1 %% 10:36 AM Thursday, July 6, 2023 2 %% Yukio Yoshida. 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4 %% After using "\repeat percent" 5 %% Be sure to do!! "}(close repeat) + | r(or \rest)'s a bar add" 6 %% Because, r(or R, s) don't work at Remove "Staff Out-Put" 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8 %% See ===>Soprano 39-43 bars and so on, If r1. not adding then don't "Staff Out-Put" 9 \version "2.24.0" 10 %% This is system-files and for midi's effect 11 \include "articulate.ly" %% But here isn't use. See----> midi block 12 %% for sheet-music 13 #(set-default-paper-size "letter") 14 #(set-global-staff-size 18) 15 16 %% warning: this Voice needs a \voiceXx or \shiftXx setting 17 %% in [Collision resolution], page 205).natation.pdf(ver2.24.0) 18 voiceFive = #(context-spec-music (make-voice-props-set 4) 'Voice) 19 20 mf = #(make-dynamic-script "mf") 21 colorRed = { 22 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #red 23 %% \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.color = #red 24 %% \override Staff.Clef.color = #red 25 %% \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = #red 26 %% \override Staff.KeySignature.color = #red 27 %% \override Staff.BarLine.color = #red 28 \override Voice.NoteHead.color = #red 29 \override Voice.Rest.color = #red 30 \override Voice.Stem.color = #red 31 \override Voice.Flag.color = #red 32 \override Voice.Beam.color = #red 33 \override Voice.Slur.color = #red 34 \override Voice.PhrasingSlur.color = #red 35 \override Voice.Tie.color = #red 36 \override Voice.Dots.color = #red 37 \override Voice.Script.color = #red 38 \override Voice.Accidental.color = #red 39 \override Voice.TupletNumber.color = #red 40 \override Voice.TupletBracket.color = #red 41 \override Voice.BreathingSign.color = #red 42 } 43 44 \paper { 45 %% ragged-last-bottom = ##f 46 } 47 48 \header { 49 dedication = \markup { \center-column { " " " " " " \italic "The Story of A Lady" } } 50 title = \markup{ \line { \italic \huge "Speaking of Story #2" 51 \tiny {(\with-color #red "Alto Singer")} } } 52 subtitle = \markup{ \center-column {\italic "e major; cis dis e fis gis a b" } } 53 %% subsubtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version)) 54 subsubtitle = \markup{ \center-column { %% \italic "mezzosoprano; C clef on 2nd line," 55 \line { soprano; C clef on 1st line,\hspace #4 alto; C clef on 3rd line 56 \with-color #red "(& Solo; singer)" } 57 \line { \hspace #2 bass; F clef on 4th line,\hspace #4 tenor; C clef on 4th } } } 58 composer = \markup { \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"} } 59 arranger = \markup { \line {Op.86\hspace #1 May 14, 2015} } 60 %% opus = "Op.85" 61 %% poet = " " 62 copyright = "public Domain" 63 meter = \markup { \hspace #16 \teeny \italic \column { 64 \line { \bold "Storyteller"\with-color #red"(Alto)"\bold "; Words" } 65 "1)" 66 "By this way," 67 "He became the king of the kingdom." 68 "But, he still does not have a heir." 69 } 70 \hspace #2 \teeny \italic \column { 71 " " 72 "2)" 73 "Flow of Month and Day, will those How Fast!" 74 "The king in kings also took the old, too." 75 "Such day-to-day is past." 76 \vspace #-1 77 \hspace #-1 78 "4) This story will be what happens next?" 79 } 80 \hspace #2 \teeny \italic \column { 81 " " 82 "3)" 83 "A young woman appeared before the king." 84 "The king liked the her, it anymore, loved very much." 85 "Before long, she gave birth to his child." 86 }} 87 %% tagline = " " 88 } 89 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 90 %%%%%%%%% ! Revert null; mezzosoprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 91 mezzosoprano = { 92 \autoBeamOff 93 \partial 2 r2 | 94 %% 1-4 95 96 }%% end mezzospprano sheet 97 98 mezzosopranoL = \lyricmode { 99 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue 100 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue 101 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue 102 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 103 \tiny 104 105 } 106 107 mezzosopranoM = { 108 \autoBeamOff 109 \partial 2 r2 | 110 %% 1-4 111 112 }%% end mezzosoprano-midi 113 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 114 %%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 115 %%%%%%%%% ! Revert null; sopranoVoice part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 116 sopranoVoice = { 117 \autoBeamOff 118 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata