 a' g'4. a' g'2 f'2 e'2 r4 } | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 f'1...\melisma e'8\melismaEnd e'1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 e'1 s2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

sopranoVoiceLI = \lyricmode {
\override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"I.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni Em -- ma -- nu -- el!
Cap -- ti -- vum sol -- ve Is -- ra -- el!
Qui ge -- mit in e -- xi -- li -- o,
Pri -- va -- tus De -- i Fi -- li -- o,
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

sopranoVoiceLII = \lyricmode {
\override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"II.    " }
Ve -- ni o Jes -- se vir -- gu -- la!
Ex ho -- stis tu -- os un -- gu -- la,
De spe -- cu tu -- os tar -- ta -- ri
E -- duc, et an -- tro ba -- ra -- thri.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

sopranoVoiceLIII = \lyricmode {
\override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"III.   " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni o o -- ri -- ens!
So -- la -- re nos ad -- ve -- ni -- ens,
No -- ctis de -- pel -- le ne -- bu -- las,
Di -- ras -- que no -- ctis te -- ne -- bras.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

sopranoVoiceLIV = \lyricmode {
\override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"IV.    " }
Ve -- ni cla -- vis Da -- vi -- di -- ca!
Re -- gna re -- clu -- de co -- eli -- ca,
Fac i -- ter Tu -- tum su -- per -- um,
Et cla -- ude vi -- as Inf -- er -- um.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

sopranoVoiceLV = \lyricmode {
\override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"V.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni A -- do -- na -- i!
Qui po -- pu -- lo in Si -- na -- i
Le -- gem de -- di -- sti ver -- ti -- ce,
In ma -- je -- sta -- te glo -- ri -- ae.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el.

A -- men.

sopranoVoiceM = {
    \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   r4. c'4. d'4 r16 d'4 e'4.. c'4 d'8( e' f') g'( a' b') c''2 r4
   f'2 | \noBreak e'2\startTrillSpan d'2\stopTrillSpan c'2 e'2
   g'2-.\(\startTrillSpan g'-. g'2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 %% | \break
%% 3-4
   r8 c''2 b'2 a'2 g'2. g'4. f'4\startTrillSpan
   e' d'2\stopTrillSpan c'4 %% | \noBreak
   e'2 g' g'4.. b'2. c''4. a'8( f') d''1 r8.^\fermata %% | \break
%% 5-6
   b'4\melisma a'16  b' c'' d'' e''\melismaEnd f''4. r16
   f'4\melisma e'16  f' g' a' b'\melismaEnd c''4. r8^\fermata
   e''2 f'' d'' c''4. r16 %% |
   a'2 g'2 a' g'4. a' g'2 f'2 e'2 r4 } %% | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 f'1...\melisma e'8\melismaEnd e'1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 e'1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% Instruments part
soprano = {
    \partial 2 r2^\fermata
                 ^\markup { \hspace #10 \bold \large \italic \lower #8 {
     "Instrument performance of each part is freedom and improvisation." } } |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   s\longa^\markup { \hspace #16 \column { " " " " " "
     \bold \large \italic {
     "Instrument performance of each part is freedom and improvisation." }
     " " } } | s\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   s\longa^\markup { \hspace #16 \column { " " " " " "
     \bold \large \italic {
     "Instrument performance of each part is freedom and improvisation." }
     " " } } | s\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   s\longa^\markup { \hspace #16 \column { " " " " " "
     \bold \large \italic {
     "Instrument performance of each part is freedom and improvisation." }
     " " } } | \time 3/2 s1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end Soprano sheet.
sopranoM = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   r\longa | r\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   r\longa | \time 3/2 r1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end soprano-midi.
%%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
altoVoice = { \hide Staff.BarLine 
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   r4 f4. g4 r16 g4 a4.. f4 g8( a b) c'( d' e') f'2 r4.
   b2 | \noBreak a2\startTrillSpan g2\stopTrillSpan f2 a2
   c'2-.\(\startTrillSpan c'-. c'2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 | \break
%% 3-4
   f'2 e'4. d' c'1 c'4. d'4\startTrillSpan
   e' f'2\stopTrillSpan g'4. | \noBreak
   e'2 c' c'4. e'2. g4. b8( d') f1 r4^\fermata | \break
%% 5-6
   e'4\melisma d'16  e' f' g' a'\melismaEnd b'4. r16
   b4\melisma a16 b c' d' e'\melismaEnd f'4. r8^\fermata
   a'2 b' g' d'4. r16 |
   d'2 c'2 d' c'4. d' c'2 b2 a2 r4 } | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 b1...\melisma a8\melismaEnd a1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 a1 s2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

