1 %% 8:35 AM Saturday, January 6, 2024
   2 %% Yukio Yoshida
   3 %% Location; C:\yukio\sheet-poem.com\lilypond\2024
   4 %% This is texinfo's file // TeX run==> pdf / makeinfo run===>html
   5 %% So, linux running Only. // Windows-TeX does not has makeinfo.
   6 %% html===>name.ly // pdf===>pname.ly
   7 %% Web<===Up;html//run ./run--texi.sh
   8 \input colordvi.tex
   9 \font\cmbBIG=cmr10 at 60pt
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  25 \input texinfo   @c -*-texinfo-*-
  26 @c %**start of header
  27 @c ---- output --->Name.html // and Content setting' valu
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  33 @c %**end of header
  35 @iftex
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  42 @titlepage
  43 @c -------------pdf titlepage part #1 -------------------------------------------
  44 @iftex
  45 @tex
  46 \vskip 4pc
  47 \centerline {\Red{\cmbBIG Invitation}}
  48 \kern 5pt
  49 \centerline {\Red{\bigcm  Write a Score//Music Notation}}
  50 \kern 5pt
  51 \centerline {\Red{\bigcm Use LilyPond}}
  52 \kern 2pc
  53 \centerline {\bigcm On}
  54 \kern 2pt
  55 \centerline {\cmbBIG WSL}
  56 %%  \centerline {GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86\_64}
  57 \centerline {GNU/Linux x86\_64}
  58 \centerline {(Windows 11 \& Linux)}
  59 \vfill
  60 @end tex
  61 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
  62 @center {8:35 AM Saturday, January 6, 2024 Vol #2-1}
  63 @center writer:@ @i{Yukio Yoshida}(Japan)
  65 @page
  67 @tex
  68 \def\MPP {M\raise 5pt\hbox{P}\kern -5pt p{}}
  69 \vbox {\null}
  70 \vfill
  71 \moveleft 1in\vbox{\Red {\P\thinspace \it{Fierst of all; about LilyPond}}}\par
  72 \kern 1pc
  73 \centerline {\bf Preface(LilyPond)}
  74 \smallskip
  75 It must have been during a rehearsal of the EJE (Eindhoven Youth Orchestra),
  76 somewherein 1995 that Jan, one of the cranked violists told Han-Wen,
  77 one of the distorted French horn players, about the grand new project
  78 he was working on. It was an automated system for printing music
  79 (to be precise, it was \MPP{}, a preprocessor for MusiX\TeX{}. As it happened,
  80 Han-Wen accidentally wanted to print out some parts from a score,
  81 so he started looking at thesoftware, and he quickly got hooked.
  82 It was decided that \MPP{} was a dead end. After lots of philosophizing and
  83 heated email exchanges, Han-Wen started LilyPond in 1996. This time, Jan
  84 got sucked into Han-Wen's new project.\par
  85 \smallskip
  86 In some ways, developing a computer program is like learning to play an
  87 instrument. In the beginning, discovering how it works is fun, and
  88 the things you cannot do are challenging. After the initial excitement,
  89 you have to practice and practice. Scales and studies can be dull, and
  90 if you are not motivated by others.teachers, conductors or audience.
  91 it is very tempting togive up. You continue, and gradually playing becomes
  92 a part of your life. Some days it comes naturally, and it is wonderful, and
  93 on some days it just does not work, but you keep playing, day after day.\par
  94 \smallskip
  95 Like making music, working on LilyPond can be dull work, and on some days
  96 it feels like plodding through a morass of bugs. Nevertheless,
  97 it has become a part of our life, and we keep doing it. Probably the most
  98 important motivation is that our program actually does something useful for people.
