1 %% 9:48 AM Sunday, July 2, 2023
  2 %% Yukio Yoshida
  3 %% \noBreak ====>Refer to; go to line 102 and so on(pleas serch!) .....
  4 %% Use in "\markup { \scor and \addlyrics.... }"
  5 \version "2.24.0"
  6 #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
  7 #(set-global-staff-size 18)
  8 VoiceColorBlue = {
  9                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #blue
 10                    \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.color = #blue
 11                    \override Staff.Clef.color = #blue
 12                    \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = #blue
 13                    \override Staff.KeySignature.color = #blue
 14                    \override Staff.BarLine.color = #blue
 15                    \override Voice.NoteHead.color = #blue
 16                    \override Voice.Rest.color = #blue
 17                    \override Voice.Stem.color = #blue
 18                    \override Voice.Flag.color = #blue
 19                    \override Voice.Beam.color = #blue
 20                    \override Voice.Slur.color = #blue
 21                    \override Voice.PhrasingSlur.color = #blue
 22                    \override Voice.Tie.color = #blue
 23                    \override Voice.Dots.color = #blue
 24                    \override Voice.Script.color = #blue
 25                    \override Voice.TupletNumber.color = #blue
 26                    \override Voice.TupletBracket.color = #blue
 27                    \override Voice.BreathingSign.color = #blue
 28 }
 29 VoiceColorBlueRevert = {
 30                    \revert Voice.NoteHead.color
 31                    \revert Voice.Rest.color
 32                    \revert Voice.Stem.color
 33                    \revert voice.Flag.color
 34                    \revert Voice.Beam.color
 35                    \revert Voice.Slur.color
 36                    \revert Voice.PhrasingSlur.color
 37                    \revert Voice.Tie.color
 38                    \revert Voice.Dots.color
 39                    \revert Voice.Script.color
 40                    \revert Voice.TupletNumber.color
 41                    \revert Voice.TupletBracket.color
 42                    \revert Voice.BreathingSign.color
 43 }
 45 BlueRest = { \override Voice.Rest.color = #blue
 46              \override Voice.Dots.color = #blue }
 47 BlueOff = { \revert Voice.Rest.color
 48             \revert Voice.Dots.color }
 50 AddChorus = {
 51                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.color = #red
 52                    \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner.color = #red
 53                    \override Staff.Clef.color = #red
 54                    \override Staff.TimeSignature.color = #red
 55                    \override Staff.KeySignature.color = #red
 56                    \override Staff.BarLine.color = #red
 57                    \override Voice.NoteHead.color = #red
 58                    \override Voice.Rest.color = #red
 59                    \override Voice.Stem.color = #red
 60                    \override Voice.Flag.color = #red
 61                    \override Voice.Beam.color = #red
 62                    \override Voice.Slur.color = #red
 63                    \override Voice.PhrasingSlur.color = #red
 64                    \override Voice.Tie.color = #red
 65                    \override Voice.Dots.color = #red
 66                    \override Voice.Script.color = #red
 67                    \override Voice.TupletNumber.color = #red
 68                    \override Voice.TupletBracket.color = #red
 69                    \override Voice.BreathingSign.color = #red
 70 }
 72 \paper {
 73         %% ragged-last-bottom = ##f
 74 }
 76 \header {
 77  dedication = \markup { \center-column { "  " "  " "  " "The Story of A Lady" } }
 78  title = \markup{ \line { \huge "Oh! My Son! My Son!"} }
 79  subtitle = \markup{ \center-column {
 80                            \italic "cis major; cis dis eis fis gis ais bis"
 81                            \raise #4 \italic "( g major; c d e fis g a b )" } }
 82 %% subsubtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))
 83  subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column { " "
 84                    \italic "mezzosoprano; C clef on 2nd line,"
 85                    "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
 86                    "       bass; F clef on 4th line,    tenor; C clef on 4th line."}}
 87  composer = \markup{ \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"}}
 88  arranger = "Oct 2, 2013"
 89  poet = ""
 90  opus = "Op.77"
 91  meter = " "
 92 copyright = "public Domain"
 93 %%  tagline = "  "
 94 }
 96 %%%%%%%%% mezzosoprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 97 mezzosoprano = {
 98     \autoBeamOff
 99    \partial 2 r2
100 %% 1-4
101    ais'2 bis'4. r8 cis''2 ~ | cis''2 r2 ais'2 | gis'4. r8 fis'1 |
102    r8 cis''1 ais'4. | \break
103 %% 5-8
104    fis'2 dis'1 | eis'1 fis'4. r8 | cis'2 bis1 | r1. | \break
105 %% 9-12
106    \repeat volta 3 { r8^\markup { \hspace #-8 \with-color #blue \bold "Solo; "
107      \with-color #blue \teeny \italic "Repeat; here is third. But Count is free!" }