bes'8\( | 119 %% 1-4 120 121 } 122 123 sopranoVoiceL = \lyricmode { 124 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue 125 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue 126 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue 127 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 128 \teeny 129 } 130 131 sopranoVoiceM = { 132 \autoBeamOff 133 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata bes'8\( | 134 %% 1-4 135 } 136 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 137 %%% Instruments part 138 soprano = { 139 \autoBeamOff 140 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 141 %% 1-4 142 <cis' a'>1 <e' a'>2 ~ | <e' a'>2 <cis' a'>1 | \noBreak 143 <cis' b'>8[ <dis' cis''> <e' dis''> <fis' e''>] r16 <gis' fis''>8.[ <a' gis''>] ~ gis''2 r16 | 144 \noBreak 145 r16 gis''2 <gis'' a'>8.[ <fis'' gis'>] r16 <e'' fis'>8[ <dis'' e'> <cis'' dis'> <b' cis'>] ~ | 146 \break 147 %% 5-8 148 <cis' b'>8[ <dis' cis''> <e' dis''> <fis' e''>] r16 <gis' fis''>8.[ <a' gis''>] ~ gis''2 r16 | 149 \noBreak 150 r16 gis''2 <gis'' a'>8.[ <fis'' gis'>] r16 <e'' fis'>8[ <dis'' e'> <cis'' dis'> <b' cis'>] | 151 \noBreak 152 <cis' a'>1 <e' a'>2 ~ | \noBreak <e' a'>2 <cis' a'>1^\fermata | \break 153 %% 9-12 154 e'2 r1 | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 155 %% 13-16 156 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 157 %% 17-20 158 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 159 %% 21-24 160 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 161 %% 25-28 162 <cis'' e''>2.^\markup { \hspace #-4 \italic "Only: On instruments" } 163 gis''8 <e'' cis''>16[ <cis'' a'> <a' fis'> <fis' dis'>] cis'4. | 164 <cis' fis'>8[ <dis' gis'> <e' a'> <fis' b'>] 165 <cis' fis'>16[ <dis' gis'> <e' a'> <fis' b'>] r8 cis''2 r8 | \noBreak 166 fis''2 ~ <fis'' cis''>16[ <e'' b'> <dis'' a'>] 167 <cis'' gis'>8[ <b' fis'> <a' e'>] gis'8. fis'4\( | \noBreak 168 e'4. dis'8 cis'1\) | \break 169 %% 29-30 170 \key ees\major \time 4/1 f'1 bes' f' bes' | <f' bes'>\longa | \break 171 %% 31-34 172 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 173 %% 35-38 174 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 175 %% 39-43 176 r2.^\markup { \italic "Only; On instruments" } 177 r4. r32 <cis' e'>16[ <dis' fis'> <e' gis'> <fis' a'>8] r32 | 178 \repeat percent 3 { 179 \repeat percent 4 { r32 <cis' e'>16[ <dis' fis'> <e' gis'> <fis' a'>8] r32 } } | r1. | \break 180 %% 44-47 181 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 182 %% 48-49 183 \time 4/1 <fis' b'>\longa^\markup { \hspace #-4 \italic "Only: On instruments" } ~ | 184 \time 3/2 <fis' b'>1^\fermata \bar "|." \break 185 }%% end soprano sheet 186 187 sopranoM = { 188 \autoBeamOff 189 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 190 %% 1-4 191 <cis' a'>1 <e' a'>2 ~ | <e' a'>2 <cis' a'>1 | \noBreak 192 <cis' b'>8[ <dis' cis''> <e' dis''> <fis' e''>] r16 <gis' fis''>8.[ <a' gis''>] ~ gis''2 r16 | 193 \noBreak 194 r16 gis''2 <gis'' a'>8.[ <fis'' gis'>] r16 <e'' fis'>8[ <dis'' e'> <cis'' dis'> <b' cis'>] ~ | 195 \break 196 %% 5-8 197 <cis' b'>8[ <dis' cis''> <e' dis''> <fis' e''>] r16 <gis' fis''>8.[ <a' gis''>] ~ gis''2 r16 | 198 \noBreak 199 r16 gis''2 <gis'' a'>8.[ <fis'' gis'>] r16 <e'' fis'>8[ <dis'' e'> <cis'' dis'> <b' cis'>] | 200 \noBreak 201 <cis' a'>1 <e' a'>2 ~ | \noBreak <e' a'>2 <cis' a'>1^\fermata | \break 202 %% 9-12 203 e'2 r1 | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 204 %% 13-16 205 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 206 %% 17-20 207 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 208 %% 21-24 209 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 210 %% 25-28 211 <cis'' e''>2. gis''8 <e'' cis''>16[ <cis'' a'> <a' fis'> <fis' dis'>] cis'4. | 212 <cis' fis'>8[ <dis' gis'> <e' a'> <fis' b'>] 213 <cis' fis'>16[ <dis' gis'> <e' a'> <fis' b'>] r8 cis''2 r8 | \noBreak 214 fis''2 ~ <fis'' cis''>16[ <e'' b'> <dis'' a'>] 215 <cis'' gis'>8[ <b' fis'> <a' e'>] gis'8. fis'4\( | \noBreak 216 e'4. dis'8 cis'1\) | \break 217 %% 29-30 218 \key ees\major \time 4/1 f'1 bes' f' bes' | <f' bes'>\longa | \break 219 %% 31-34 220 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 221 %% 35-38 222 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 223 %% 39-43 224 r2. r4. r32 <cis' e'>16[ <dis' fis'> <e' gis'> <fis' a'>8] r32 | 225 \repeat percent 3 { 226 \repeat percent 4 { r32 <cis' e'>16[ <dis' fis'> <e' gis'> <fis' a'>8] r32 } } | r1. | \break 227 %% 44-47 228 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 229 %% 48-49 230 \time 4/1 <fis' b'>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <fis' b'>1^\fermata \bar "|." \break 231 }%% end soprano-midi 232 233 %%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 234 %%%%%%%%% ! Revert null; AltoVoice part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 235 altoVoice = { 236 \autoBeamOff 237 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata ees'8\( | 238 %% 1-4 239 240 } 241 242 altoVoiceL = \lyricmode { 243 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue 244 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue 245 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue 246 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 247 \teeny 248 } 249 250 altoVoiceM = { 251 \autoBeamOff 252 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata ees'8\( | 253 %% 1-4 254 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 255 } 256 %%% Instruments 257 alto = { %% \hide Staff.BarLine 258 \autoBeamOff 259 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 260 %% 1-4 261 <fis dis'>1 <a dis'>2 ~ | <a dis'>2 <fis dis'>1 | \noBreak 262 <b dis'>8[ <cis' e'> <dis' fis'> <e' gis'>] r16 <fis' a'>8.[ <gis' b'>] ~ b'2 r16 | \noBreak 263 r16 b'2 <b' gis'>8.[ <a' fis'>] r16 <gis' e'>8[ <fis' dis'> <e' cis'> <dis' b>] ~ | \break 264 %% 5-8 265 <b dis'>8[ <cis' e'> <dis' fis'> <e' gis'>] r16 <fis' a'>8.[ <gis' b'>] ~ b'2 r16 | \noBreak 266 r16 b'2 <b' gis'>8.[ <a' fis'>] r16 <gis' e'>8[ <fis' dis'> <e' cis'> <dis' b>] | \noBreak 267 <fis dis'>1 <a dis'>2 ~ | \noBreak <a dis'>2 <fis dis'>1^\fermata | \break 268 %% 9-12-13-16-17-20-21-24-25-28-29-30-31-34-35-38-39-43-44-47 269 \hide Staff.BarLine 270 a2 << { \context Voice = "altoSol" { \colorRed \voiceFive 271 \autoBeamOff 272 cis'1^\markup { \with-color #red \teeny \italic { 273 Only; On Alto-Singer Sol ( or On alternating Two-Singers OK! )}} \melisma | 274 \stemUp fis'2 e' dis' | cis'1 cis'8\melismaEnd dis'4.\rest | cis'2 dis'4 cis'( b a) | \break 275 %% 13-16 276 f'8\rest^\markup { \hspace #-4 \italic " Only; On Alto Section" } 277 cis'4. b4 cis'4. dis'8 e'4 ~ | e'4 fis'8 cis'4. b4( a gis) | 278 f'16\rest fis8( gis8.) r8 a4 b4. gis4 gis8 | fis4. gis8\rest fis1 | \break 279 %% 17-20 280 a1.\melisma | fis8.\melismaEnd fis'16\rest b'4-. b'8-. b'4-. b'8-. b'4.-. fis'8\rest | \noBreak 281 b4.-. b-. b-. b-. | \noBreak d'8\rest cis'8 dis'4. dis'8 e'4 fis'8 gis'4. | \break 282 %% 21-24 283 a'8 cis''4. cis'2.. d'8\rest | e'4\rest fis'8( gis') a'4. b'2 e'8 | \noBreak 284 a4( gis4 fis2) g2\rest | \noBreak g'1.\rest | \break 285 %% 25-28 286 %% Only Instruments(alto writing is at Down-part Location.) 287 %% r1. ---------> midi part(Uper Postion -----> r1. should writing. 288 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 289 %% 29-30 290 \key ees\major \time 4/1 s\longa | s\longa | \break 291 %% 31-34 292 \key e\major \time 3/2 293 r8^\markup { \hspace #-4 \with-color #red \italic "Only; On Alto-Singer Sol" } 294 cis'4 cis'4. dis'2\( e'4\) | e'\( cis'4.\) cis'8\( a4.\) gis8 fis'4 ~ | 295 fis'4 e'2\rest e'4 fis'2 | cis'4. cis'8 b2 cis'2 | \break 296 %% 35-38 297 cis''2. a'4. gis' | 298 f'1.\rest^\markup { \teeny \italic "Here is On Alto part instruments" } | 299 gis4. fis a8\rest a4 cis'4. | e'4. e'8 gis'4 b'2. | \break 300 %% 39-43 301 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 302 %% 44-47 303 c'2\rest^\markup { \with-color #red \teeny \italic { Only; On Alto-Singer Sol } } 304 cis'1\melisma | fis'2 e' dis' | cis'4\melismaEnd r4 cis'4 b2 a4-. | 305 gis4-. fis gis8^\( a8( b8.)\) r16 fis2 306 } } \\ 307 { \autoBeamOff 308 fis1 ~ | fis1. ~ | fis2. r2. | r1. | \break 309 %% 13-16 310 f1.\rest | f1.\rest | f1.\rest | \stemUp fis'2 gis' a' | \break 311 %% 17-20 312 <fis' a'>8[ <gis' b'> <a' cis''>] b'2 <a' e'>8[ <gis' dis'> <fis' cis'>] b4^~ | 313 b4 <fis b>8-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. b2 | \noBreak 314 <fis' b'>8.-. <fis' b'>-. <fis' b'>-. <fis' b'>-. b'2. \stemNeutral | \noBreak f1. | \break 315 %% 21-24 316 f1\rest a2 | <f a>8[ <f b> <f cis'>] fis4. <fis a>8[ <fis b> <fis cis'>] fis4. | \noBreak 317 \stemUp <cis' e'>16[ <dis' fis'> <e' gis'> <fis' a'>8.] b'4. 