  99 When we browse around the net we find many people who use LilyPond, and
 100 produce impressive pieces of sheet music. Seeing that feels unreal,
 101 but in a very pleasant way.\par
 102 \smallskip
 103 Our users not only give us good vibes by using our program, many of them also
 104 help us by giving suggestions and sending bug reports, so we would like to
 105 thank all users that sent us bug reports, gave suggestions or contributed in
 106 any other way to LilyPond.\par
 107 \smallskip
 108 Playing and printing music is more than a nice analogy. Programming together is
 109 a lot of fun, and helping people is deeply satisfying, but ultimately, working
 110 on LilyPond is a way to express our deep love for music.
 111 \Blue{{\sl May it help you create lots of beautiful music!}}\par
 112 \leftline {\it Han-Wen and Jan.}
 113 \leftline {Utrecht/Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 2002.}
 114 \rightline{---Excerpt from LilyPond[ver1.6-lilypond.pdf-]---}
 115 \vskip 0pt plus 1filll
 116 \vfill
 117 \vbox{\null}
 118 @end tex
 119 @end iftex 
 120 @end titlepage
 121 @c -------------End pdf titlepage part #1 -------------------------------------------
 122 @c -------------htm titlepage part #1 -------------------------------------------
 123 @ifhtml
 124 @html
 125 <p align="left">
 126 Previous: <a href="https://www.sheet-poem.com/lilypond/index.html">dir(UP)</a> Up: <a href="https://www.sheet-poem.com/index.html">dir(TOP)</a></p>
 127 <br />
 128 @end html
 129 @html
 130 <div align="center">
 131 <span style="font-size: 40px;">
 132 Invitation Write a Score//Music notation<br />
 133 use Lilypond<br />
 134 on<br />
 135 WSL<br />
 136 <span style="font-size: 18px;">
 137 <!--
 138 GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64<br /> 
 139 (Windows 10 & windows 11 & Linux)
 140 -->
 141 GNU/Linux x86_64<br />
 142 (windows 11 & Linux)
 143 </span>
 144 </span>
 145 </div>
 146 <div align="left">
 147 <span style="font-size: 14px;">
 148 8:35 AM Saturday, January 6, 2024 Vol #2-1<br />
 149 Writer: <i>Yukio Yoshida</i>(Japan)</span>
 150 </div>
 151 <hr />
 152 @end html
 153 @end ifhtml
 155 @ifnottex
 156 @node Top
 157 @ifhtml
 158 @menu
 159 * Concept Index::
 160 * context Voice::
 161 * Formatting text::
 162 * context Staff::
 163 * context Score::
 164 @end menu
 165 @end ifhtml
 167 @node   Concept Index,    context Voice,                   ,     
 168 @comment  node-name,          next,          previous,      up
 169 @unnumbered LilyPond(Sheet Music Typesetting)
 170 @end ifnottex
 172 @ifhtml
 173 @html
 174 <span style="color: red;">
 175 <span styls="font-siza: 10px;">Fierst of all; about LilyPond</span><br />
 176 </span>
 177 <br />
 178 <br />
 179 <p style="font-size: 20.6px;">
 180 <div align="center">
 181 <blockquote><blockquote>
 182 <table border="1"><tr><td>
 183 <table border="1"><tr><td>
 184 <div align="center"><p style="font-size: 34px;"><b>Preface(LilyPond)</b></p></div>
 185 It must have been during a rehearsal of the EJE(Eindhoven Youth Orchestra),
 186 somewherein 1995 that Jan, one of the cranked violists told Han-Wen,
 187 one of the distorted French horn players, about the grand new project
 188 he was working on. It was an automated system for printing music
 189 (to be precise, it was MPP, a preprocessor for MusiXTeX. As it happened,
 190 Han-Wen accidentally wanted to print out some parts from a score,
 191 so he started looking at thesoftware, and he quickly got hooked.
 192 It was decided that MPP was a dead end. After lots of philosophizing and
 193 heated email exchanges, Han-Wen started LilyPond in 1996. This time, Jan
 194 got sucked into Han-Wen's new project.<br />
 196 In some ways, developing a computer program is like learning to play an
 197 instrument. In the beginning, discovering how it works is fun, and
 198 the things you cannot do are challenging. After the initial excitement,
 199 you have to practice and practice. Scales and studies can be dull, and
 200 if you are not motivated by others.teachers, conductors or audience.