108                         bis2 bis4. bis2 ~ | bis2 r4 ais2  bis4 |
109    cis'4 dis'1 r4 | gis'4. eis'2 dis'8 cis'2 | \break
110 %% 13-16
111    cis'4. bis1 r8 | fis'4.-. gis'-. eis'8-. r8 dis'2 | cis'4. bis1 r8 | }
112    bis'1^\markup { \with-color #blue \teeny \dynamic{ ppp } }\melisma
113    cis''2^\markup { \with-color #blue \teeny \dynamic{ pppp } }\melismaEnd | \break
114 %% 17-20
115    R1. * 4 | \break
116 %% 21-24
117    R1. * 4 | \break
118 %% 25-28
119    R1. * 4 | \break
120 %% 29
121    \time 4/1 R\longa | \break
122 %% 30-31
123    \time 4/1 r2 cis'2 r8 bis4.-. bis2 r8 cis'4 dis'2 r8
124              eis'2 cis'8 dis'4. |
125              dis'2( eis') fis'8 gis'4.(\( ais'2) bis'1\) r1 | \break
126 %% 32-33
127              r2 dis''2 bis'2. ais'2 r8 bis'4. cis''2 cis''4( dis'' eis''|
128              \time 3/2 eis''1) \bar "|." \break
129 }%% end mezzospprano sheet
131 mezzosopranoL = \lyricmode {
132     \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
133     \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
134     \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
135     \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
136     \tiny
137 Oh! my Son! Oh! my Son!
138 I "have to" kill you!
139 I must kill you!
141 Oh! My son! Love -- ly my son!
142 My life of running through me
143 Do End with you are die. ə __
145 God! "Let Give" me that power.
146 Even if "I'm" falling to "evils-" world,
147 Now! I'll do, "have to" play it.
148 }
150 mezzosopranoM = {
151     \autoBeamOff
152    \partial 2 r2
153 %% 1-4
154    ais'2 bis'4. r8 cis''2 ~ | cis''2 r2 ais'2 | gis'4. r8 fis'1 |
155    r8 cis''1 ais'4. | \break
156 %% 5-8
157    fis'2 dis'1 | eis'1 fis'4. r8 | cis'2 bis1 | r1. | \break
158 %% 9-
159    \repeat volta 3 { r8 bis2 bis4. bis2 ~ | bis2 r4 ais2  bis4 |
160    cis'4 dis'1 r4 | gis'4. eis'2 dis'8 cis'2 | \break
161 %% 13-16
162    cis'4. bis1 r8 | fis'4.-. gis'-. eis'8-. r8 dis'2 | cis'4. bis1 r8 | }
163    bis'1\melisma cis''2\melismaEnd | \break
164 %% 17-20
165    R1. * 4 | \break
166 %% 21-24
167    R1. * 4 | \break
168 %% 25-28
169    R1. * 4 | \break
170 %% 29
171    \time 4/1 R\longa  | \break
172 %% 30-31
173    \time 4/1 r2 cis'2 r8 bis4.-. bis2 r8 cis'4 dis'2 r8
174              eis'2 cis'8 dis'4. |
175              dis'2( eis') fis'8 gis'4.(\( ais'2) bis'1\) r1 | \break
176 %% 32-33
177              r2 dis''2 bis'2. ais'2 r8 bis'4. cis''2 cis''4( dis'' eis''|
178              \time 3/2 eis''1) \bar "|." \break
180 }%% end mezzosoprano-midi
182 %%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
183 soprano = {
184     \autoBeamOff
185    \partial 2 r2^\markup { \hspace #-12 \column { " " \teeny \italic
186    \line {\teeny \italic Only; Instruments. All parts are dynamic \dynamic {ppp}} } }
187 %% 1-4
188    <c' fis'>1 <d' g'>2 ~ | <d' g'> fis'1 | c'1 r2 | r4 g'1 ~ <d' g'>4 ~ | \break
189 %% 5-8
190    <c' g'>2.  ~ c'2. | e'1 fis'2 ~ | fis'2 \times 2/3 {e'2 d' c'(} | c'1.) | \break
191 %% 9-13-16
192    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
193 %% 17-20
194    d''1. |
195    c'4 d'8[ <c' e'> <d' fis'> <d' g'>] <fis' b'>8[ <g' b'> <a' c''> b'] c''4 |
196    <c' e'>16[ <c' fis'> <c' g'> <c' a'>]fis'2 b'2. |
197    <d' g'>4 <e' a'>4. <fis' b'>8[ <g' c''> <a' d''>] <b' e''>4 <c'' fis''> |
198 %% 21-24
199 %%%%% Add Score Sheet; soprano-Chorus #1
200 %%%%% At Here; Use "\markup form"
201    <fis' b'>1.^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
202             \line { \score { <<
203           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
204                 \clef soprano \key g\major \time 3/2
205                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
206                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
207                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
208                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
209                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
210                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #21
211                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
212               \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "21" }
213                c''1 * 2/3
214                    ^\markup{ \hspace #-6 \with-color #red \italic "Only chorus;" }
215                    \melisma
216                   s1 * 1/3 c''4\melismaEnd r4 |
217                b'4. * 1/2 s4. *1/2
218                b'8. * 1/2 -. s8. * 1/2 a'8. * 1/2 -. s8. * 1/2
219                g'2. * 1/2\( s2. * 1/2 |
220                g'2 * 1/2\) s2 * 1/2 r4
221                                  c''4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2 d''4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2 |
222                c''2 * 2/3 s2 * 1/3 d''1 * 1/3 s1 * 2/3 | }
223                \addlyrics {
224                           \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
225                           \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
226                           \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
227                           \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
