1 %% 1:31 AM Sunday, July 2, 2023
  2 %% Yukio Yoshida
  3 \version "2.24.0"
  4 #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
  5 #(set-global-staff-size 20)
  7 \header {
  8  dedication = \markup { \center-column { "   " "   " "   " "The Story of A Lady" } }
  9  title = " #? Instruments #? "
 10  %%subtitle = #(string-append "LilyPond version " (lilypond-version))
 11  subtitle = \markup { d major(\italic "cis d e fis g a b") }
 12  subsubtitle = \markup{\center-column {
 13                    "soprano; C clef on 1st line,       alto; C clef on 3rd line."
 14                    "       bass; F clef on 4th line,    tenor; C clef on 4th line."
 15  \teeny "   Some of Instruments; there is a difference between writing-note and real-note." }}
 16  composer = \markup{ \line {\italic "Yukio Yoshida"}}
 17  arranger = "July 18, 2013"
 18  poet = ""
 19  opus = "Op.76"
 20  meter = " "
 21  copyright = "public Domain"
 22  %% tagline = "  "
 23 }
 24 %%
 26 %%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 27 soprano = {
 28     \autoBeamOff
 29 %% 1-4(5-8)
 30    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | } \break
 31 \set Score.currentBarNumber = 9
 32 %% 9-12
 33    \time 3/2
 34    a'8[ b' cis''] d''4. e'8[ fis' g'] a'4. |
 35    r8 a'4 g'8[ fis' e'] r8 d''4 cis''8[ b' a'] |
 36    r8 <g' e''>8-. <fis' fis''>-. g''2-. <e'' b'>8-. <d'' a'>-. g'4. ~ |
 37    g'4 <fis' a'>8-. <e' b'>-. <d' cis''>-. r8 fis'4.-. d'-. | \break
 38 %% 13-17
 39    g'4. cis'' fis'' b' | <cis'' fis''>2 <fis'' b''>2. <b' e''>4 ~ |
 40    <b' e''>4 <a' fis'>4 <e' cis'> ~ cis'2. ~ |
 41    <cis' fis'>4. ~ <cis' b'> ~ <cis' e''>_~ <cis' a''> | <g' d''>2 b'1 | \break
 42 %% 18-25
 43    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
 44    g'\breve <cis' fis'>\breve | g'\breve <cis' fis'>\breve ~ |
 45    <cis' fis'>\breve d'\breve | <cis' fis'>\longa } \bar ".|-|" \break
 46 }
 48 sopranoM = {
 49     \autoBeamOff
 50 %% 1-4(5-8)
 51    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | } \break
 52 %% 9-12
 53    \time 3/2
 54    a'8[ b' cis''] d''4. e'8[ fis' g'] a'4. |
 55    r8 a'4 g'8[ fis' e'] r8 d''4 cis''8[ b' a'] |
 56    r8 <g' e''>8-. <fis' fis''>-. g''2-. <e'' b'>8-. <d'' a'>-. g'4. ~ |
 57    g'4 <fis' a'>8-. <e' b'>-. <d' cis''>-. r8 fis'4.-. d'-. | \break
 58 %% 13-17
 59    g'4. cis'' fis'' b' | <cis'' fis''>2 <fis'' b''>2. <b' fis'>4 ~ |
 60    <b' fis'>4 <a' fis'>4 <e' cis'> ~ cis'2. ~ |
 61    <cis' fis'>4. ~ <cis' b'> ~ <cis' e''> ~ <cis' a''> | <g' d''>2 b'1 | \break
 62 %% 18-25
 63    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
 64    g'\breve <cis' fis'>\breve | g'\breve <cis' fis'>\breve ~ |
 65    <cis' fis'>\breve d'\breve | <cis' fis'>\longa } \bar ".|-|" \break
 66 }
 68 %%%%%%%%%% alto part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 69 alto = {
 70      \autoBeamOff
 71 %% 1-4(5-8)
 72    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
 73    <b e'>\breve ~ <b e' a'>\breve ~ | <b e' a'>\breve ~ <b e'>\breve ~ |
 74    <b e'>\breve ~ <b e' a'>\breve ~ | <b e' a'>\breve ~ <b e'>\breve ~ | } \break
 75 %% 9-12
 76    \time 3/2
 77    b2\repeatTie e'1^\markup { \teeny \dynamic{ ppp } } |
 78    e'8[ d' cis'] b4. a'8[ g' fis'] ~ fis'4. |
 79    g16[ a b cis'8] r16 a16[ b cis' d'8] r16 d'8[ cis'16 b a] r8
 80                                                    g8[ a16 b cis'] ~ |
 81    cis'4 <b d'>8-. <a e'>-. <g fis'>-. b4..-. g-.| \break
 82 %% 13-17
 83    <fis b>4 <fis cis'>8[ <fis d'> <fis e'>] <fis fis'>2.. |
 84    cis'1 \times 2/3 {b4 a g} | <fis b>4.-. <fis a>-. g-. fis-. |
 85    <fis b>4. ~ <fis e'> ~ <fis a'>_~ <fis d''> | <cis' g'>2 e'1 | \break
 86 %% 18-25
 87    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa }
 88    \bar "|." \break
 89 }
 91 altoM = {
 92      \autoBeamOff
 93 %% 1-4(5-8)
 94    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
 95    <b e'>\breve ~ <b e' a'>\breve ~ | <b e' a'>\breve ~ <b e'>\breve ~ |
 96    <b e'>\breve ~ <b e' a'>\breve ~ | <b e' a'>\breve ~ <b e'>\breve ~ | } \break
 97 %% 9-12
 98    \time 3/2
 99    b2\repeatTie e'1 | e'8[ d' cis'] b4. a'8[ g' fis'] ~ fis'4. |
100    g16[ a b cis'8] r16 a16[ b cis' d'8] r16 d'8[ cis'16 b a] r8
101                                                    g8[ a16 b cis'] ~ |
102    cis'4 <b d'>8-. <a e'>-. <g fis'>-. b4..-. g-. | \break
103 %% 13-
104    <fis b>4 <fis cis'>8[ <fis d'> <fis e'>] <fis fis'>2.. |
105    cis'1 \times 2/3 {b4 a g} | <fis b>4.-. <fis a>-. g-. fis-. |
106    <fis b>4. ~ <fis e'> ~ <fis a'> ~ <fis d''> | <cis' g'>2 e'1 | \break