altoVoiceLI = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"I.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni Em -- ma -- nu -- el!
Cap -- ti -- vum sol -- ve Is -- ra -- el!
Qui ge -- mit in e -- xi -- li -- o,
Pri -- va -- tus De -- i Fi -- li -- o,
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

altoVoiceLII = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"II.    " }
Ve -- ni o Jes -- se vir -- gu -- la!
Ex ho -- stis tu -- os un -- gu -- la,
De spe -- cu tu -- os tar -- ta -- ri
E -- duc, et an -- tro ba -- ra -- thri.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

altoVoiceLIII = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"III.   " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni o o -- ri -- ens!
So -- la -- re nos ad -- ve -- ni -- ens,
No -- ctis de -- pel -- le ne -- bu -- las,
Di -- ras -- que no -- ctis te -- ne -- bras.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

altoVoiceLIV = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"IV.    " }
Ve -- ni cla -- vis Da -- vi -- di -- ca!
Re -- gna re -- clu -- de co -- eli -- ca,
Fac i -- ter Tu -- tum su -- per -- um,
Et cla -- ude vi -- as Inf -- er -- um.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

altoVoiceLV = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"V.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni A -- do -- na -- i!
Qui po -- pu -- lo in Si -- na -- i
Le -- gem de -- di -- sti ver -- ti -- ce,
In ma -- je -- sta -- te glo -- ri -- ae.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el.

A -- men

altoVoiceM = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   r4 f4. g4 r16 g4 a4.. f4 g8( a b) c'( d' e') f'2  r4.
   b2 | \noBreak a2\startTrillSpan g2\stopTrillSpan f2 a2
   c'2-.\(\startTrillSpan c'-. c'2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 %% | \break
%% 3-4
   f'2 e'4. d' c'1 c'4. d'4\startTrillSpan
   e' f'2\stopTrillSpan g'4. %% | \noBreak
   e'2 c' c'4. e'2. g4. b8( d') f1 r4^\fermata %% | \break
%% 5-6
   e'4\melisma d'16  e' f' g' a'\melismaEnd b'4. r16
   b4\melisma a16 b c' d' e'\melismaEnd f'4. r8^\fermata
   a'2 b' g' d'4. r16 %% |
   d'2 c'2 d' c'4. d' c'2 b2 a2 r4 } %% | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 b1...\melisma a8\melismaEnd a1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 a1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% Instruments
alto = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   s\longa | s\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   s\longa | \time 3/2 s1 s2 \bar "|." \break

altoM = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   r\longa | r\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   r\longa | \time 3/2 r1 r2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end alto-midi
%%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
tenorVoice = { \hide Staff.BarLine
    \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   r8 d4. e4 r16 d4 f4.. d4 e8( f g) a( b c') d'2 r2
   g2 | \noBreak f2\startTrillSpan e2\stopTrillSpan d2 f2
   a2-.\(\startTrillSpan a-. a2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 | \break
%% 3-4
   r8 f'2 e'2 d' c'2. a4. g4\startTrillSpan
  f e2\stopTrillSpan d4 | \noBreak
   f2 a a4.. c'2. d'4. b8( g) e'1 r8.^\fermata | \break
%% 5-6
   a4\melisma g16  a b c' d'\melismaEnd e4. r16
   e4\melisma d16 e f g a\melismaEnd b4. r8^\fermata
   d'2 e' c' g4. r16 |
   g2 f2 g f4. g f2 e2 d2 r4 } | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 g1...\melisma f8\melismaEnd f1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 f1 s2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

tenorVoiceLI = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"I.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni Em -- ma -- nu -- el!
Cap -- ti -- vum sol -- ve Is -- ra -- el!
Qui ge -- mit in e -- xi -- li -- o,
Pri -- va -- tus De -- i Fi -- li -- o,
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