228                           \teeny
229                            ə __
230                            Now, it is done! \skip2
231                            God! God! This is?!
232                            %% Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?
233                            %% Now she kill, the son of the beloved.
234                             }
235                                       >>
236                            \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
237                 } } } }%% Add soprano-chorus End! #1
238            | \noBreak c''2 <fis' b'>4 d''2 <g' c''>4 | \noBreak
239              fis'2 <g' c''>4 g'2 <a' d''>4 | \noBreak
240              c'2 <d' g'>4 d'2 <e' a'>4 | \break
241 %% 25-28
242    fis'2.^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
243             \line { \score { <<
244           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
245                 \clef soprano \key g\major \time 3/2
246                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
247                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
248                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
249                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
250                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
251                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #25
252                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
253               \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "25" }
254                c''1 * 1/2 \melisma s1 * 1/2
255                c''4. * 1/2 \melismaEnd s4. *1/2 b'8 |
256                c''4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2
257                b'16 c''4 d''8 e''8. fis''2 * 1/3 s2 * 2/3 \bar "|." }
258                \addlyrics {
259                           \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
260                           \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
261                           \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
262                           \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
263                           \teeny
264                            ə __
265                            %% Now, it is done! \skip2
266                            %% God! God! This is?!
267                            %% Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?
268                            %% Now she kill,
269                            the son of the be -- lov -- ed.
270                             }
271                                       >>
272                            \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
273                 } } } }%% Add soprano-chorus End! #2
274    a'2. | g' b' | <a' c''> <b' d'' fis''> | <d'' fis''>1. | \break
275 %% 29
276    \time 4/1
277    a'1( c''\breve) r1 | \break
278 %% 30-31
279    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
280 %% 32-33
281    r\breve fis'\breve( | \time 3/2 fis'1) \bar "|."
282 }%% end soprano sheet
284 sopranoM = {
285     \autoBeamOff
286    \partial 2 r2
287 %% 1-4
288    <c' fis'>1^\ppp <d' g'>2 ~ | <d' g'> fis'1 | c'1 r2 | r4 g'1 ~ <d' g'>4 ~ | \break
289 %% 5-8
290    <c' g'>2. ~ c'2. | e'1 fis'2 ~ | fis'2 \times 2/3 {e'2 d' c'(} | c'1.) | \break
291 %% 9-13-16
292    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
293 %% 17-20
294    d''1. |
295    c'4 d'8[ <c' e'> <d' fis'> <d' g'>] <fis' b'>8[ <g' b'> <a' c''> b'] c''4 |
296    <c' e'>16[ <c' fis'> <c' g'> <c' a'>]fis'2 b'2. |
297    <d' g'>4 <e' a'>4. <fis' b'>8[ <g' c''> <a' d''>] <b' e''>4 <c'' fis''> |
298 %% 21-24
299 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours #1\\
300    << { c''1\melisma c''4\melismaEnd  r4 | b'4. b'8.-. a'-. g'2. ~ |
301         g'2 r4 c''4. d'' | c''2 d''1 } \\
302       { <fis' b'>1. |  c''2 <fis' b'>4 d''2 <g' c''>4 |
303         fis'2 <g' c''>4 g'2 <a' d''>4 | c'2 <d' g'>4 d'2 <e' a'>4 } >> | \break
304 %% 25-28
305 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours #2\\
306    << { c''1\melisma c''4.\melismaEnd b'8 |
307                           c''4. b'16 c''4 d''8 e''8. fis''2  } \\
308       { fis'2. a' | g' b' } >> |
309    <a' c''> <b' d'' fis''> | <d'' fis''>1. | \break
310 %% 29
311    \time 4/1
312    a'1( c''\breve) r1 | \break
313 %% 30-31
314    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
315 %% 32-33
316    r\breve fis'\breve( | \time 3/2 fis'1) \bar "|."