318 <a' fis'>16[ <gis' e'> <fis' dis'> <e' cis'>8.] b4. | \noBreak 319 \stemNeutral <a dis'>16[ <b e'> <cis' fis'> <dis' gis'>8.] f'8\rest a'4 320 <gis' dis'>16[ <fis' cis'> <e' b> <dis' a>8.] gis4. ~ | \break 321 %% 25-28 322 gis4. r4. dis'8 b16[ a gis fis] cis'4. | 323 <gis cis'>8[ <a dis'> <b e'> <cis' fis'>] 324 <gis cis'>16[ <a dis'> <b e'> <cis' fis'>] r8 gis'2 r8 | \noBreak 325 cis'2 ~ <cis' gis>8.(^\fermata <dis' a>4.)^\fermata cis'8. b4\( | \noBreak 326 a4. gis8 fis1\) | \break 327 %% 29-30 328 \key ees\major \time 4/1 ees'1 bes ees' bes | <bes ees'>\longa | \break 329 %% 31-34 330 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 331 %% 35-38 332 r1. | <a cis'>2 <b dis'> <gis b> | r1. | r1. | \break 333 %% 39-43 334 r2. \repeat percent 2 { r32 <fis a>16[ <gis b> <a cis'> <b dis'>8] r32 } | 335 \repeat percent 3 { 336 \repeat percent 4 { r32 <fis a>16[ <gis b> <a cis'> <b dis'>8] r32 } } | c'1.\rest | \break 337 %% 44-47 338 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. 339 } >> \undo \hide Staff.BarLine | \break 340 %% 48-49 341 \time 4/1 <b e'>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <b e'>1^\fermata \bar"|." \break 342 } 343 344 altosolL = \lyricmode { 345 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #red 346 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #red 347 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #red 348 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 349 \teeny 350 m __ 351 By this way, 352 He be -- came the king "of the" king -- dom. 353 But, he still "does not" have a heir. 354 m __ 355 Flow of Month and Day, will those How Fast! 356 The king in kings also took the old, too. 357 Such day- -- "to-day" is past. 358 359 A young wom -- an ap -- peared be -- fore the king. 360 The king liked the her, "it anymore," loved very much. 361 Before long, she gave birth to his child. 362 m __ 363 This story will be what hap -- pens next? 364 }%% end alto sheet 365 366 altoM = { 367 \autoBeamOff 368 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 369 %% 1-4 370 <fis dis'>1 <a dis'>2 ~ | <a dis'>2 <fis dis'>1 | \noBreak 371 <b dis'>8[ <cis' e'> <dis' fis'> <e' gis'>] r16 <fis' a'>8.[ <gis' b'>] ~ b'2 r16 | \noBreak 372 r16 b'2 <b' gis'>8.[ <a' fis'>] r16 <gis' e'>8[ <fis' dis'> <e' cis'> <dis' b>] ~ | \break 373 %% 5-8 374 <b dis'>8[ <cis' e'> <dis' fis'> <e' gis'>] r16 <fis' a'>8.[ <gis' b'>] ~ b'2 r16 | \noBreak 375 r16 b'2 <b' gis'>8.[ <a' fis'>] r16 <gis' e'>8[ <fis' dis'> <e' cis'> <dis' b>] | \noBreak 376 <fis dis'>1 <a dis'>2 ~ | \noBreak <a dis'>2 <fis dis'>1^\fermata | \break 377 %% 9-12-13-16-17-20-21-24-25-28-29-30-31-34-35-38-39-43-44-47 378 a2 << { \autoBeamOff 379 cis'1\melisma | fis'2 e' dis' | cis'1 cis'8\melismaEnd r4. | cis'2 dis'4 cis'( b a) | \break 380 %% 13-16 381 r8 cis'4. b4 cis'4. dis'8 e'4 ~ | e'4 fis'8 cis'4. b4( a gis) | 382 r16 fis8( gis8.) r8 a4 b4. gis4 gis8 | fis4. r8 fis1 | \break 383 %% 17-20 384 a1.\melisma | fis8.\melismaEnd r16 b'4-. b'8-. b'4-. b'8-. b'4.-. r8 | \noBreak 385 b4.-. b-. b-. b-. | \noBreak r8 cis'8 dis'4. dis'8 e'4 fis'8 gis'4. | \break 386 %% 21-24 387 a'8 cis''4. cis'2.. r8 | r4 fis'8( gis') a'4. b'2 e'8 | \noBreak 388 a4( gis4 fis2) r2 | \noBreak r1. | \break 389 %% 25-28 390 %% Only Instruments(alto writing is at Down-part Location) 391 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 392 %% 29-30 393 \key ees\major \time 4/1 r\longa | r\longa | \break 394 %% 31-34 395 \key e\major \time 3/2 396 r8 cis'4 cis'4. dis'2( e'4) | e'\( cis'4.\) cis'8\( a4.\) gis8 fis'4 ~ | 397 fis'4 r2 e'4 fis'2 | cis'4. cis'8 b2 cis'2 | \break 398 %% 35-38 399 cis''2. a'4. gis' | r1. | gis4. fis a8\rest a4 cis'4. | e'4. e'8 gis'4 b'2. | \break 400 %% 39-43 401 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 402 %% 44-47 403 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. 404 } \\ 405 { \autoBeamOff 406 fis1 ~ | fis1. ~ | fis2. r2. | r1. | \break 407 %% 13-16 408 r1. | r1. | r1. | fis'2 gis' a' | \break 409 %% 17-20 410 <fis' a'>8[ <gis' b'> <a' cis''>] b'2 <a' e'>8[ <gis' dis'> <fis' cis'>] b4 ~ | 411 b4 <fis b>8-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. <fis b>-. b2 | 412 <fis' b'>8.-. <fis' b'>-. <fis' b'>-. <fis' b'>-. b'2. | f1. | \break 413 %% 21-24 414 r1 a2 | <f a>8[ <f b> <f cis'>] fis4. <fis a>8[ <fis b> <fis cis'>] fis4. | \noBreak 415 <cis' e'>16[ <dis' fis'> <e' gis'> <fis' a'>8.] b'4. 