107 %% 18-25
108    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa }
109    \bar "|." \break
110 }
112 %%%%%%%% tenor part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
113 tenor = {
114      \autoBeamOff
115 %% 1-4
116    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | } \break
117 %% 9-12
118    \time 3/2
119    fis16[ g a b] cis'2 cis16[ d e fis] g2 |
120    r8 g4. fis16[ e d cis] r8 cis'4. b16[ a g fis] |
121    <cis g>2 <d g>2 <e a> ~ | a4 <g b>8-. <fis cis'>-. <e d'> r8 <g b>2.-. | \break
122 %% 13-
123    r4 <g b>2 <fis cis'>2. | r2 e4 d r4 e4 ~ |
124    e4 fis e fis2. ~ | <cis fis>4. ~ cis ~ <cis fis> ~ fis |
125    \tupletUp \times 2/3 {d4 a e'} a1_\markup { \teeny \dynamic{ pppp } } | \break
126 %% 18-25
127    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
128    a\breve <d g>\breve | a\breve <d g>\breve ~ |
129    <d g>\breve e\breve | <d g>\longa } \bar ".|-|" \break
130 }
132 tenorM = {
133     \autoBeamOff
134 %% 1-4(5-8)
135    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | } \break
136 %% 9-12
137    \time 3/2
138    fis16[ g a b] cis'2 cis16[ d e fis] g2 |
139    r8 g4. fis16[ e d cis] r8 cis'4. b16[ a g fis] |
140    <cis g>2 <d g>2 <e a> ~ | a4 <g b>8-. <fis cis'>-. <e d'> r8 <g b>2.-. | \break
141 %% 13-17
142    r4 <g b>2 <fis cis'>2. | r2 e4 d r4 e4 ~ |
143    e4 fis e fis2. | <cis fis>4. ~ cis ~ <cis fis> ~ fis |
144    \times 2/3 {d4 a e'} a1 | \break
145 %% 18-25
146    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
147    a\breve <d g>\breve | a\breve <d g>\breve ~ |
148    <d g>\breve e\breve | <d g>\longa } \bar ".|-|" \break
149 }
151 %%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
152 bass = {
153    \autoBeamOff
154 %% 1-4(5-8)
155    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
156    <cis fis>\breve ~ <g, cis fis>\breve ~ |
157    <g, cis fis>\breve ~ <cis fis>\breve ~ |
158    <cis fis>\breve ~ <g, cis fis>\breve ~ |
159    <g, cis fis>\breve ~ <cis fis>\breve ~ | } \break
160 %% 9-12
161    \time 3/2
162    cis1\repeatTie fis2 |
163    <cis g,>8[ <b, fis,> <a, e,>] <g g,>4. <cis fis>8[ <b, e> <a, d>] <g, g>4. ~ |
164    <g, g>2. <a, fis>8 <b, e> cis4 d ~ |
165    d4 <g, a>8-. <a, g>-. <b, fis>-. <cis e>-. d2.-. | \break
166 %% 13-17
167    <g, cis>2 <a, d>1 | <g, cis>2 <fis, b,> g, ~ |
168    g,4. ~ <g, b,>4. ~ <g, d> r4. |
169    <fis, b,>4. ~ fis, ~ <fis, b,> ~ b, |
170    \tupletUp \times 2/3 {g,4 d a} d1_\markup { \teeny \dynamic{ pppp } } | \break
171 %% 18-
172    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa }
173    \bar "|." \break
174 }
176 bassM = {
177    \autoBeamOff
178 %% 1-4(5-8)
179    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1
180    <cis fis>\breve ~ <g, cis fis>\breve ~ |
181    <g, cis fis>\breve ~ <cis fis>\breve ~ |
182    <cis fis>\breve ~ <g, cis fis>\breve ~ |
183    <g, cis fis>\breve ~ <cis fis>\breve ~ | } \break
184 %% 9-12
185    \time 3/2
186    cis1\repeatTie fis2 |
187    <cis g,>8[ <b, fis,> <a, e,>] <g g,>4. <cis fis>8[ <b, e> <a, d>] <g, g>4. |
188    <g, g>2. <a, fis>8 <b, e> cis4 d ~ |
189    d4 <g, a>8-. <a, g>-. <b, fis>-. <cis e>-. d2.-. | \break
190 %% 13-17
191    <g, cis>2 <a, d>1 | <g, cis>2 <fis, b,> g, |
192    g,4. ~ <g, b,>4. ~ <g, d> r4. |
193    <fis, b,>4. ~ fis, ~ <fis, b,> ~ b, |
194    \times 2/3 {g,4 d a} d1 | \break
195 %% 18-
196    \repeat volta 2 { \time 4/1 R\longa | R\longa | R\longa | R\longa }
197    \bar "|." \break
198 }
201 %%%%%%%%%% midi music code part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
202 %% get sheet music ---------------------------------------------------------------
203 \score {
204          <<
205            \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
206            \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key d\major \time 3/2
207             \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
209            \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key d\major \time 3/2
210             \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
212            \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key d\major \time 3/2
213             \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
215            \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
216             \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
217                                             >>
219            %%\context PianoStaff = "PianoStaff" <<
220            %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef treble \key \major \time
