1 Usage: makeinfo [OPTION]... TEXINFO-FILE...
  3 Translate Texinfo source documentation to various other formats, by default
  4 Info files suitable for reading online with Emacs or standalone GNU Info.
  6 This program is commonly installed as both `makeinfo' and `texi2any';
  7 the behavior is identical, and does not depend on the installed name.
  9 General options:
 10       --document-language=STR locale to use in translating Texinfo keywords
 11                                 for the output document (default C).
 12       --error-limit=NUM       quit after NUM errors (default 100).
 13       --force                 preserve output even if errors.
 14       --help                  display this help and exit.
 15       --no-validate           suppress node cross-reference validation.
 16       --no-warn               suppress warnings (but not errors).
 17       --conf-dir=DIR          search also for initialization files in DIR.
 18       --init-file=FILE        load FILE to modify the default behavior.
 19   -c, --set-customization-variable VAR=VAL  set customization variable VAR
 20                                 to value VAL.
 21   -v, --verbose               explain what is being done.
 22       --version               display version information and exit.
 24 Output format selection (default is to produce Info):
 25       --docbook               output Docbook XML rather than Info.
 26       --html                  output HTML rather than Info.
 27       --plaintext             output plain text rather than Info.
 28       --xml                   output Texinfo XML rather than Info.
 29       --dvi, --dvipdf, --ps, --pdf  call texi2dvi to generate given output,
 30                                 after checking validity of TEXINFO-FILE.
 32 General output options:
 33   -E, --macro-expand=FILE     output macro-expanded source to FILE,
 34                                 ignoring any @setfilename.
 35       --no-headers            suppress node separators, Node: lines, and menus
 36                                 from Info output (thus producing plain text)
 37                                 or from HTML (thus producing shorter output).
 38                                 Also, if producing Info, write to
 39                                 standard output by default.
 40       --no-split              suppress any splitting of the output;
 41                                 generate only one output file.
 42       --[no-]number-sections  output chapter and sectioning numbers;
 43                                 default is on.
 44   -o, --output=DEST           output to DEST.
 45                                 With split output, create DEST as a directory
 46                                 and put the output files there.
 47                                 With non-split output, if DEST is already
 48                                 a directory or ends with a /,
 49                                 put the output file there.
 50                                 Otherwise, DEST names the output file.
 52 Options for Info and plain text:
 53       --disable-encoding      do not output accented and special characters
 54                                 in Info output based on @documentencoding.
 55       --enable-encoding       override --disable-encoding (default).
 56       --fill-column=NUM       break Info lines at NUM characters (default 72).
 57       --footnote-style=STYLE  output footnotes in Info according to STYLE:
 58                                 `separate' to put them in their own node;
 59                                 `end' to put them at the end of the node, in
 60                                 which they are defined (this is the default).
 61       --paragraph-indent=VAL  indent Info paragraphs by VAL spaces (default 3).
 62                                 If VAL is `none', do not indent; if VAL is
 63                                 `asis', preserve existing indentation.
 64       --split-size=NUM        split Info files at size NUM (default 300000).
 66 Options for HTML:
 67       --css-include=FILE      include FILE in HTML <style> output;
 68                                 read stdin if FILE is -.
 69       --css-ref=URL           generate CSS reference to URL.
 70       --internal-links=FILE   produce list of internal links in FILE.
 71       --split=SPLIT           split at SPLIT, where SPLIT may be `chapter',
 72                                 `section' or `node'.
 73       --transliterate-file-names  use file names in ASCII transliteration.
 74       --node-files            produce redirection files for nodes and
 75                                 anchors; default is set only if split.
 77 Options for XML and Docbook:
 78       --output-indent=VAL     does nothing, retained for compatibility.
 80 Options for DVI/PS/PDF:
 81       --Xopt=OPT              pass OPT to texi2dvi; can be repeated.
 83 Input file options:
 84       --commands-in-node-names  does nothing, retained for compatibility.
 85   -D VAR                        define the variable VAR, as with @set.
 86   -D 'VAR VAL'                  define VAR to VAL (one shell argument).
 87   -I DIR                        append DIR to the @include search path.
 88   -P DIR                        prepend DIR to the @include search path.
 89   -U VAR                        undefine the variable VAR, as with @clear.
 91 Conditional processing in input:
 92   --ifdocbook       process @ifdocbook and @docbook even if
 93                       not generating Docbook.
 94   --ifhtml          process @ifhtml and @html even if not generating HTML.
 95   --ifinfo          process @ifinfo even if not generating Info.
 96   --ifplaintext     process @ifplaintext even if not generating plain text.
 97   --iftex           process @iftex and @tex.
 98   --ifxml           process @ifxml and @xml.
 99   --no-ifdocbook    do not process @ifdocbook and @docbook text.
100   --no-ifhtml       do not process @ifhtml and @html text.
101   --no-ifinfo       do not process @ifinfo text.
102   --no-ifplaintext  do not process @ifplaintext text.
103   --no-iftex        do not process @iftex and @tex text.
104   --no-ifxml        do not process @ifxml and @xml text.
106   Also, for the --no-ifFORMAT options, do process @ifnotFORMAT text.
108   The defaults for the @if... conditionals depend on the output format:
109   if generating Docbook, --ifdocbook is on and the others are off;
110   if generating HTML, --ifhtml is on and the others are off;
111   if generating Info, --ifinfo is on and the others are off;
112   if generating plain text, --ifplaintext is on and the others are off;
113   if generating XML, --ifxml is on and the others are off.
115 Examples:
116   makeinfo foo.texi                      write Info to foo's @setfilename
117   makeinfo --html foo.texi               write HTML to @setfilename
118   makeinfo --xml foo.texi                write Texinfo XML to @setfilename
119   makeinfo --docbook foo.texi            write Docbook XML to @setfilename
120   makeinfo --plaintext foo.texi          write plain text to standard output
121   makeinfo --pdf foo.texi                write PDF using texi2dvi
123   makeinfo --html --no-headers foo.texi  write html without node lines, menus
124   makeinfo --number-sections foo.texi    write Info with numbered sections
125   makeinfo --no-split foo.texi           write one Info file however big
127 Email bug reports to bug-texinfo@gnu.org,
128 general questions and discussion to help-texinfo@gnu.org.
129 Texinfo home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/