tenorVoiceLII = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #blue #"II.    " }
Ve -- ni o Jes -- se vir -- gu -- la!
Ex ho -- stis tu -- os un -- gu -- la,
De spe -- cu tu -- os tar -- ta -- ri
E -- duc, et an -- tro ba -- ra -- thri.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

tenorVoiceLIII = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #blue #"III.   " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni o o -- ri -- ens!
So -- la -- re nos ad -- ve -- ni -- ens,
No -- ctis de -- pel -- le ne -- bu -- las,
Di -- ras -- que no -- ctis te -- ne -- bras.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

tenorVoiceLIV = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #blue #"IV.    " }
Ve -- ni cla -- vis Da -- vi -- di -- ca!
Re -- gna re -- clu -- de co -- eli -- ca,
Fac i -- ter Tu -- tum su -- per -- um,
Et cla -- ude vi -- as Inf -- er -- um.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

tenorVoiceLV = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #blue #"V.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni A -- do -- na -- i!
Qui po -- pu -- lo in Si -- na -- i
Le -- gem de -- di -- sti ver -- ti -- ce,
In ma -- je -- sta -- te glo -- ri -- ae.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el.

A -- men

tenorVoiceM = {
    \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   r8 d4. e4 r16 d4 f4.. d4 e8( f g) a( b c') d'2  r2
   g2 | \noBreak f2\startTrillSpan e2\stopTrillSpan d2 f2
   a2-.\(\startTrillSpan a-. a2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 %% | \break
%% 3-4
   r8 f'2 e'2 d' c'2. a4. g4\startTrillSpan
   f e2\stopTrillSpan d4 %% | \noBreak
   f2 a a4.. c'2. d'4. b8( g) e'1 r8.^\fermata %% | \break
%% 5-6
   a4\melisma g16  a b c' d'\melismaEnd e4. r16
   e4\melisma d16 e f g a\melismaEnd b4. r8^\fermata
   d'2 e' c' g4. r16 %% |
   g2 f2 g f4. g f2 e2 d2 r4 } %% | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 g1...\melisma f8\melismaEnd f1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 f1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% Instruments
tenor = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   s\longa | s\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   s\longa | \time 3/2 s1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end tenor sheet.
tenorM = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   r\longa | r\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   r\longa | \time 3/2 r1 r2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end tenor-midi
%%%%%% omit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%% baritone part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% baritone = {
%%      \autoBeamOff
%%    \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% %% 1-2
%%    \time 4/1
%% }
%% %%%  end baritone sheet
%% %%%
%% baritoneL = \lyricmode {
%%     \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
%%     \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
%%     \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
%%     \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%%     \teeny
%% }
%% baritoneM = {
%%      \autoBeamOff
%%    \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% %% 1-2
%%    \time 4/1
%% }
%% %%% end baritone midi
%%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bassVoice = { \hide Staff.BarLine
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   g,4. a,4 r16 g,4 b,4.. g,4 a,8( b, c) d( e f) g2 r8 r2
   c2 | \noBreak b,2\startTrillSpan a,2\stopTrillSpan g,2 b,2
   d2-.\(\startTrillSpan d-. d2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 | \break
%% 3-4
   b2 a4. g f1 f4. g4\startTrillSpan
   a b2\stopTrillSpan c'4. | \noBreak
   a2 f f4. a2. c4. e8( g) b,1 r4^\fermata | \break
%% 5-6
   d4\melisma c16 d e f g\melismaEnd a,4. r16
   a,4\melisma g,16 a, b, c d\melismaEnd e4. r8^\fermata
   g2 a f c4. r16 |
   c2 b,2 c b,4. c b,2 a,2 g,2 r4 } | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 c1...\melisma b,8\melismaEnd b,1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 b,1 s2 \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

bassVoiceLI = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"I.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni Em -- ma -- nu -- el!
Cap -- ti -- vum sol -- ve Is -- ra -- el!
Qui ge -- mit in e -- xi -- li -- o,
Pri -- va -- tus De -- i Fi -- li -- o,
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

bassVoiceLII = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"II.    " }
Ve -- ni o Jes -- se vir -- gu -- la!
Ex ho -- stis tu -- os un -- gu -- la,
De spe -- cu tu -- os tar -- ta -- ri
E -- duc, et an -- tro ba -- ra -- thri.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