416 <a' fis'>16[ <gis' e'> <fis' dis'> <e' cis'>8.] b4. | \noBreak 417 <a dis'>16[ <b e'> <cis' fis'> <dis' gis'>8.] r8 a'4 418 <gis' dis'>16[ <fis' cis'> <e' b> <dis' a>8.] gis4. ~ | \break 419 %% 25-28 420 gis4. r4. dis'8 b16[ a gis fis] cis'4. | 421 <gis cis'>8[ <a dis'> <b e'> <cis' fis'>] 422 <gis cis'>16[ <a dis'> <b e'> <cis' fis'>] r8 gis'2 r8 | \noBreak 423 cis'2 ~ <cis' gis>8.(^\fermata <dis' a>4.)^\fermata cis'8. b4\( | \noBreak 424 a4. gis8 fis1\) | \break 425 %% 29-30 426 \key ees\major \time 4/1 ees'1 bes ees' bes | <bes ees'>\longa | \break 427 %% 31-34 428 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 429 %% 35-38 430 r1. | <a cis'>2 <b dis'> <gis b> | r1. | r1. | \break 431 %% 39-43 432 r2. \repeat percent 2 { r32 <fis a>16[ <gis b> <a cis'> <b dis'>8] r32 } | 433 \repeat percent 3 { 434 \repeat percent 4 { r32 <fis a>16[ <gis b> <a cis'> <b dis'>8] r32 } } | r1. | \break 435 %% 44-47 436 r2 cis'1\melisma | fis'2 e' dis' | cis'4\melismaEnd r4 cis'4 b2 a4-. | 437 gis4-. fis gis8^\( a8( b8.)\) r16 fis2 438 } >> | \break 439 %% 48-49 440 \time 4/1 <b e'>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <b e'>1^\fermata \bar"|." \break 441 }%% end alto-midi 442 443 %%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 444 %%%%%%%%% ! Revert TenorVoice part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 445 tenorVoice = { 446 \autoBeamOff 447 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata bes8\( | 448 %% 1-4 449 450 } 451 452 tenorVoiceL = \lyricmode { 453 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue 454 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue 455 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue 456 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 457 \teeny 458 459 } 460 461 tenorVoiceM = { 462 \autoBeamOff 463 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata bes8\( | 464 %% 1-4 465 466 } 467 468 %%% Instruments 469 tenor = { 470 \autoBeamOff 471 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 472 %% 1-4 473 <dis cis'>8[ <e dis'> <fis e'> <gis fis'>] r16 <a gis'>8.[ <b a'>] ~ a'2 r16 | \noBreak 474 r16 a'2 <a' b>8.[ <gis' a>] r16 <fis' gis>8[ <e' fis> <dis' e> <cis' dis>] | \noBreak 475 <b fis>1 <b dis>2 ~ | \noBreak <b dis>2 <b fis>1 ~ | \break 476 %% 5-8 477 <b fis>1 <b dis>2 ~ | \noBreak <b dis>2 <b fis>1 | \noBreak 478 <dis cis'>8[ <e dis'> <fis e'> <gis fis'>] r16 <a gis'>8.[ <b a'>] ~ a'2 r16 | \noBreak 479 r16 a'2 <a' b>8.[ <gis' a>] r16 <fis' gis>8[ <e' fis> <dis' e> <cis' dis>] | \break 480 %% 9-12 481 <b fis>2 r1 | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 482 %% 13-16 483 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 484 %% 17-20 485 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 486 %% 21-24 487 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 488 %% 25-28 489 <fis b>2-. \tuplet 3/2 {<e a>4-. <fis b>-. <gis cis'>-.} 490 \tuplet 3/2 {<e gis>4-. <fis a>-. <gis b>-.} | 491 <dis fis>1 r2 | \noBreak a2 r2 a4 gis4\( | \noBreak fis4. e8 dis1\) | \break 492 %% 29-30 493 \key ees\major \time 4/1 c'1 g c' g | <g c'>\longa | \break 494 %% 31-34 495 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 496 %% 35-38 497 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 498 %% 39-43 499 r4. \repeat percent 3 { r32 <cis e>16[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>8] r32 } | 500 \repeat percent 3 { \repeat percent 4 { r32 <cis e>16[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>8] r32 } } | 501 r1. | \break 502 %% 44-47 503 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 504 %% 48-49 505 \time 4/1 <gis cis'>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <gis cis'>1^\fermata \bar "|." \break 506 } %% end tenor sheet 507 508 tenorsolL = \lyricmode { 509 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue 510 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue 511 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue 512 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 513 \teeny 514 515 } 516 517 tenorM = { 518 \autoBeamOff 519 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 520 %% 1-4 521 <dis cis'>8[ <e dis'> <fis e'> <gis fis'>] r16 <a gis'>8.[ <b a'>] ~ a'2 r16 | \noBreak 522 r16 a'2 <a' b>8.[ <gis' a>] r16 <fis' gis>8[ <e' fis> <dis' e> <cis' dis>] | \noBreak 523 <b fis>1 <b dis>2 ~ | \noBreak <b dis>2 <b fis>1 ~ | \break 524 %% 5-8 525 <b fis>1 <b dis>2 ~ | \noBreak <b dis>2 <b fis>1 | \noBreak 526 <dis cis'>8[ <e dis'> <fis e'> <gis fis'>] r16 <a gis'>8.[ <b a'>] ~ a'2 r16 | \noBreak 527 r16 a'2 <a' b>8.