 201 it is very tempting togive up. You continue, and gradually playing becomes
 202 a part of your life. Some days it comes naturally, and it is wonderful, and
 203 on some days it just does not work, but you keep playing, day after day.<br />
 205 Like making music, working on LilyPond can be dull work, and on some days
 206 it feels like plodding through a morass of bugs. Nevertheless,
 207 it has become a part of our life, and we keep doing it. Probably the most
 208 important motivation is that our program actually does something useful for people.
 209 When we browse around the net we find many people who use LilyPond, and
 210 produce impressive pieces of sheet music. Seeing that feels unreal,
 211 but in a very pleasant way.<br />
 213 Our users not only give us good vibes by using our program, many of them also
 214 help us by giving suggestions and sending bug reports, so we would like to
 215 thank all users that sent us bug reports, gave suggestions or contributed in
 216 any other way to LilyPond.<br />
 218 Playing and printing music is more than a nice analogy. Programming together is
 219 a lot of fun, and helping people is deeply satisfying, but ultimately, working
 220 on LilyPond is a way to express our deep love for music.
 221 <span style="color: blue;"><b>
 222 May it help you create lots of beautiful music!</b></span><br>
 223 Han-Wen and Jan<br />
 224 Utrecht/Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 2002.<br />
 225 </td></tr></table>
 226 </td></tr></table>
 227 <div align="right">
 228 <i>Excerpt from LilyPond[ver1.6-lilypond.pdf-]</i>
 229 </div>
 230 </blockquote></blockquote>
 231 </div>
 232 </p>
 233 <br />
 234 <br />
 235 @end html
 236 @end ifhtml
 238 @c -------------End html titlepage part #1 -------------------------------------------
 239 @c ****
 240 @c -------------Pdf context Voice part #2 --------------------------------------------
 241 @iftex
 242 @iftex
 243 @headline{@sevenrm context Voice@hfill @folio}
 244 @end iftex
 245 @iftex
 246 @tex
 247 ~@vfill
 248 \centerline{{\bigcm context Voice}}
 249 \vskip 2pc
 250 @end tex
 251 @end iftex
 252 @iftex
 253 @center @b{Knowledge for writing sheet music(using LilyPond)}
 254 @center {---LilyPond language in the description of the musical score manuscript---}
 256 @sp 2
 257 @end iftex
 259 @iftex
 260 @noindent
 261 LilyPond's @Red{default is @b{to read @t{nederlands.ly}(In Netherlands notation)}} and process
 262 the manuscript given. Strings such as @b{Note Names}@t{(sharp, flat ...)} in music are
 263 differences between countries(cultures).@ @ It is necessary to replace it with a target flight.@* 
 264 Those provided by Lilypond are@*
 265 ................ @t{english}.ly , @t{deutsch}.ly , @t{norsk}.ly , @t{svenska}.ly , @t{italiano}.ly ,
 266 @t{catalan}.ly , @t{espanol}.ly , @t{portugues}.ly , @t{suomi}.ly , @t{vlaams}.ly ...............@*
 267 These are the declaration items at @i{the start of the musical score manuscript file}
 268 (described in the order below). For example,
 269 @*
 270 @code{\version "2.24.0"}@*
 271 @code{\include "italiano.ly"}
 272 @*
 273 @i{Version specification}: This manuscript is written in ver2.24.0---.
