1 %% 11:10 PM Tuesday, July 4, 2023
  2 %% Yukio
  3 \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}
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 28 \markboth{\hskip2pc {\it\tiny  }}
 29 {\hskip2pc {\it\tiny }}
 31 \begin{document}
 32 \vspace*{20pt}
 33 \thispagestyle{empty}
 34 \medskip
 35 %%\centerline {\bfLarge Openning Start Score}
 36 \centerline {\bfLarge Draft Score}
 37 \bigskip
 38 \centerline{{\sevenrm --- Basic Form ---}}
 39 \kern -5pt
 40 \centerline{{\sevenrm All choice freedom and free dynamic.}}
 41 %% \kern -5pt
 42 \centerline{\sl
 43 \hskip .52in MezzoSoprano\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt mezzosoprano and,}
 44                                                                 voice(Solo)}\par
 45 \centerline{
 46 \hskip .6in Soprano\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt soprano and,}
 47                                                                 voice(chorus)}\par
 48 \centerline{\hskip .6in Alto\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt alto and,}
 49                                                                 voice(chorus)}\par
 50 \centerline{\hskip .6in Tenore\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt tenore and,}
 51                                                                 voice(chorus)}\par
 52 \centerline{\hskip .6in Bass\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt bass and,}
 53                                                                 voice(chorus)}\par
 54 \centerline {\hskip .6in \sevensl (%
 55 Note: Some of Instruments there is a difference between writing-note and real-note.)}\par
 56 \bigskip
 57 \bigskip
 58 \centerline {\inchFont SHEET}
 59 \centerline {\bfLargeit \textcolor{blue}{Tenor(Sol);\quad My son?! Oh, God! I belive you!}}
 60 \vfill
 63 \bigskip
 64 \hskip 8pc {\bfLarge and}\par
 65 \bigskip
 66 {\inchFont MIXED\\CHORUS\\GROUP}
 67 \mbox{\null}
 69 \newpage
 70 \thispagestyle{empty}
 71 \hoffset = -.5in
 72 ~\vskip -4pc
 73 %% for ver2.24.0 ---------------------------
 74 \hskip -10pt \includegraphics{sketch4-1}
 75 \vfill
 76 \newpage
 77 \thispagestyle{empty}
 78 \hskip -10pt \includegraphics{sketch4-2}
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 80 \thispagestyle{empty}
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 85 \vfill
 86 \newpage
 87 \thispagestyle{empty}
 88 \hskip -10pt \includegraphics{sketch4-5}
 89 \vfill
 90 \thispagestyle{empty}
 91 \hskip -10pt \includegraphics{sketch4-6}
 92 \vfill
 94 \newpage
 95 \hoffset = 0in
 96 \vspace*{1pc}
 97 About stage position of this story\par
 98 \vspace*{6pc}
 99 \hfill{\Huge \bf \S\ Stage position \S }\hfill\break
100 \hrule
101 \kern 2pt
102 \hrule
103 %%%%% Environment Picture %%%%%%%%%%
104 \setlength{\unitlength}{1truemm}
105 \begin{picture}(0,20)
106 \put(0,0){\framebox{Stage background wall in full screen video, %
107 the depiction of images to match the progression of the story and music.}}
108 \end{picture}
109 \vskip 40pt
110 About the Chorus,\par
111 To become a permutation {\sl \framebox{Bass}, \framebox{Tenor}, %
112 \framebox{Alto}, and \framebox{Soprano}} just on this example. That is,
113 Become reverse order sequence \framebox{\sl Instruments}. In addition,
114 \vbox{\hbox{the array position is be in this position}\hrule\kern2pt\hrule},
115 To the location of the array, if there is loft, or if there is a low place on the stage
116 Available OK.\par
117 \kern 20pt
118 {\bf \P}\ About the protagonists,\par
119 {\sl Position of \framebox{soloists(leading role)} placed freely on the stage
120 space.}\par
121 \hspace*{2pc}\begin{picture}(40,60)
122 \linethickness{2pt}
123 \put(0,30){Orchestra placed at a position lower than the stage. Then, %
124 the instrument arrangement like a below.}
125 \hspace*{2pc} \multiput (0,0)(50,0){4}{\oval[5](40,50)}
126 \put(-16,6){\it Instruments}
127 \put(0,0){\bf Soprano}
128 \put(0,-3){\bf Group}
129 \put(34,6){\it Instruments}
130 \put(50,0){\bf Alto}
131 \put(50,-3){\bf Group}
132 \put(84,6){\it Instruments}
133 \put(100,0){\bf Tenor}
134 \put(100,-3){\bf Group}
135 \put(134,6){\it Instruments}
136 \put(150,0){\bf Bass}
137 \put(150,-3){\bf Group}
138 \end{picture}%
139 \vspace*{6pc}
140 \begin{center}
141 \begin{picture}(0,20)
142 \put(-24,0){\Huge \bfseries { \slshape A Conductor} }
143 \end{picture}
144 \end{center}
145 %%%%% End environment Picture %%%%%%%%%%
146 \kern 20pt
147 \hrule
148 \kern 5pt
149 \hrule
150 \kern 20pt
151 \hskip 20pt \Huge \sl Audience for Seats
152 \vfill
153 %% {\seventit
154 %% Note;(To do this!)\\[-20pt]
155 %% As it is the lighting of the audience's Seats(Do not turn off even when the play began). And,\\[-20pt]
156 %% When play began, lighting the stage (rather than the audience's) more brightly.}\par
157 %%\hfill \small Thank you so much! Everybody!
158 \end{document}