[ <gis' a>] r16 <fis' gis>8[ <e' fis> <dis' e> <cis' dis>] | \break 528 %% 9-12 529 <b fis>2 r1 | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 530 %% 13-16 531 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 532 %% 17-20 533 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 534 %% 21-24 535 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 536 %% 25-28 537 <fis b>2-. \tuplet 3/2 {<e a>4-. <fis b>-. <gis cis'>-.} 538 \tuplet 3/2 {<e gis>4-. <fis a>-. <gis b>-.} | 539 <dis fis>1 r2 | \noBreak a2 r2 a4 gis4\( | \noBreak fis4. e8 dis1\) | \break 540 %% 29-30 541 \key ees\major \time 4/1 c'1 g c' g | <g c'>\longa | \break 542 %% 31-34 543 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 544 %% 35- 545 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 546 %% 39-43 547 r4. \repeat percent 3 { r32 <cis e>16[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>8] r32 } | 548 \repeat percent 3 { \repeat percent 4 { r32 <cis e>16[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>8] r32 } } | 549 r1. | \break 550 %% 44-47 551 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 552 %% 48-49 553 \time 4/1 <gis cis'>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <gis cis'>1^\fermata \bar "|." \break 554 } %% end tenor midi 555 556 %%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 557 %%%%%%%%% ! Revert BassVoice part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 558 bassVoice = { 559 \autoBeamOff 560 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata ees8\( | 561 %% 1-4 562 563 } 564 565 bassVoiceL = \lyricmode { 566 \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue 567 \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue 568 \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue 569 \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic 570 \teeny 571 572 } 573 574 bassVoiceM = { 575 \autoBeamOff 576 \partial 2 r4.^\fermata ees8\( | 577 %% 1-4 578 579 } 580 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 581 %%% Instruments 582 bass = { 583 \autoBeamOff 584 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 585 %% 1-4 586 <cis e>8[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>] r16 <gis b>8.[ <a cis'>] ~ cis'2 r16 | \noBreak 587 r16 cis'2 <cis' a>8.[ <b gis>] r16 <a fis>8[ <gis e> <fis dis> <e cis>] | \noBreak 588 <e b,>1 <gis, e>2 ~ | \noBreak <gis, e>2 <e b,>1 ~ | \break 589 %% 5-8 590 <e b,>1 <gis, e>2 ~ | \noBreak <gis, e>2 <e b,>1 | \noBreak 591 <cis e>8[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>] r16 <gis b>8.[ <a cis'>] ~ cis'2 r16 | \noBreak 592 r16 cis'2 <cis' a>8.[ <b gis>] r16 <a fis>8[ <gis e> <fis dis> <e cis>] | \break 593 %% 9-12 594 <e b,>2 r1 | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 595 %% 13-16 596 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 597 %% 17-20 598 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 599 %% 21- 600 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 601 %% 25-28 602 <b, e>4.-. <a, dis>-. <b, e>-. <gis, b,>8[-. <a, cis>-. <b, dis>]-. | 603 r2 <e b,>4. <dis a,> r4 | \noBreak 604 fis,2 r2 dis4 cis4\( | \noBreak b,4. a,8 gis,1\) | \break 605 %% 29-30 606 \key ees\major \time 4/1 c1 f c f | <c f>\longa | \break 607 %% 31-34 608 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 609 %% 35-38 610 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 611 %% 39-43 612 \repeat percent 4 { 613 \repeat percent 4 { r32 <e, gis,>16[ <fis, a,> <gis, b,> <a, cis>8] r32 } } | r1. | \break 614 %% 44-47 615 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 616 %% 48-49 617 \time 4/1 <cis fis>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <cis fis>1^\fermata \bar "|." \break 618 } %%end bass-sheet 619 620 bassM = { 621 \autoBeamOff 622 \partial 2 r2^\fermata | 623 %% 1-4 624 <cis e>8[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>] r16 <gis b>8.[ <a cis'>] ~ cis'2 r16 | \noBreak 625 r16 cis'2 <cis' a>8.[ <b gis>] r16 <a fis>8[ <gis e> <fis dis> <e cis>] | \noBreak 626 <e b,>1 <gis, e>2 ~ | \noBreak <gis, e>2 <e b,>1 ~ | \break 627 %% 5-8 628 <e b,>1 <gis, e>2 ~ | \noBreak <gis, e>2 <e b,>1 | \noBreak 629 <cis e>8[ <dis fis> <e gis> <fis a>] r16 <gis b>8.[ <a cis'>] ~ cis'2 r16 | \noBreak 630 r16 cis'2 <cis' a>8.