 274 It is a @i{clear statement} to the "lilypond processing (token)".@*
 275 In music manuscript coding, lilypond's-running does not choose OS. Also
 276 The ly(both old and new manuscript file) will run if it is (@i{LilyPond environment construction})@i{OS},
 277 and @i{even in the latest lilypond version}, too.@*
 278 @end iftex
 279 @iftex
 280 @hrule
 281 @*
 282 @end iftex
 283 @iftex
 284 @noindent
 285 Default typesetting is output in Note(@i{quarter}) , Beat(@i{4/4}) , Clef(@i{treble}) , and
 286 Major(@i{C}). Midi is created with "@i{acoustic grand}(piano)" if there is no designated instrument.
 287 @sp 1
 288 @end iftex
 290 @iftex
 291 @cartouche
 292 @end iftex
 293 @iftex
 294 @noindent
 295 @b{Notes}@ Scale(pitch) basic code;@*
 296 @hskip 10pt " @kbd{c d e f g a b} " Scale(pitch explicit symbol)@*
 297 @end iftex
 298 @iftex
 299 @hskip 10pt @image{h-example-1-1, 6.in,}
 300 @end iftex
 301 @iftex
 302 @end cartouche
 303 @end iftex
 304 @iftex
 305 @*
 306 @b{Notes}@ Note value(length of note) Basic code;@*
 307 " @code{ c d e f g a b } " to specify the scale,
 308 specify the numerical value @code{1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128} with the subscript.@*
 309 @i{Descriptions of}@ " @Red{ @code{ c4@ a'1@ g,2@ }}..... " @i{as note symbols}@*
 310 @end iftex
 311 @iftex
 312 @*
 313 @noindent
 314 @b{1}(Whole)@result{}@b{2}(Half)@result{}@b{4}(Quarter)@result{}@b{8}(Eigth)@result{}
 315 @b{16}(Sixteenth) ...... @hfill @*
 316 @noindent
 317 1=whole sound divided evenly by all sounds, the following diagram;
 318 @Red{Rests are also notes}@*
 319 @end iftex
 320 @iftex
 321 @hskip -20pt @image{h-example-2-1, 5.5in,}@*
 322 @end iftex
 324 @sp 1
 326 @iftex
 327 In Lilypond, for a note without a note value, 
 328 @Red{ the note value is searched before and before it }, and the note value
 329 @Red{ is evaluated}@*
 330 {@largcmb
 331 For example; " @code{ a4 c8 d e f g r c4 } " is interpreted as
 332 " @code{ a4 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 r8 c4 } "}@*
 333 @end iftex
 335 @sp 2
 337 @iftex
 338 @center { --- \clef treble \key c\major ---- }
 339 @center { As c\major @hskip 20pt notes-writing are @code{c' d' e' f' g' a' b'} }
 340 @end iftex
 341 @iftex
 342 @hskip 100pt @image{c-major-1, 6.5in,}
 343 @end iftex
 344 @iftex
 346 @sp 1
 348 Major scale list:@*
 349 @b{Cycle of 5th: UP @i{and} DOWN}(The minor scale is omitted,
 350 there is nature+harmony ...so,there are many sample notations.)@*
 351 @end iftex
 352 @iftex
 353 @* 
 354 @b{\clef treble \key c\major}@*
 355 @end iftex
 356 @iftex
 357 @hskip 100pt @image{c-major2-1, 6.5in,}@*
 358 @end iftex
 360 @sp 1
 362 @iftex
 363 {@largcmb
 364 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key g\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key f\major}}@*
 365 @hskip -40pt @image{pg-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{pf-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 366 @end iftex
 367 @c ---------------
 368 @iftex
 369 {@largcmb
 370 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key d\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key bes\major}}@*
 371 @hskip -40pt @image{pd-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{pbes-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 372 @end iftex
 373 @c ---------------
 374 @iftex
 375 {@largcmb
 376 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key a\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key ees\major}}@*
 377 @hskip -40pt @image{pa-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{pees-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 378 @end iftex
 379 @c --------------
 380 @iftex
 381 {@largcmb
 382 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key e\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key aes\major}}@*
 383 @hskip -40pt @image{pe-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{paes-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 384 @end iftex
 385 @c ---------------
 386 @iftex
 387 {@largcmb
 388 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key b\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key des\major}}@*
 389 @hskip -40pt @image{pb-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{pdes-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 390 @end iftex
 391 @c ---------------
