1 %% 1:31 AM Sunday, July 2, 2023
  2 %% Yukio Yoshida
  3 \documentclass[letterpaper]{article}
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 27 \markboth{\hskip2pc {\it\tiny  }}
 28 {\hskip2pc {\it\tiny }}
 30 \begin{document}
 31 \vspace*{20pt}
 32 \thispagestyle{empty}
 33 \medskip
 34 \centerline {\bfLarge Draft Score}
 35 \bigskip
 36 \centerline{{\sevenrm --- Basic Form ---}}
 37 \kern -5pt
 38 \centerline{{\sevenrm All choice freedom and free dynamic.}}
 39 %% \kern -5pt
 40 \centerline{
 41 \hskip .6in Soprano\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt soprano}}\par
 42 \centerline{\hskip .6in Alto\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt alto}}\par
 43 \centerline{\hskip .6in Tenore\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt tenore}}\par
 44 \centerline{\hskip .6in Bass\qquad \it Instruments \quad{\tt bass}}\par
 45 \centerline {\hskip .6in \sevensl (%
 46 Note: Some of Instruments; there is a difference between writing-note and real-note.)}\par
 47 \bigskip
 48 \bigskip
 49 \centerline {\inchFont SHEET}
 50 \centerline {\bfLarge \#? --- \textcolor{blue}{ Musical Instrument Performance} --- \#?}
 51 \vfill
 54 \bigskip
 55 \hskip 8pc {\bfLarge and{\it (this part is not)}\par
 56 \bigskip
 57 {\inchFont MIXED\\CHORUS\\GROUP}
 58 \mbox{\null}
 59 \newpage
 60 \vspace*{10pc}
 61 \hspace*{3pc} \vbox{
 62 \vbox{\#1\hskip 18pc \#2}\par
 63 \vbox{{\magfont Mortal My Life\hskip 8pc Oh! My Son! My Son!}\par
 64 \hbox{\hsize = 3.6in\vtop{ { \everypar = {\hskip 2pc}
 65 \medskip
 66 \it
 67 It's time to take off the veil,\par
 68 Hid deep in my heart,\par
 69 Now, I take it off.\par
 70 \bigskip
 71 For long time,\par
 72 Running through me,\par
 73 Showing my true life,\par
 74 \bigskip
 75 Of love and hate,\par
 76 Mortal my life begins on now, and\par
 77 The mortal curtain down immediately.\par
 78 \bigskip
 79 \bigskip
 80 {\sevenrm ( Add, Chours(S,A,T,B) )}\par
 81 {\sevensl
 82 Heaven was opened the heart of the diamond to her.\par
 83 It was hiding deep, strong will brought out her.\par
 84 That she exterminate the kinship and family.\par
 85 Heart of Heaven, appeared now.}\par
 86 \vfill
 87 }}\quad
 88 \vtop{\hsize = 4in
 89 \medskip
 90 \it
 91 Oh! My Son! Oh! My Son!\par
 92 I have to kill you!\par
 93 I must kill you!\par
 94 \bigskip
 95 Oh! My son! Lovely my son!\par
 96 My life of running through me\par
 97 Do End with you are die.\par
 98 \bigskip
 99 God! Let Give me that power.\par
100 Even if I'm falling to evils-world,\par
101 Now! I'll do, have to play it.\par
102 \vfill
103 }}
104 }}}%% End text-\vbox and \vbox by controlled \hspace*{3pc}"
105 \vfill
107 \newpage
108 \thispagestyle{empty}
109 \hoffset = -.5in
110 ~\vskip -4pc
111 %% for ver2.24.0 ---------------------------
112 \hskip -10pt \includegraphics{sketch1-2-1}
113 \vfill
114 \newpage
115 \thispagestyle{empty}
116 \hskip -10pt \includegraphics{sketch1-2-2}
117 \vfill
119 \newpage
120 \hoffset = 0in
121 \vspace*{1pc}
122 About stage position of this story\par
123 \vspace*{6pc}
124 \hfill{\Huge \bf \S\ Stage position \S }\hfill\break
125 \hrule
126 \kern 2pt
127 \hrule
128 %%%%% Environment Picture %%%%%%%%%%
129 \setlength{\unitlength}{1truemm}
130 \begin{picture}(0,20)
131 \put(0,0){\framebox{Stage background wall in full screen video, %
132 the depiction of images to match the progression of the story and music.}}
133 \end{picture}
134 \vskip 40pt
135 About the Chorus,\par
136 To become a permutation {\sl \framebox{Bass}, \framebox{Tenor}, %
137 \framebox{Alto}, and \framebox{Soprano}} just on this example. That is,
138 Become reverse order sequence \framebox{\sl Instruments}. In addition,
139 \vbox{\hbox{the array position is be in this position}\hrule\kern2pt\hrule},
140 To the location of the array, if there is loft, or if there is a low place on the stage
141 Available OK.\par
142 \kern 20pt
143 {\bf \P}\ About the protagonists,\par
144 {\sl Position of \framebox{soloists(leading role)} placed freely on the stage
145 space.}\par
146 \hspace*{2pc}\begin{picture}(40,60)
147 \linethickness{2pt}
148 \put(0,30){Orchestra placed at a position lower than the stage. Then, %
149 the instrument arrangement like a below.}
150 \hspace*{2pc} \multiput (0,0)(50,0){4}{\oval[5](40,50)}
151 \put(-16,6){\it Instruments}
152 \put(0,0){\bf Soprano}
153 \put(0,-3){\bf Group}
154 \put(34,6){\it Instruments}
155 \put(50,0){\bf Alto}
156 \put(50,-3){\bf Group}
157 \put(84,6){\it Instruments}
158 \put(100,0){\bf Tenor}
159 \put(100,-3){\bf Group}
160 \put(134,6){\it Instruments}
161 \put(150,0){\bf Bass}
162 \put(150,-3){\bf Group}
163 \end{picture}%
164 \vspace*{6pc}
165 \begin{center}
166 \begin{picture}(0,20)
167 \put(-24,0){\Huge \bfseries { \slshape A Conductor} }
168 \end{picture}
169 \end{center}
170 %%%%% End environment Picture %%%%%%%%%%
171 \kern 20pt
172 \hrule
173 \kern 5pt
174 \hrule
175 \kern 20pt
176 \hskip 20pt \Huge \sl Audience for Seats
177 \vfill
179 \end{document}