317 }%% end soprano-midi
319 %%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
320 alto = {
321      \autoBeamOff
322    \partial 2 r2^\markup { \hspace #-12 \column { " " \teeny \italic
323    \line {\teeny \italic Only; Instruments. All parts are dynamic \dynamic {ppp}} } }
324 %% 1-4
325    r8 <fis b>1 <g c'>4. ~ | <g c'>2 b1 | fis1 r2 | r4 c'1 ~ <g c'>4 ~ | \break
326 %% 5-8
327    <fis c'>1 fis2 | e'1 fis'2 ~ | fis'2 \times 2/3 {e'2 b fis(} | fis1.) | \break
328 %% 9-13-16
329    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
330 %% 17-20
331    b'1 c''2-> | <a' e'>4 <g' d'> <fis' c'>8[ <e' b> <d' a> <e' g>] fis2 ~ |
332    fis2 <fis a>16[ <g b> <a c'> <b d'>] r8
333                            <c' e'>8-. <d' fis'>-. <e' g'>8.-. <fis' a'>-. |
334    <g' d'>2 <d' a>1 |
335 %% 21-24
336 %%%%% Add Score Sheet; alto-Chorus #1
337 %%%%% At Here; Use "\markup form"
338    <fis' c'>1.^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
339             \line { \score { <<
340           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
341                 \clef alto \key g\major \time 3/2
342                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
343                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
344                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
345                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
346                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
347                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #21
348                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
349                 \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "21" }
350                fis'1 * 2/3
351                    ^\markup{ \hspace #-6 \with-color #red \italic "Only chorus;" }
352                    \melisma
353                   s1 * 1/3 fis'4\melismaEnd r4 |
354                e'4. * 1/2 s4. *1/2
355                e'8. * 1/2 -. s8. * 1/2 d'8. * 1/2 -. s8. * 1/2
356                c'2. * 1/2\( s2. * 1/2 |
357                c'2 * 1/2\) s2 * 1/2 r4 fis'4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2
358                                                     g'4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2 |
359                fis'2 * 2/3 s2 * 1/3 g'1 * 1/3 s1 * 2/3 | }
360              \addlyrics {
361                          \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
362                          \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
363                          \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
364                          \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
365                          \teeny
366                            ə __
367                            Now, it is done! \skip2
368                            God! God! This is?!
369                            %% Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?
370                            %% Now she kill, the son of the beloved.
371                           }
372                                   >>
373                \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
374                    } } } }%% Add alto-chorus End! #1
375            | <a c'>8[ <b d'>] e'2 <g b>8[ <a c'>] d'2 |
376            <fis a>16[ <g b> <a c'>] r16 d'2 <g b>16[ <a c'> <b d'>] r16 e'2 |
377            <b e'>2. <c' fis'> | \break
378 %% 25-28
379    <b d'>8^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
380             \line { \score { <<
381           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
382                 \clef alto \key g\major \time 3/2
383                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
384                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
385                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
386                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
387                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
388                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #25
389                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
390               \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "25" }
391                fis'1 * 1/2 \melisma s1 * 1/2
392                fis'4. * 1/2 \melismaEnd s4. *1/2 e'8 |
393                fis'4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2
394                e'16 fis'4 g'8 a'8. b'2 * 1/3 s2 * 2/3 \bar "|." }
395                \addlyrics {
396                           \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
397                           \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
398                           \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
399                           \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
400                           \teeny
401                            ə __
402                            %% Now, it is done! \skip2
403                            %% God! God! This is?!
404                            %% Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?
405                            %% Now she kill,
406                            the son of the be -- lov -- ed.
407                             }
408                                       >>
409                            \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
410                 } } } }%% Add alto-chorus End! #2
411          [ <a c'>8 <g b>] <fis a>2 <c' e'>4 <d' fis'>4. ~ |
412    <d' fis'>4. <e' g'> <d' fis'>8[ <e' g'> <fis' a'>] g'4. |
413    <fis' a'>2. g' | a'1. | \break
414 %% 29
415    \time 4/1 d'1( fis'\breve) r1 | \break
416 %% 30-31
417    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
418 %% 32-33
419    r\breve b\breve( | \time 3/2 b1) \bar "|."