 392 @iftex
 393 {@largcmb
 394 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key fis\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key ges\major}}@*
 395 @hskip -40pt @image{pfis-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{pges-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 396 @end iftex
 397 @c ---------------
 398 @iftex
 399 {@largcmb
 400 @hskip -40pt @Red{\key cis\major}@hskip 16pc @Red{\key ces\major}}@*
 401 @hskip -40pt @image{pcis-major-1, 3.5in,}@qquad @image{pces-major-1, 3.5in,}@*
 402 @end iftex
 403 @c ---------------
 404 @iftex
 405 @sp -1
 406 @center{Here,both are back. ..... The changes are now back.}
 407 @center{(c\major @code{ c' d' e' f' g' a' b' })}
 408 @end iftex
 409 @iftex
 410 @hskip 10pc @image{c-major-1, 6.5in,}
 411 @end iftex
 412 @c ---------------
 414 @iftex
 415 @center{{@largcmb @Red {No matter how much \clef changes,}}}
 416 @center{{@largcmb @Red {the notes description convention of}}}
 417 @center{{@largcmb @Red {\key name\major and name\miner is unchanged.}}}
 418 @end iftex
 420 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
 421 @page
 422 @tex
 423 \centerline{{\bigcm Refer \#1}}
 424 \vskip 2pc
 425 @end tex
 426 @iftex
 427 @tex
 428 \centerline {\largcmb Automatic processing:}
 429 \centerline {\largcmb LilyPond processing result sample(file name is pompei4.ly)} 
 430 @end tex
 431 @sp 1
 432 Create a pompei4.ly file with a text editor as shown below.@*
 433 File-name;@ @t{pompei4.ly}--------------------------------------------------------
 434 @verbatim
 435 %% #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
 436 \version "2.22.2"
 437 #(set-global-staff-size 14)
 438 \paper { paper-height = 48\mm
 439          paper-width = 160\mm
 440          page-top-space = 0.00\mm
 441          top-margin = 0.00\mm
 442          bottom-margin = 0.00\mm }
 443 \header { tagline = \markup { \null } }
 444 altoOne = { \clef alto
 445             \autoBeamOff
 446 %1-
 447  \repeat volta 3 { \repeat volta 2 {
 448  fis'2.^\markup { \column { "  " \line {\hspace #-12 \teeny \italic
 449              "As a feeling; like walking slowly and step by step in your heart." }}}
 450        _\mp\<\( | a'4. g' | e'2. | g'4. fis' |
 451  a'2. | e'4. fis'\!\) | } g'2. | } \break }
 453 bassOne = { \clef bass
 454             \autoBeamOff
 455 %1-
 456  \repeat volta 3 { \repeat volta2 {
 457  bes,4 ces\mp^\<  bes, | ges,2.\! | fes,4\mp^\< aes, ges, |
 458  aes,2.\! | ges,4\mp^\< bes, aes, | fes,2.\! | } ges,2. | } \break }
 460 %% --- get sheet music
 461 \book {
 462 \markup { \column {
 463 \line {\hspace #8 "Passing in cemetery, We are going into a town."}
 464 \line {\hspace #8 "Passing out cemetery, We are going out the town"}
 465                } }
 466 \score { \context ChoirStaff = "UP" <<
 467          \context Staff = "Up" { \key d\major \time 3/4 \altoOne }
 468          \context Staff = "Down" { \key ces\major \time 3/4 \bassOne }
 469                                       >>
 470   \layout { indent = 0.00\mm  }
 471 }
 473 %% --- get midi music
 474 \score {  \unfoldRepeats
 475           \context ChoirStaff = "UPDOWN" <<
 476           \context Staff = "Up" { \key d\major \time 3/4 \tempo 4 = 62
 477                        \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"  \altoOne }
 478           \context Staff = "Down" { \key ces\major \time 3/4 \tempo 4 = 62
 479                         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"  \bassOne }
 480                                           >>
 481   \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 62 4) }
 482 }
 483 \markup { \vspace #-6 \column {
 484 \line {\hspace #8 "This , Our life is the same?"}
 485 \line {\hspace #8 "Born to live life, Life in the dead leaves!"}
 486                  } }
 487 }
 488 @end verbatim
 489 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------@*
 490 Where the pompei4.ly file is,@*
 491 windows OS =====> @t{lilypond --pdf --png pompei4.ly}[Enter]@*
 492 Linux OS =======$ @t{lilypond --pdf --png pompei4.ly}[Enter]@*
 493 When you open the created pompei4.pdf(pompei4.png), it is as follows.@* 
 494 @sp 1
 495 @image{pompei4-1, 6.5in,}
 496 @*
 497 As you can see; Text can be processed with @code { \markup @{ text @}},
 498 whether inside @code{ \score @{.....@} } or outside @code{ \score @{.....@} }.