[ <b gis>] r16 <a fis>8[ <gis e> <fis dis> <e cis>] | \break 631 %% 9-12 632 <e b,>2 r1 | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 633 %% 13-16 634 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 635 %% 17-20 636 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 637 %% 21-24 638 r1. | r1. | \noBreak r1. | \noBreak r1. | \break 639 %% 25-28 640 <b, e>4.-. <a, dis>-. <b, e>-. <gis, b,>8[-. <a, cis>-. <b, dis>]-. | 641 r2 <e b,>4. <dis a,> r4 | \noBreak 642 fis,2 r2 dis4 cis4\( | \noBreak b,4. a,8 gis,1\) | \break 643 %% 29-30 644 \key ees\major \time 4/1 c1 f c f | <c f>\longa | \break 645 %% 31-34 646 \key e\major \time 3/2 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 647 %% 35-38 648 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 649 %% 39-43 650 \repeat percent 4 { 651 \repeat percent 4 { r32 <e, gis,>16[ <fis, a,> <gis, b,> <a, cis>8] r32 } } | r1. | \break 652 %% 44-47 653 r1. | r1. | r1. | r1. | \break 654 %% 48-49 655 \time 4/1 <cis fis>\longa ~ | \time 3/2 <cis fis>1^\fermata \bar "|." \break 656 }%% end bass-midi 657 658 %% get sheet music ------------------------------------------------- 659 \score { 660 << 661 %% \context Voice = "mezzosoprano" { 662 %% \clef mezzosoprano \key e\major \time 3/2 663 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \tiny "mezzosoprano" } 664 %% \VoiceColorBlue {\mezzosoprano} } 665 %% \context Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "mezzosopranoL" { \mezzosopranoL } 666 667 %% \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" << 668 \context StaffGroup << 669 \context Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key e\major \time 3/2 670 \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano } 671 %% \context Voice = "sopranoVocal" { \clef soprano \key e\major \time 3/2 672 %% \set Staff.fontSize = #-4 673 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4) 674 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4) 675 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice; sop " 676 %% \VoiceColorBlue \sopranoVoice } 677 %% \context Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "sopranoVocal" { \sopranoVoiceL } 678 679 \context Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key e\major \time 3/2 680 \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto " \alto } 681 \context Lyrics = "mainAL" \lyricsto "altoSol" { \altosolL } 682 %% \context Voice = "altoVocal" { \clef alto \key e\major \time 3/2 683 %% \set Staff.fontSize = #-4 684 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4) 685 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4) 686 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice; alt " 687 %% \VoiceColorBlue { \altoVoice } } 688 %% \context Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "altoVocal" { \altoVoiceL } 689 690 \context Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key e\major \time 3/2 691 \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor " \tenor } 692 %% \context Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "tenorSol" { \tenorsolL } 693 %% \context Voice = "tenorVocal" { \clef tenor \key e\major \time 3/2 694 %% \set Staff.fontSize = #-4 695 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4) 696 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4) 697 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice; tenor " 698 %% \VoiceColorBlue { \tenorVoice } } 699 %% \context Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "tenorVocal" { \tenorVoiceL } 700 701 \context Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key e\major \time 3/2 702 \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass " \bass } 703 %% \context Voice = "bassVocal" { \clef bass \key e\major \time 3/2 704 %% \set Staff.fontSize = #-4 705 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4) 706 %% \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4) 707 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice; bass " 708 %% \VoiceColorBlue { \bassVoice } } 709 %% \context Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bassVocal" { \bassVoiceL } 710 711 >> 712 >> 713 714 \layout { 715 \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves 716 %% \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-fisst = ##t 717 %% It can get effect by using for instance "R1." 718 %% Don't using "r1." 