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Let me die

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let-me-die.midi(//The one below is mp3//)           let-me-die.pdf          • let-me-die.tar.gz (All-files;<6,100bytes)

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Music Sheet


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%% 12:00 AM Friday, July 14, 2023
%% Yukio Yoshida.
%% gswin64c -sDEVICE=eps2write -sOutputFile=neame.eps -dNOPAUSE -c quit
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\markup { From(Refer); \smallCaps{Monteverdi Edition} No.6 }
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          \line { \tiny
           \column {%% Italian(Venezia)
\line { \italic \bold "Lasciatemi morire;" }
\line { \vspace #.2 }
\line { \italic "e che volete voi che mi conforte" }
\line { \italic "in così dura sorte" }
\line { \italic "in così gran martire?" }
\hspace #6
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           \line { \tiny
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\line { \italic \bold "Let me die;" }
\line { \vspace #.2 }
\line { \italic "Who would you have console me" }
\line { \italic "in this cruel fate" }
\line { \italic "in this great martyrdom?" }
\hspace #6
   \column {
           \line { \tiny
            \column {%% Japanese
\line { \override #'(font-name . "gothic") "この身を横たわらせて下さい;" }
\line { \vspace #.2 }
\line { "私へ慈悲をお持になれる方なら(主よ)" }
\line { "この過酷なる宿命が身を" }
\line { "この絶えまない苦痛が身を?" }
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 dedication = \markup { From; \smallCaps{Sesto Libro dei Madrigali} }
 title = "Let me die(Lasciatemi morire)"
 %%subtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))
 %%subtitle = \markup { Refer; \smallCaps{Monteverdi Edittion No.6} }
 subtitle = \markup { key bes major \italic "and" d major}
 subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column {
                   "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
                   "       bass; F clef on 4th line,    tenor; C clef on 4th line."}}
 composer = \markup{ \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"}}
 arranger = \markup { \column { "Jul. 08, 2011" "Op.62" } }
 poet = "Lasciatemi morire"
 %%opus = " "
 meter = \markup { \italic "Prayer and Animato" }
 copyright = "public Domain"
%%  tagline = "  "
%% get sheet music ---------------------------------------------------------------
\score {
%%           \context ChoirStaff = "ForePartStaffchorus" <<
        \context StaffGroup << 
           \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key bes\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL }

           \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key bes\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainAL" \lyricsto "alto" { \altoL }

           \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key d\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorL }

           \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
                        \new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL }

           %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" <<
           %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key \major \time
           %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoUP }
           %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key \major \time
           %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoDown }
           %%                                   >>


  \layout { }
%% get midi music ----------------------------------------------------------------
\score {
           \new Staff { \clef soprano \key bes\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }

           \new Staff { \clef alto \key bes\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }

           \new Staff { \clef tenor \key d\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats       \tenorM }

           \new Staff { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 46
                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
                                         \unfoldRepeats          \bassM }

           %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key \major \time \tempo 4 =
           %%             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
           %%                                \unfoldRepeats       \pianoUPm }
           %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key \major \time \tempo 4 =
           %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand"
           %%                                \unfoldRepeats     \pianoDownm }

   \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 46 4) }
\markup { \column { \line {
About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) }
\line { \italic " Please, playing of \"longa and breve\" do in the members alternating(But, like Don't stand out). " } } }
\markup { About \italic "\"me\""\hspace #2 normally;[mi]\hspace #2 \bold "strong;"[mi:] }
\markup { \vspace #4 }
\markup { " " }
}%% End \bookpart #2
}%% close \book {
%% ----- To here, Finish all. -----------------