420 }%% end alto sheet
422 altoM = {
423      \autoBeamOff
424    \partial 2 r2
425 %% 1-4
426    r8 <fis b>1^\ppp <g c'>4. ~ | <g c'>2 b1 | fis1 r2 | r4 c'1 ~ <g c'>4 ~ | \break
427 %% 5-8
428    <fis c'>1 fis2 | e'1 fis'2 ~ | fis'2 \times 2/3 {e'2 b fis(} | fis1.) | \break
429 %% 9-13-16
430    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
431 %% 17-20
432    b'1 c''2-> | <a' e'>4 <g' d'> <fis' c'>8[ <e' b> <d' a> <e' g>] fis2 |
433    fis2 <fis a>16[ <g b> <a c'> <b d'>] r8
434                                 <c' e'>8-. <d' fis'>-. <e' g'>8.-. <fis' a'>-. |
435    <g' d'>2 <d' a>1 |
436 %% 21-24
437 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours #1\\
438    << { fis'1\melisma fis'4\melismaEnd r4 | e'4. e'8.-. d'-. c'2.\( |
439         c'2 r4 fis'4. g'4. | fis'2 g'1 } \\
440       { <c' fis'>1. | <a c'>8[ <b d'>] e'2 <g b>8[ <a c'>] d'2 |
441         <fis a>16[ <g b> <a c'> r16] d'2 <g b>16[ <a c'> <b d'> r16] e'2 |
442         <b e'>2. <c' fis'> } >> | \break
443 %% 25-28
444 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours #2\\
445    << { fis'1\melisma fis'4.\melismaEnd e'8 |
446         fis'4. e'16 fis'4 g'8 a'8. b'2 } \\
447       { <b d'>8[ <a c'>8 <g b>] <fis a>2 <c' e'>4 <d' fis'>4. ~ |
448    <d' fis'>4. <e' g'> <d' fis'>8[ <e' g'> <fis' a'>] g'4. } >> |
449    <fis' a'>2. g' | a'1. | \break
450 %% 29
451    \time 4/1 d'1( fis'\breve) r1 | \break
452 %% 30-31
453    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
454 %% 32-33
455    r\breve b\breve( | \time 3/2 b1) \bar "|."
456 }%% end alto-midi
458 %%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
459 tenor = {
460      \autoBeamOff
461    \partial 2 r2^\markup { \hspace #-12 \column { " " \teeny \italic
462    \line {\teeny \italic Only; Instruments. All parts are dynamic \dynamic {ppp}}}}
463 %% 1-4
464    r4 <d g>1 <e a>4 ~ | <e a>2 g1 | d1 r2 | r2. <e a>2. ~ | \break
465 %% 5-8
466    <e a>2. c2. | d2. e4. fis | e2. d2. ~ | d1. | \break
467 %% 9-13-16
468    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
469 %% 17-20
470    d1. | <c' a>4. <b g> <a fis> <g e> |
471    <c' a>8.-. <b g>-. r8 <a fis>8.-. <g e>-. r8 <fis d>8.-. <e c>-. r8 |
472    d4.-. <e a>8[ <fis b> <g c'>] d'2. |
473 %% 21-24
474 %%%%% Add Score Sheet; tenor-Chorus #1
475 %%%%% At Here; Use "\markup form"
476    <c' fis'>1.^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
477             \line { \score { <<
478           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
479                 \clef tenor \key g\major \time 3/2
480                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
481                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
482                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
483                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
484                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
485                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #21
486                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
487                 \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "21" }
488               g4.^\markup{ \hspace #-6 \with-color #red \italic "Only chorus;"}
489               g2 fis8 fis4. fis8 | fis4. e8 g8 e8 fis4. e8 fis4 ~ |
490 %%       fis4 r4 fis4 r8 c'2 * 1/4 s2 * 3/4 r8 |
491               fis4 r4^\markup{ \with-color #red \italic " Or free pronunciation;" Notes; r4 fis4 r8 c'2 r8 | b4. g8 g1}
492                           r4 r8 r2 * 1/4 s2 * 3/4 r8 |
493               r4. * 1/3 s4. * 2/3 r8 r1 * 1/4 s1 * 3/4 | }
494              \addlyrics {
495                          \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
496                          \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
497                          \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
498                          \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
499                          \teeny
500                            %% ə __
501                            %% Now, it is done!
502                            %% God! God! This is!
503                          Do you a propo -- si -- tion that was im -- posed on you?
504                            %% Now she kill the son of the beloved.
505                           }
506                                      >>
507               \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
508                  } } } }%% Add tenor-chorus End! #1
509               | fis2 <fis a>4 <a c'>2. |
510                 <fis a>8[ <g b> <a c'>] ~ c'4. <g b>2. | \stemDown
511                 <fis b>4.-> \stemNeutral <g c'>-> <a d'>-> <b e'>-> | \break
512 %% 25-28
513    <b g>16^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
514             \line { \score { <<
515           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
516                 \clef tenor \key g\major \time 3/2
517                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
518                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
519                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
520                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
521                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
522                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #25
523                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
524               \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "25" }
525                a4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2 r8 b4 r4 fis2 * 1/3^( s2 * 2/3 |
526                fis2 * 1/4) s2 * 3/4
527                e8(\melisma
528                d4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2
529                c2 * 1/5 s2 * 4/5)\melismaEnd \bar "|."}
530                \addlyrics {
531                           \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
532                           \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
533                           \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
534                           \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
535                           \teeny
536                            %% ə __
537                            %% Now, it is done! \skip2
538                            %% God! God! This is?!