 499 On the contrary, this @code{ \markup @{ \score @{...@}@} } is also possible,too.@*
 500 "@code{\markup}" is a kind of Line Editor function,and
 501 you can write pronunciation notation characters,
 502 special characters,... straight and continue writing the manuscript.
 503 Once you get used to it, you can also create a document(sentence only) with only
 504 @code{\markup} of lilypond.@*
 505 @*
 506 Therefore, it is possible to display The score,a score,score-book,score-document,
 507 ...etc, in pdf/paper and display only by writing the LilyPond manuscript.@*
 508 @sp 2
 509 What we are talking about here is the "Formatting text" inside the LilyPond environment,
 510 not the "Formatting Text" outside the LilyPond environment.
 511 In the outside world, there are various [Word Processors],[@TeX{}(system)],[Hypertext(system)],
 512 [Ghostscript]...@ It will be a word processor for general use in paper(documentation).@* 
 513 @*
 514 @bullet{} For example;LibreOffice/OpenOffice(open source)@*
 515 If you paste it into Word Processer--musical score,sheet music,sheet music book,
 516 musical score document--you can easily and easily put it on paper.@*
 517 Reference==>@uref{https://github.com/OOoLilyPond/OOoLilyPond/wiki#ooolilypond}@* 
 518 @*
 519 @bullet{} On the other hand, there is a typesetting method for converting musical scores,
 520 musical scores, musical score books, and musical score documents into paper.
 521 Also, there is a display specification based on HyperText.@ 
 522 @b{LilyPond} also provides a typesetting (@TeX {})system and a program for HyperText
 523 that can display the score at the document position(see usage.pdf for details)@*. 
 524 @end iftex
 525 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
 527 @page
 528 @tex
 529 \centerline{{\bigcm Refer \#2}}
 530 \vskip 2pc
 531 @end tex
 532 @iftex
 533 @tex
 534 \centerline {\largcmb Automatic processing:}
 535 \centerline {\largcmb LilyPond processing result sample(file name is example-4.ly)} 
 536 @end tex
 537 @sp 1
 538 Create a example-4.ly file with a text editor as shown below.@*
 539 File-name;@ @t{example-4.ly}--------------------------------------------------------
 540 @verbatim
 541 \version "2.22.2"
 542 %% #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
 543 #(set-global-staff-size 16)
 544 \paper{
 545 paper-height = 30.00\mm
 546 paper-width = 120.00\mm
 547 page-top-space = 00.00\mm
 548 top-margin = 0.00\mm
 549 bottom-margin = 0.00\mm
 550 }
 552 \header { tagline = \markup { \null } }
 553 %%%%%%%%% soprano part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 554 soprano = { \hide Staff.BarLine
 555     \autoBeamOff
 556 %% 9-12
 557    e''1 e''4. r8 | d''2 fis''1 | R1. | R1. 