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\version "2.24.0"
%%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
soprano = { \hide Staff.BarLine
   \autoBeamOff \slurDown \phrasingSlurDown \tieDown
%% 1-4
   f'1.\melisma | f'\melismaEnd | f'\melisma | f'\melismaEnd | \break
%% 5-8
   f'\melisma | f'2\melismaEnd d''1\(^\markup {
                            \tiny Soprno; \teeny \italic "sostenuto & Spiritoso" } |
   r4 d''1 r4 | d''1.\) | \break
%% 9-8
   r2 f'1\melisma | f'2\melismaEnd f'2.( g'4) | f'1( g'2) | r4 g'2 a'2. | \break
%% 13-16
   r4 a'4 bes'1 | bes'2(^\fermata a'1)^\fermata | g'4. f'8 ees'2 d' | c'1.| \break
%% 17-20
   c'2. d'4 ees'2 ~ | ees' bes' a'4 g'4( ~ |g' f') r8 f'4. f'2 |
   f' ees'1^\fermata | \break
%% 21-24
   d'8 r8 ees'2. f'2\( | ees'2\) r4 d'2.\( | d'2. c'2. ~ |
   c'2.\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   f'2 ees'4 r2. | f'4 ees'2.^\fermata r2 | f'2 ees'4 d'2.( | c'1) r2 | \break
   d'1. |
   \time 4/1 ees'\breve^\markup { \tiny \italic " Only; instruments " }\( d'\breve |
   c'\longa\) \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

sopranoL = \lyricmode {
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
ó -- ó -- ó --
" Let" me die;
ó --
Who, who, would you have console me
in this cru -- el fate,
Let me die; who would you have con -- sole me
in this gre -- at mar -- tyr -- dom?
Let me, let me, let me die,

sopranoM = {
%% 1-4
   f'1.\melisma | f'\melismaEnd | f'\melisma | f'\melismaEnd | \break
%% 5-8
   f'\melisma | f'2\melismaEnd d''1\( | r4 d''1 r4 | d''1.\) | \break
%% 9-12
    r2 f'1\melisma | f'2\melismaEnd f'2.( g'4) | f'1( g'2) | r4 g'2 a'2. | \break
%% 13-16
   r4 a'4 bes'1 | bes'2(^\fermata a'1)^\fermata | g'4. f'8 ees'2 d' | c'1.| \break
%% 17-20
   c'2. d'4 ees'2 ~ | ees' bes' a'4 g'4( ~ |g' f') r8 f'4. f'2 |
   f' ees'1^\fermata | \break
%% 21-24
   d'8 r8 ees'2. f'2\( | ees'2\) r4 d'2.\( | d'2. c'2. ~ |
   c'2.\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   f'2 ees'4 r2. | f'4 ees'2.^\fermata r2 | f'2 ees'4 d'2.( | c'1) r2 | \break
%% 29-31
   d'1. | \time 4/1 ees'\breve\( d'\breve | c'\longa\) \bar "|." \break

%%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
alto = { \hide Staff.BarLine
   \autoBeamOff \slurDown \phrasingSlurDown \tieDown
%% 1-4
   r4 ees'2 d'4.^\fermata r8 c'4 ~ | c'2. r2 d'4( ~ |
   d' c') c'4.^\fermata r8 bes2 ~ | bes ees'2 d'4.^\fermata r8 | \break
%% 5-8
   r4 bes2( a2.) | a1.\melisma | a\melismaEnd | a\melisma | \break
%% 9-12
   a\melismaEnd | a2( bes) a_( | bes) r4  a2. | bes1. | \break
%% 13-16
   bes4. r8 c'1 | c'2(^\fermata bes1)^\fermata | bes2 a8 a4. g2 | f1. | \break
%% 17-20
   f4. g2.^\fermata r8 a4 ~ | a2. bes4. c' | bes2.. r8 a2 | a g1^\fermata | \break
%% 21-24
   g2. r8 f8 g2\( | a2\) r8 g2..\( | a2( g8 f8) f2. ~ |
   f2.\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   r4 ees'4 d'2..^\fermata r8 | r4 ees'2. d'4 r4 | ees'4 d'2..^\fermata c'4.( |
   c'1) r2 | \break
%% 29-31
   d'1. |
   \time 4/1 ees'\breve^\markup { \tiny \italic " Only; instruments " }\( d'\breve |
   c'\longa\) \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

altoL = \lyricmode {
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
Let me die;
  Let me die; Let me die;
ó -- ó --
Who, who, would you have console me
in this cru -- el fate,
Let me die; who would you have console me
in this gre -- at mar -- tyr -- dom?
Let me, let me, let me die,