221            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoUP }
222            %%\new Voice = "piano" { \clef bass \key \major \time
223            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "piano  " \pianoDown }
224            %%                                   >>
226          >>
228   \layout {
229             \context { %%\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
230                        %%\override VerticalAxisGroup.remove-first = ##t
231                       }
232            }
233 }
235 %% get midi music ----------------------------------------------------------------
236 \score {
237          <<
238           %% soprano class
239            \new Staff { \clef soprano \key d\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 52
240                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
241                                          \unfoldRepeats       \sopranoM }
242           %% alto class
243            \new Staff { \clef alto \key d\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 52
244                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
245                                          \unfoldRepeats          \altoM }
247           %% tenor class
248            \new Staff { \clef tenor \key d\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 52
249                          \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
250                                          \unfoldRepeats       \tenorM }
252           %% bass class
253            \new Staff { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 52
254                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 2 (warm)"
255                                          \unfoldRepeats          \bassM }
257            %%\new Staff { \clef treble \key \major \time \tempo 4 =
258            %%             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
259            %%                                \unfoldRepeats       \pianoUPm }
260            %%\new Staff { \clef bass \key \major \time \tempo 4 =
261            %%             \set Staff.instrumentName = "acoustic grand"
262            %%                                \unfoldRepeats     \pianoDownm }
263          >>
265    \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 52 4) }
266 }
267 \markup { " " }
268 \markup { \column { \line {
269 About location \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.uM2"(longa) \hspace #2 and \hspace #3 \musicglyph #"noteheads.sM1"(breve) }
270 \line { \italic " Please, playing of \"longa and breve\" do in the members alternating(But, like Don't stand out). " } } }
271 \markup { " " }
272 \markup { \vspace #2 }
273 \markup { \hspace #20 \huge "INSTRUMENT RANGES" }
274 \markup { \italic "About;" \teeny\italic
275  "Some of Instruments; there is a difference between writing-note and real-note."
276 \italic "for instance:" }
277 \markup { \column { \line { \bold "WOODWINDS;" "  "Piccolo(in C)--\tiny "like this"-- }
278  \line { \score { {
279  \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/1
280  d'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 g'''1 s1 \bar"||"
281  s2 d''1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave higher" }
282  s1  g''''1 s2 | \break
283                    }
284                       \layout { \context { \Staff
285                                  \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t
286                                  \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t }
287                                  indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
288                   } }
289          }}
290 \markup { " " }
291 \markup { \vspace #1 }
292 \markup { \column { \line { \hspace #18.4  Bass Flute--\tiny "like this"-- }
293  \line { \score { {
294  \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/1
295  c'1^\markup {\italic "written" } s1 a'''1 s1 \bar"||"
296  \clef bass s2 c1_\markup { \hspace #-8 \italic "sounds one octave lower" }
297   s1 \clef treble a''1 s2| \break
298                              }
299                       \layout { \context { \Staff
300                                  \override ClefSignature.transparent = ##t
301                                  \override TimeSignature.transparent = ##t }
302                                  indent = 20.00\mm line-width = 160.00\mm }
303                   } }
304          }}
305 \markup { " " }
306 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% All End %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%