bassVoiceLIII = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"III.   " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni o o -- ri -- ens!
So -- la -- re nos ad -- ve -- ni -- ens,
No -- ctis de -- pel -- le ne -- bu -- las,
Di -- ras -- que no -- ctis te -- ne -- bras.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

bassVoiceLIV = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"IV.    " }
Ve -- ni cla -- vis Da -- vi -- di -- ca!
Re -- gna re -- clu -- de co -- eli -- ca,
Fac i -- ter Tu -- tum su -- per -- um,
Et cla -- ude vi -- as Inf -- er -- um.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el. }

bassVoiceLV = \lyricmode {
    \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
    \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
%% \set stanza = \markup { \with-color #blue #"V.     " }
Ve -- ni, ve -- ni A -- do -- na -- i!
Qui po -- pu -- lo in Si -- na -- i
Le -- gem de -- di -- sti ver -- ti -- ce,
In ma -- je -- sta -- te glo -- ri -- ae.
Gau -- de, gau -- de, Em -- ma -- nu -- el
na -- sce -- tur pro te, Is -- ra -- el.

A -- men

bassVoiceM = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
   g,4. a,4 r16 g,4 b,4.. g,4 a,8( b, c) d( e f) g2 r8 r2
   c2 | \noBreak b,2\startTrillSpan a,2\stopTrillSpan g,2 b,2
   d2-.\(\startTrillSpan d-. d2.-.\)\stopTrillSpan r4 %% | \break
%% 3-4
   b2 a4. g f1 f4. g4\startTrillSpan
   a b2\stopTrillSpan c'4. %% | \noBreak
   a2 f f4. a2. c4. e8( g) b,1 r4^\fermata %% | \break
%% 5-6
   d4\melisma c16 d e f g\melismaEnd a,4. r16
   a,4\melisma g,16 a, b, c d\melismaEnd e4. r8^\fermata
   g2 a f c4. r16 %% |
   c2 b,2 c b,4. c b,2 a,2 g,2 r4 } %% | \break
%% 7-8
   r2 c1...\melisma b,8\melismaEnd b,1. ~ |
   \time 3/2 b,1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% Instruments
bass = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   s\longa | s\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   s\longa | s\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   s\longa | \time 3/2 s1 s2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end bass-sheet
bassM = {
   \partial 2 r2^\fermata |
%% 1-2
   \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 3-4
   r\longa | r\longa | \break
%% 5-6
   r\longa | r\longa } | \break
%% 7-8
   r\longa | \time 3/2 r1 r2 \bar "|." \break
%%% end bass-midi
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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%% 1:57 AM Tuesday, January 30, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida.
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<span  style="font-size: 40px;"><b>Emmanuel</b></spam>
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<b>Normally; Windows & Linux</b> "[Prompt] <tt>lilypond --pdf --png</tt>[Enter]"<br />
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* emmanuel::                     --- Music Sheet:                       Music Sheet.
*                 --- Source code framework:
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* emmanuel.texi::              --- Source code document:       emmanuel.texi.
* run--makeinfo::           --- Source code run-file:           run--makeinfo.
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<a href="emmanuel.midi">emmanuel.midi</a>(//The one below is mp3//)&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="emmanuel.pdf">emmanuel.pdf</a>
&#149;&#160;<a href="emmanuel.tar.gz">emmanuel.tar.gz</a>&#160;(All-files;&lt;9,600bytes)<br />
<audio src="emmanuel.mp3" controls>
Download <a href="emmanuel.mp3">episode 42 Learnung to love HTML5</a>
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<img src="emmanuel-4.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
<hr style="width:68%; height:4px;" />
<img src="emmanuel-5.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
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<img src="emmanuel-6.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
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<b><i>Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).</i></b><br />
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Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).
rm -r html
lilypond --pdf --png $
lilypond --svg $
makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mkdir html
mv *.svg html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv $1-page1.png html/
mv *.midi html/
mv *.html html/
cd html
xdg-open $1.pdf | xdg-open $1.midi | explorer.exe $1.html
cd ../
rm *.eps *.png
ls -lX

    This is under the following environment.
    Linux[on WSL(windows11)]  —(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or (GNU/Linux x86_64)—