altoM = {
%% 1-4
   r4 ees'2 d'4.^\fermata r8 c'4 ~ | c'2. r2 d'4( ~ |
   d' c') c'4.^\fermata r8 bes2 ~ | bes ees'2 d'4.^\fermata r8 | \break
%% 5-8
   r4 bes2( a2.) | a1.\melisma | a\melismaEnd | a\melisma | \break
%% 9-12
   a\melismaEnd | a2( bes) a( | bes) r4 a2. | bes1. | \break
%% 13-16
   bes4. r8 c'1 | c'2(^\fermata bes1)^\fermata | bes2 a8 a4. g2 | f1. | \break
%% 17-20
   f4. g2.^\fermata r8 a4 ~ | a2. bes4. c' | bes2.. r8 a2 | a g1^\fermata | \break
%% 21-24
   g2. r8 f8 g2\( | a2\) r8 g2..\( | a2( g8 f8) f2. ~ |
   f2.\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   r4 ees'4 d'2..^\fermata r8 | r4 ees'2. d'4 r4 | ees'4 d'2..^\fermata c'4.( |
   c'1) r2 | \break
%% 29-31
   d'1. | \time 4/1 ees'\breve\( d'\breve | c'\longa\) \bar "|." \break

%%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
tenor = { \hide Staff.BarLine
   \autoBeamOff \slurDown \phrasingSlurDown \tieDown
%% 1-4
   r2 cis'2 b4.\fermata r8 | a2( g) r2 | r8 b2 a4 g2( fis8 ~ |
   fis4.) r2 cis'2 b8 ~ | \break
%% 5-8
   b8 g2( fis2..) | fis1.\melisma | fis\melismaEnd | fis\melisma | \break
%% 9-12
   fis\melismaEnd | fis2( g) fis( | g) r4 fis2. | g1. | \break
%% 13-16
   g4 a2 b2. | b2(^\fermata a1)^\fermata | a8. b8. r8 cis'1 | d'1. | \break
%% 17-20
   d'4 cis'2..\fermata r8 b4 ~ | b2. r2 a4 ~ | a4. g8 fis4\( e2.\) |
   d2 r1 | \break
%% 21-24
   d4 e2. r8 fis4.\( | fis2\) r2 g2\( | g2( e4) cis2.( |
   d2.)\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   r2. fis2 e4 | r2 fis4 e2.^\fermata | r2.. fis4. e4 | d1 r2 | \break
%% 29
   e1. |
   \time 4/1 fis\breve^\markup { \tiny \italic " Only; instruments " }\( e\breve |
   d\longa\) \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

tenorL = \lyricmode {
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
Let me die;
  Let me die; Let me die;
ú -- ú --
Who, who, would you have con -- sole me
in this cruel fate,
Let me die; in this cru -- el fate,
in this gre -- at mar -- tyr -- dom?
Let me, let me, let me die,

tenorM = {
%% 1-4
   r2 cis'2 b4.\fermata r8 | a2( g) r2 | r8 b2 a4 g2( fis8 ~ |
   fis4.) r2 cis'2 b8 ~ | \break
%% 5-8
    b8 g2( fis2..) | fis1.\melisma | fis\melismaEnd | fis\melisma | \break
%% 9-12
    fis\melismaEnd | fis2( g) fis2(  | g) r4 fis2. | g1. | \break
%% 13-16
    g4 a2 b2. | b2(^\fermata a1)^\fermata | a8. b8. r8 cis'1 | d'1. | \break
%% 17-20
    d'4 cis'2..^\fermata r8 b4 ~ | b2. r2 a4 ~ | a4. g8 fis4\( e2.\) |
    d2 r1 | \break
%% 21-24
   d4 e2. r8 fis4.\( | fis2\) r2 g2\( | g2( e4) cis2.( |
   d2.)\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   r2. fis2 e4 | r2 fis4 e2.^\fermata | r2.. fis4. e4 | d1 r2 | \break
%% 29
   e1. | \time 4/1 fis\breve\( e\breve | d\longa\) \bar "|." \break

