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Music Sheet

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%%  3:28 AM Tuesday, April 18, 2023
%% Yukio Yoshida
\version "2.24.1"
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
\header {
  dedication = \markup { \column { " " " " "Wordless Poem" " " } }
  title = "The autumn dusk of Pisa"
  subtitle = "at Pisa city"
  subsubtile = \markup \center-column {
                   "bass; F clef on 4th line."
                   "treble; G clef on 2th line." }
  composer = \markup { \italic "yukio yoshida" }
  arranger = \markup{\tiny "No.26(Nov. 15, 2007)"}
copyright = "public Domain"
%% tagline = " "

bass = {
      \partial 4 cis4_\pp^\markup{\italic "cello I, II" } |
      e8[_\mf fis] r[ g] e1 | cis8[ d] r[ e] cis1 | d8[ e] r[ fis] d1 |
      b,8[ cis] r[ d] cis1 | e8[ fis] r[ e] d1 |
      \repeat volta 2 { r4 fis4. g2 e8[ d cis] } |
      fis2.^\markup {\italic "cello I" } g8[ a] cis'2 |
      \clef treble
      r8[^\markup{\italic "cello I,II" } fis' a'] b'4. cis''2. |
      \repeat volta 3 { fis'8[ e'] a'4 g'8[ fis'] e'2. |
      a'8[ g'] cis''4 b'8[ a'] g'2.~ |
     g'2^\markup {\italic "cello I" } a'8[ b' cis''] fis'2~ fis'8 |
     e'8^\markup{\italic "cello I,II" }[ fis' g'] cis''1 r8 |
     \clef bass fis8[ e d] cis4. d8[ cis b,] r8^\markup {\italic "cello I" } g,4 |
     e,2. b,8[ a, g,] r8 e,4~ | e,1.^\fermata | }
     R1. |
     \clef treble e'8^\markup{\italic "cello I,II" }[ fis' g'] cis''1 r8 |
     \clef bass e8[ d cis] b,4. cis8[ b, a,] r8 fis,4 |
     d,2. a,8[ g, fis,] r4. | d,1.^\fermata \bar "|."

bassM = {
      \partial 4 cis4_\pp |
      e8[^\mf fis] r[ g] e1 | cis8[ d] r[ e] cis1 | d8[ e] r[ fis] d1 |
      b,8[ cis] r[ d] cis1 | e8[ fis] r[ e] d1 |
      \repeat volta 2 { r4 fis4. g2 e8[ d cis] } |
      R1. |
      \clef treble d'8[ fis' a'] b'4. cis''2. |
      \repeat volta 3 { fis'8[ e'] a'4 g'8[ fis'] e'2. |
      a'8[ g'] cis''4 b'8[ a'] g'2. |
     R1. |
     a'8[ b' cis''] fis''1 r8 |
     \clef bass fis8[ e d] cis4. d8[ cis b,] r4.~ | R1. * 2 | }
     R1. |
     \clef treble e'8 [ fis' g'] cis''1 r8 |
     \clef bass e8[ d cis] b,4. cis8[ b, a,] r8 fis,4 |
     d,2. a,8[ g, fis,] r4. | d,1.^\fermata \bar "|."

pianoUP = {
     \partial 4 r4 | R1. * 5 |
     \repeat volta 2 { R1. } |
     fis''4. d''8[ cis'' b'] a'2. |
     g''4. e''8[ d'' cis''] b'2. |
     \repeat volta 3 { fis''4. e''8[ d'' cis''] b'2. |
     g''4. e''8[ d'' cis''] b'2.  |
     g''8[ fis'' e''] r8 fis''1 | fis''8[ e'' d''] r8 e''1 | R1. * 2 |
     r1 fis''8[ e''] b'4 | }
     fis'1.^\fermata | fis''4. d''8[ cis'' b'] a'2. |
     g''8[ fis'' e''] r8 fis''1 | fis''8[ e'' d''] r8 e''1 |
     fis'1.^\fermata \bar "|."

pianoDown = {
      \partial 4 cis4_\f |
      e8^\mf fis4 e1 r8 | cis8[ d] cis1 r4 | d8[ e] d1 r4 |
      b,8[ cis] cis1 r4 | e8[ fis] d1 r4 |
      \repeat volta 2{ fis1 r4 cis8[ b,] } |
      R1. *2 | \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 2 |
      <d a,>1. | <cis g,>1. | R1. * 3 | }
      <fis, cis>1.^\fermata | <d a,>1. | <cis g,>1. | <d a,>1. |
      <fis, cis>1.^\fermata \bar "|."

%% get sheet music --------------------------------------------------------
\score {
           \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
           \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
              \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {\tiny "cello 1, 11 "}  \bass }

         \context PianoStaff
             %% \with { \override VerticalAlignment.forced-distance = #6 }
         \context Voice = "upper" \new Voice { \clef treble \key d\major \time 3/2
           \set Staff.fontSize = #-3
                   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
                   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -3)
           \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup {\column{" " " " "piano  "}}
                                                                       \pianoUP }

         \context Voice = "lower" \new Voice { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
           \set Staff.fontSize = #-3
                   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -3)
                   \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -3)
                                                                      \pianoDown }

  \layout { }

%% get midi music --------------------------------------------------------
\score {
           \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
           \new Staff = "bass" { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "cello" \unfoldRepeats   \bass }

           \new Staff = "bass" { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "cello" \unfoldRepeats   \bassM }

         \context PianoStaff
         \context Staff = "upper" \new Voice { \clef treble \key d\major \time 3/2
           \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"  \unfoldRepeats  \pianoUP }

         \context Staff = "lower" \new Voice { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
           \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"  \unfoldRepeats \pianoDown }

  \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 48 4) }

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%% 12:50 PM Friday, January 19, 2024
%% Yukio Yoshida
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<p align = "center">
<span  style="font-size: 40px;"><b>Pisa</b></spam>
[file-code; "ly,texi,sh are UTF-8"]<br />
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<b>Normally; Windows & Linux "[Prompt] <kbd> lilypond --png --pdf</kbd>[Enter]"</b><br />
<b>And---- Only; 
 <i>Linux(Prompt)<kbd> <span style="color: red;">$ ./ name</span></kbd>[Enter]</i>(need makeinfo) ----</b><br />
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* pisa::                 --- Music Sheet:                    Music Sheet.
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* run--makeinfo::   --- Source code run-file:        run--makeinfo.
@end menu
@end ifhtml
@c @ignore ------------------------------------------------------------------------
<p align = "center">
<a href="earth.mid">pisa.midi</a>(//The one below is mp3//)&#160;&#160;&#160;
&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href="pisa.pdf">pisa.pdf</a>
&#149;&#160;<a href="pisa.tar.gz">All files</a>&#160;(pisa.tar.gz;&lt;3,140bytes)<br />
<audio src="pisa.mp3" controls>
Download <a href="earth.mp3">episode 42 Learnung to love HTML5</a>
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@unnumbered Music Sheet
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@unnumbered run--makeinfo
<b><i>Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).</i></b><br />
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Only; running is on Linux(on WSL).
# rm -r html
lilypond --pdf --png $
lilypond --svg $
makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mkdir html
mv *.svg html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv *.midi html/
mv *.html html/
cd html
xdg-open $1.pdf | xdg-open $1.midi | explorer.exe $1.html
cd ../
rm *.eps *.png
ls -lX

    This is under the following environment.
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