539                            %% Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?
540                            Now she kill, ʊ __
541                            %% the son of the be -- lov -- ed.
542                             }
543                                       >>
544                            \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
545                 } } } }%% Add tenor-chorus End! #2
546    [ <a fis>16 <g e> < fis d>] c2 <c e>8.[ <d fis> <e g> <fis a>] |
547    <g b>16[ <fis a> <e g> <d fis>] c2 <c e>8[ <d fis> <e g>] a4. |
548    <c' e'>2 <b d'> <a c'> | fis1. | \break
549 %% 29
550    \time 4/1 g1( b\breve) r1 | \break
551 %% 30-31
552    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
553 %% 32-33
554    r\breve g\breve( | \time 3/2 g1) \bar "|."
555 } %% end tenor sheet
557 tenorM = {
558      \autoBeamOff
559    \partial 2 r2
560 %% 1-4
561    r4 <d g>1^\ppp <e a>4 ~ | <e a>2 g1 | d1 r2 | r2. <e a>2. ~ | \break
562 %% 5-8
563    <e a>2. c2. | d2. e4. fis | e2. d2. ~ | d1. | \break
564 %% 9-13-16
565    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
566 %% 17-20
567    d1. | <c' a>4. <b g> <a fis> <g e> |
568    <c' a>8.-. <b g>-. r8 <a fis>8.-. <g e>-. r8 <fis d>8.-. <e c>-. r8 |
569    d4.-. <e a>8[ <fis b> <g c'>] d'2. |
570 %% 21-24
571 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours\\
572    << { g4. g2 fis8 fis4. fis8 | fis4. e8 g8 e8 fis4. e8 fis4 ~ |
573         fis4 r4 fis4 r8 c'2 r8 | b4. g8 g1 } \\
574       { <c' fis'>1. | fis2 <fis a>4 <a c'>2. |
575         <fis a>8[ <g b> <a c'>] ~ c'4. <g b>2. |
576         <fis b>4.-> <g c'>-> <a d'>-> <b e'>-> } >> | \break
577 %% 25-28
578 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours\\
579    << { a4. r8 b4 r4 fis2^( | fis2) e8(\melisma d4. c2)\melismaEnd } \\
580       { <b g>16[ <a fis> <g e> < fis d>] c2 <c e>8.[ <d fis> <e g> <fis a>] |
581    <g b>16[ <fis a> <e g> <d fis>] c2 <c e>8[ <d fis> <e g>] a4. } >> |
582    <c' e'>2 <b d'> <a c'> | fis1. | \break
583 %% 29
584    \time 4/1 g1( b\breve) r1 | \break
585 %% 30-31
586    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
587 %% 32-33
588    r\breve g\breve( | \time 3/2 g1) \bar "|."
589 } %% end tenor midi
591 %%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
592 bass = {
593    \autoBeamOff
594    \partial 2 r2^\markup { \hspace #-12 \column { " " \teeny \italic
595    \line {
596        \teeny \italic Only; Instruments. All parts are dynamic \dynamic {ppp}} } }
597 %% 1-4
598    r4. <g, c>1 <a, d>8 ~ | <a, d>2 c1 | g,1 r2 | r2. <a, d>2. ~ | \break
599 %% 5-8
600    <a, d>2. c2. | b,4. a, g,2. | c4 b, a, g,2. ~ | g,1. | \break
601 %% 9-13-16
602    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
603 %% 17-20
604    b,1._\markup { \hspace #-10 \column { "  " "  " "  " "  "
605                              \with-color #red \italic "Add chorus(S,A,T,B)" } } |
606    c1 d2 ~ | d2 <g, c>1 | <a, d>4.-. <b, e>-. <c fis>2. | \break
607 %%21-24
608 %%%%% Add Score Sheet; bass-Chorus #1
609 %%%%% At Here; Use "\markup form"
610    <g, c>1^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
611             \line { \score { <<
612           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
613                 \clef bass \key g\major \time 3/2
614                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
615                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
616                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
617                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
618                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
619                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #21
620                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
621              \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "21" }
622               c4.^\markup{ \hspace #-6 \with-color #red \italic "Only chorus;" }
623               c2 b,8 b,4. b,8 | b,4. a,8 c8 a,8 b,4. a,8 b,4 ~ |
624 %%        b,4 r4 b,4 r8 fis2 * 1/4 s2 * 3/4 r8 |
625               b,4 r4^\markup{ \with-color #red \italic " Or free pronunciation;" Notes; r4 b,4 r8 fis2 r8 | e4. c8 c1}
626                           r4 r8 r2 * 1/4 s2 * 3/4 r8 |
627               r4. * 1/3 s4. * 2/3 r8 r1 * 1/4 s1 * 3/4 | }
628            \addlyrics {
629                      \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
630                      \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
631                      \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
632                      \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
633                      \teeny
634                            %% ə __
635                            %% Now, it is done!