%%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bass = { \hide Staff.BarLine
   \autoBeamOff \slurDown \phrasingSlurDown \tieDown
%% 1-4
   fis2 e4.^\fermata r8 d2( | cis2) r2 e2 ~ | e4 d4 b,1 |
   r2 fis2. e4 | \break
%% 5-8
   cis2( b,2.) r4 | r4 b,1( cis4 ~ | cis) r4 b,1( | cis2) r4  b,2. ~ | \break
%% 9-12
   b,2. cis2.( | d2.) d2.\melisma | d1.\melismaEnd | cis4 d2 e2. | \break
%% 13-16
   cis4 d2 e2. | e2(^\fermata d1)^\fermata | r8 d8. e fis4 g2. | a1. | \break
%% 17-20
   a2 g4 r4 fis2 ~ | fis2 r4 e2. | d4 cis2 b,2. | b,2 r1 | \break
%% 21-24
   b,2 r4 cis4 r8 d4.\( | d2\) r2. e4\(( | fis) e( d cis) b,2( |
   cis2.)\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   r4. e4 d2..^\fermata | r4. e2.. d4 | r4. e4 d2..^\fermata |
   cis1 r2 | \break
%% 29-31
   d1. |
   \time 4/1 e\breve^\markup { \tiny \italic " Only; instruments " }\( d\breve |
   cis\longa\) \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break

bassL = \lyricmode {
    \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
Let me die;
  Let me die; Let me die;
Who, who, would you, ú --
                         have con -- sole,
                             have con -- sole,
in this cru -- el fate,
Let me die; in this cru -- el fate,
in this gre -- at mar -- tyr -- dom?
Let me, let me, let me die,

bassM = {
%% 1-4
   fis2 e4.^\fermata r8 d2( | cis2) r2 e2 ~ | e4 d4 b,1 |
   r2 fis2. e4 | \break
%% 5-
   cis2( b,2.) r4 | r4 b,1( cis4 ~ | cis) r4 b,1( | cis2) r4  b,2. ~ | \break
%% 9-12
   b,2. cis2.( | d2.) d2.\melisma | d1.\melismaEnd | cis4 d2 e2. | \break
%% 13-16
   cis4 d2 e2. | e2(^\fermata d1)^\fermata | r8 d8. e fis4 g2. | a1. | \break
%% 17-20
   a2 g4 r4 fis2 ~ | fis2 r4 e2. | d4 cis2 b,2. | b,2 r1 | \break
%% 21-24
   b,2 r4 cis4 r8 d4.\( | d2\) r2. e4\(( | fis) e( d cis) b,2( |
   cis2.)\)^\fermata r2.^\fermata | \break
%% 25-28
   r4. e4 d2..^\fermata | r4. e2.. d4 | r4. e4 d2..^\fermata |
   cis1 r2 | \break
%% 29-31
   d1. | \time 4/1 e\breve\( d\breve | cis\longa\) \bar "|." \break

%%%%%%%%%% midi music code part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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%% 6:28 AM Thursday, January 25, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida.
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<p align = "center">
<span  style="font-size: 40px;"><b>Let me die</b></spam>
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* Music Sheet::                      --- Music Sheet:                       Music Sheet.
*                     --- Source code framework:
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* let-me-die.texi::                  --- Source code document:       let-me-die.texi.
* run--makeinfo::                  --- Source code run-file:           run--makeinfo.
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<a href="let-me-die.midi">let-me-die.midi</a>(//The one below is mp3//)&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="let-me-die.pdf">let-me-die.pdf</a>
&#149;&#160;<a href="let-me-die.tar.gz">let-me-die.tar.gz</a>&#160;(All-files;&lt;6,100bytes)<br />
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rm -r html
lilypond --pdf --png $
lilypond --svg $
makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mkdir html
mv *.svg html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv $1-page1.png html/
mv *.midi html/
mv *.html html/
cd html
xdg-open $1.pdf | xdg-open $1.midi | explorer.exe $1.html
cd ../
rm *.eps *.png
ls -lX

    This is under the following environment.
    Linux[on WSL(windows11)]  —(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64) or (GNU/Linux x86_64)—