 558    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|." \break
 559 }
 560 sopranoL = \lyricmode {
 561     \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
 562     \tiny
 563 Do -- minus te -- cum,
 564 }
 566 %%%%%%% bass; part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 567 bass = { \hide Staff.BarLine
 568    \autoBeamOff
 569 %% 9-12
 570    R1. | R1. | b,1 b,4. r8 | cis2 e1 
 571    \undo \hide Staff.BarLine \bar "|."  \break
 572 }
 573 bassL = \lyricmode {
 574     \override Score . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
 575     \tiny
 576 Do -- minus te -- cum,
 577 }
 579 %% get sheet & midi music ---------------------------------------------------------------
 580 \score {
 581          <<
 582 %%           \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
 583 %% use \hide Staff.BarLine
 584   \context StaffGroup <<
 585            \context Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key d\major \time 3/2
 586                         \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
 587                         \new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL }
 589            \context Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key d\major \time 3/2
 590                         \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bass }
 591                         \new Lyrics = "mainBL" \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL }
 592                        >>
 593          >>
 594   \layout {  }
 595   \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 58 4) }
 596 }
 597 @end verbatim
 598 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------@*
 599 Where the example-4.ly file is,@*
 600 windows OS =====> @t{lilypond --pdf --png example-4.ly}[Enter]@*
 601 Linux OS =======$ @t{lilypond --pdf --png example-4.ly}[Enter]@*
 602 When you open the created example-4.pdf(example-4.png), it is as follows.@* 
 603 @sp 1
 604 @image{example-4-1, 6.5in,}
 605 @*
 606 context Staff@*
 607 Usually "@kbd{\new Staff}"(=@kbd{\context Staff}) is the way to call the staff.@*
 608 However, in example-4.ly,@*
 609 it is described as "@kbd{\context Voice}"(=@kbd{\new Voice}) instead.@* 
 610 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------@*
 611 As a rough reference, sopurano = ....lilypond code(music) description is processed
 612 by calling \score {[cpu(music) processing] with \soprano.@ @  ...the(memory) stacks
 613 is named soprano(Same for bass).
 614 @kbd{\context Voice = "soprano"},@kbd{\context Voice = "bass"} is the name,
 615 It means the associated(soprano, bass) Staff.@*
 616 ..... Therefore @code{\new Lyrics = "mainSL" \lyricsto "soprano" {\sopranoL}} holds.
 617 The lyrics of sopranoL are called into \score {with \sopranoL and synchronized
 618 with the soprano naming Staff. It will be a musical score(same for bass).@*
 619 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------@* 
 620 By the way,@*
 621 @code{\context Voice = "soprano" \context Voice = "bass"} Rewrite this part@*
 622 Write @code{\context Staff = "soprano" \context Staff = "bass"} .......@*
 623 (verify)@kbd{lilypond --pdf --png example-4.ly}(running) and get example-4.pdf@*
 624 @b{@it{It's obvious if you do (there is no lyrics part!?).}}@*
 625 @*
 626 It is better to write in the staff call of "\new Voice @{" or "\context Voice @{"
 627 ....in the composition process, avoiding the staff call of "\new Staff @{" or
 628 "\context Staff @{" is more important than its convenience.@*
 629 @sp 2
 630 @iftex
 631 @tex
 632 \centerline {\largcmb Automatic processing:}
 633 \centerline {\largcmb LilyPond processing result sample(file name is example-5.ly)} 
 634 @end tex
 635 @*
 636 Create a example-5.ly file with a text editor as shown below.@*
 637 File-name;@ @t{example-5.ly}--------------------------------------------------------