636                            %% God! God! This is!
637                          Do you a propo -- si -- tion that was im -- posed on you?
638                            %% Now she kill, the son of the beloved.
639                        }
640                                 >>
641                          \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm
642                                                      paper-hight = 0.0\mm }
643                   } } } }%% Add bass-chorus End! #1
644            c2 ~ | c2 <c fis>4 <d g> <c fis> <d g> |
645            <g, b,>8[ <a, c> <b, d>] e4. <fis, b,>8[ <g, c> <a, d>] e4. |
646            <fis a>2.\marcato <g b>\marcato | \break
647 %% 25-28
648    <c a,>8.^\markup { \hspace #-3.4 \column {
649             \line { \score { <<
650           { \AddChorus \autoBeamOff
651                 \clef bass \key g\major \time 3/2
652                 \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
653                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
654                 \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness =#(magstep -4)
655                 \override Score.BarNumber.color = #red
656                 \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t)
657                 \set Score.currentBarNumber = #25
658                 \override Score.BarNumber.font-size = #-4
659               \mark \markup { \with-color #red \teeny "25" }
660                d4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2 r8 e4 r4 b,2 * 1/3^( s2 * 2/3 |
661                b,2 * 1/4) s2 * 3/4
662                a,8(\melisma
663                g,4. * 1/2 s4. * 1/2
664                fis,2 * 1/5 s2 * 4/5)\melismaEnd \bar "|."}
665                \addlyrics {
666                           \override Lyrics.LyricText.color = #blue
667                           \override Lyrics.LyricHyphen.color = #blue
668                           \override Lyrics.LyricExtender.color = #blue
669                           \override Score.LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
670                           \teeny
671                            %% ə __
672                            %% Now, it is done! \skip2
673                            %% God! God! This is?!
674                            %% Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?
675                            Now she kill, ʊ __
676                            %% the son of the be -- lov -- ed.
677                             }
678                                       >>
679                            \layout { indent = 0.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
680                 } } } }%% Add bass-chorus End! #2
681    [ <b, g,>8. <a, fis,> <g, e,>] e,2 <e, g,>16[ <fis, a,> <g, b,> <a, c>] |
682    <c e>8[ <b, d> <a, c>] g,4. <g, b,>16[ <a, c> <b, d> <c e>] d2 |
683    <fis a>2 <e g> <d fis> | b,1. | \break
684 %% 29
685    \time 4/1 c1( e\breve) r1 | \break
686 %% 30-31
687    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
688 %% 32-33
689    r\breve c\breve( | \time 3/2 c1) \bar "|."
690 } %%end bass-sheet
692 bassM = {
693    \autoBeamOff
694    \partial 2 r2
695 %% 1-4
696    r4. <g, c>1 <a, d>8 ~ | <a, d>2 c1 | g,1 r2 | r2. <a, d>2. ~ | \break
697 %% 5-8
698    <a, d>2. c2. | b,4. a, g,2. | c4 b, a, g,2. ~ | g,1. | \break
699 %% 9-13-16
700    \repeat volta 3 { R1. * 4 | \break R1. * 3 | } R1. | \break
701 %% 17-20
702    b,1. | c1 d2 ~ | d2 <g, c>1 | <a, d>4.-. <b, e>-. <c fis>2. | \break
703 %% 21-24
704 %%%%%% Upper; add-chours\\
705    << { c4. c2 b,8 b,4. b,8 | b,4. a,8 c8 a,8 b,4. a,8 b,4 ~ |
706               b,4 r4 b,4 r8 fis2 r8 | e4. c8 c1 } \\
707       { <g, c>1 c2 ~ | c2 <c fis>4 <d g> <c fis> <d g> |
708         <g, b,>8[ <a, c> <b, d>] e4. <fis, b,>8[ <g, c> <a, d>] e4. |
709         <fis a>2.\marcato <g b>\marcato } >> | \break
710 %% 25-28
711    << { d4. r8 e4 r4 b,2( | b,2) a,8(\melisma g,4. fis,2)\melismaEnd } \\
712       { <c a,>8.[ <b, g,> <a, fis,> <g, e,>] e,2
713                              <e, g,>16[ <fis, a,> <g, b,> <a, c>] |
714    <c e>8[ <b, d> <a, c>] g,4. <g, b,>16[ <a, c> <b, d> <c e>] d2 } >> |
715    <fis a>2 <e g> <d fis> | b,1. | \break
716 %% 29
717    \time 4/1 c1( e\breve) r1 | \break
718 %% 30-31
719    \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | \break
720 %% 32-33
721    r\breve c\breve( | \time 3/2 c1) \bar "|."