719 } 720 %% \context { \Score 721 %% \override SpacingSpanner.base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make-moment 1/32) 722 %% } 723 } 724 %%%%%% Don't output Score-sheet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 725 %% \layout { \context { \Score skipTypesetting = ##t } } 726 } 727 728 %% get midi music -------------------------------------------------- 729 \score { 730 %% \unfoldRepeats \articulate 731 << 732 %% \context Staff { \clef mezzosoprano \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 733 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 734 %% \unfoldRepeats \mezzosopranoM } 735 736 \context Staff { \clef soprano \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 737 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 738 \unfoldRepeats \sopranoM } 739 %% \context Staff { \clef soprano \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 740 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 741 %% \unfoldRepeats \sopranoVoiceM } 742 743 \context Staff { \clef alto \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 744 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 745 \unfoldRepeats \altoM } 746 %% \context Staff { \clef alto \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 747 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 748 %% \unfoldRepeats \altosolM } 749 750 \context Staff { \clef tenor \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 751 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 752 \unfoldRepeats \tenorM } 753 %% \context Staff { \clef tenor \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 754 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 755 %% \unfoldRepeats \tenorVoiceM } 756 757 \context Staff { \clef bass \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 758 \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 759 \unfoldRepeats \bassM } 760 %% \context Staff { \clef bass \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 761 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)" 762 %% \unfoldRepeats \bassVoiceM } 763 764 %%\context Staff { \clef treble \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 765 %% \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" 766 %% \unfoldRepeats \pianoUPm } 767 %%\context Staff { \clef bass \key e\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58 768 %% \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand" 769 %% \unfoldRepeats \pianoDownm } 770 >> 771 772 \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 58 4) } 773 } 774 \markup { " " } 775 \markup { \vspace #2 } 776 \markup { \column { \line { 777 About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) } 778 \line { \italic " Please, Breath of longa and breve do in the members alternating(But, like Don't stand out). " } } } 779 \markup { \italic "and" At location \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata", \hspace #1 780 \italic " Always, please look at the conductor(or baton). " } 781 \markup { " " } 782 \pageBreak 783 \markup { \vspace #8 } 784 \markup { \hspace #20 \huge "INSTRUMENT RANGES" } 785 \markup { \italic "About;" \teeny\italic 786 "Some of Instruments; there is a difference between writing-note and real-note." 787 \italic "for instance:" } 788 \markup { \column { \line { \bold "WOODWINDS;" \hspace #2 \bold "Piccolo(in C)"--\tiny "like this"-- } 789 \line { \score { { 790 \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/1 791 d'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 g'''1 s1 \bar"||" 792 s2 d''1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave higher" } 793 s1 g''''1 s2 | \break 794 } 795 \layout { \context { \Staff 796 \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t 797 \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t } 798 indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm } 799 } } 800 }} 801 \markup { " " } 802 \markup { \vspace #2 } 803 \markup { \column { 804 \line { \hspace #20 \bold "Bass Flute"--\tiny "like this"-- } 805 \line { \score { { 806 \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/1 807 c'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 a'''1 s1 \bar"||" 808 \clef bass s2 c1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave lower" } 809 s1 \clef treble a''1 s2| \break 810 } 811 \layout { \context { \Staff 812 \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t 813 \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t } 814 indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm } 815 } } 816 }} 817 \markup { " " } 818 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%