722 }%% end bass-midi
725 %%%%%%%%%% sheet and midi music code part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
726 %% get sheet music -------------------------------------------------
727 \score {
728    %% \new Score \with { \override VerticalAlignment.max-stretch =#8 }
729          <<
730        \new Voice = "mezzosoprano" {
731                               \clef mezzosoprano \key cis\major \time 3/2
732                  \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup { \tiny "mezzosoprano" }
733                                       \VoiceColorBlue {\mezzosoprano} }
734        \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "mezzosoprano" { \mezzosopranoL }
736            \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
737            \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key g\major \time 3/2
738                    \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
739                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
740                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
741                              \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
742            %%\new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "SopranoChours" { \sopranoL }
744            \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key g\major \time 3/2
745                    \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
746                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
747                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
748                         \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
749            %%\new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "AltoChours" { \altoL }
751            \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key g\major \time 3/2
752                    \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
753                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
754                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
755                         \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
756            %%\new Lyrics = "mainTL" \lyricsto "TenorChours" { \tenorL }
758            \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key g\major \time 3/2
759                    \set Staff.fontSize = #-4
760                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep -4)
761                    \override Staff.StaffSymbol.thickness = #(magstep -4)
762                         \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
763            %%\new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "BassChours" { \bassL }
764                                            >>
766            %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" <<
767            %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key g\major \time 3/2
768            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoUP }
769            %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key g\major \time 3/2
770            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoDown }
771            %%                                   >>
773          >>
775   \layout {
776             \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
777                        %% \override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
778                        %% It can get effect by using for instance "R1."
779                        %% Don't using "r1."
780                       }
781            }
782      %%%%%% Don't output Score-sheet %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
783      %% \layout { \context { \Score skipTypesetting = ##t } }
784 }
786 %% get midi music --------------------------------------------------
787 \score {
788          <<
789            \new Staff { \clef mezzosoprano \key cis\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
790                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
791                                          \unfoldRepeats       \mezzosopranoM }
793            \new Staff { \clef soprano \key g\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
794                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
795                                          \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }
797            \new Staff { \clef alto \key g\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
798                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
799                                          \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }
801            \new Staff { \clef tenor \key g\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
802                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
803                                          \unfoldRepeats       \tenorM }
805            \new Staff { \clef bass \key g\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
806                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
807                                          \unfoldRepeats          \bassM }
809            %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key g\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
810            %%             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
811            %%                                \unfoldRepeats       \pianoUPm }
812            %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key g\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
813            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand"
814            %%                                \unfoldRepeats     \pianoDownm }
815          >>
817    \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 58 4) }
818 }
819 \markup { " " }
820 \markup { \column { \line {
821 About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) }
822 \line { \italic " Please, Breath of longa and breve do in the members alternating(But, like Don't stand out). " } } }
823 \markup { " " }
824 \markup { " " }
825 \markup { " " }
826 \markup { " " }
827 \markup { " " }
828 %%\markup { \fill-line { \tiny \italic
829 %% \bold "Mortal My Life"
830 \markup { \line {\hspace #8 \bold "Oh! My son! My son!"} }
831 \markup { \hspace #18 \tiny \italic \column {
832 "Oh! My Son! Oh! my Son!"
833 "I have to kill you! "
834 "I must kill you!"
835 " "
836 "Oh! My son! Lovely my son!"
837 "My life of running through me"
838 "Do End with you are die."
839 \raise #8 {\teeny "                           (three lines; repeat)"}
840 " "
841 \raise #20 "God! Let Give me that power."
842 \raise #20 "Even if I'm falling to evils-world,"
843 \raise #20 "Now! I'll do, have to play it."
844 }\hspace #12
845    \teeny \italic \column { %%\lower #10
846 \line { (\bold " Add, Chours(S,A,T,B)"\italic "dynamic"\dynamic{ ppp } )}
847 " "
848 " "
849 " "
850 " "
851 " "
852 "( ə )"
853 "Now, it is done!"
854 "God! God! This is!"
855 "Do you a proposition that was imposed on you?"
856 "Now she kill, the son of the beloved."
857 }}
858 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%