 638 @verbatim
 639 \version "2.22.2"
 640 #(set-global-staff-size 16)
 641 \paper{
 642 paper-height = 20.00\mm
 643 paper-width = 100.00\mm
 644 page-top-space = 0.00\mm
 645 top-margin = 0.00\mm
 646 bottom-margin = 0.00\mm
 647 }
 648 \header { tagline = \markup { \null } }
 650 soprano = {  \bar " "
 651 %% 45-47
 652    \time 4/1
 653    << { s\breve ees'\breve ~ | ees'1 s1 s\breve } \\
 654       { <c' g'>\breve ~ c'\breve ~ | c'\longa ~ } >> |
 655    \time 3/2
 656     << { s1. } \\ { c'1 s2 } >> \bar "|." \break  }
 657 \score { 
 658   \context Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key ees\major \time 3/2
 659                       \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
 660   \layout { \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)
 661             \set Score.currentBarNumber=45 }
 662 }
 663 @end verbatim
 664 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------@*
 665 Where the example-5.ly file is,@*
 666 windows OS =====> @t{lilypond --pdf --png example-5.ly}[Enter]@*
 667 Linux OS =======$ @t{lilypond --pdf --png example-5.ly}[Enter]@*
 668 When you open the created example-5.pdf(example-5.png), it is as follows.@* 
 669 @sp 1
 670 @image{example-5-1, 6.5in,}
 671 @*
 672 The 47th bar should be described as @code{c'1 s2 \bar "|." \break}, but
 673 since the 46th bar is described separately from the top and bottom ...
 674 @code{from the bottom. Since c'\longa ~} and Tie are being sent ...
 675 The code description in bar 47 is processed as above. @ @ @b{However},
 676 LilyPond's musical score code description is not absolute for each person.@* 
 677 @Red{With the exception} of LilyPond,
 678 @Red{information sent by that staff is received within that staff in principle}.
 679 @sp 1
 680 Other;@*
 681 Lilypond also has a feature called "@Red{ @code {\skip argument}}" that is similar to " @Red{s} " note.
 682 (In notation.pdf)It is recommended to verify with(page-59,286,799). @* 
 683 @end iftex
 684 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
 686 @page
 687 @tex
 688 \centerline{{\bigcm Refer \#3}}
 689 \vskip 2pc
 690 @end tex
 691 @iftex
 692 @*
 693 @image{example-7-1, 6.5in}
 694 @*
 695 @end iftex
 696 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
 698 @page
 699 @c ------------- End Pdf context Voice part #2 -----------------------------------
 700 @c *****
 701 @c -------------HTML context Voice part #2 ------------------------------------------
 703 @ifnottex
 704 @node      context Voice,     Formatting text,       Concept Index,    Top
 705 @comment     node-name,           next,                  previous,      up
 706 @unnumbered context Voice
 707 @end ifnottex
 709 @ifhtml
 710 @html
 711 <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>
 712 <span style="font-size: 18px;">
 713 @end html
 714 @center @b{Knowledge for writing sheet music(using LilyPond)}
 715 @center ---LilyPond language in the description of the musical score manuscript---
 716 @cartouche
 718 @end cartouche
 719 LilyPond's default is @b{to read @t{nederlands.ly}(In Nederlands notation)} and process
 720 the manuscript given. Strings such as @b{Note Names}@t{(sharp, flat ...)} in music are
 721 differences between countries(cultures).@ @ It is necessary to replace it with a target flight.@* 
 722 Those provided by Lilypond are@*
 723 ................ @t{english}.ly , @t{deutsch}.ly , @t{norsk}.ly , @t{svenska}.ly , @t{italiano}.ly ,
 724 @t{catalan}.ly , @t{espanol}.ly , @t{portugues}.ly , @t{suomi}.ly , @t{vlaams}.ly ...............@*
 725 These are the declaration items at @i{the start of the musical score manuscript file}
 726 (described in the order below). For example,
 727 @c @cartouche
 728 @html
 729 <br />
 730 <code>&#092;version "2</code>.<code>24</code>.<code>0"</code><br />
 731 <code>&#092;include "italiano</code>.<code>ly"</code><br />
 732 <br />
 733 @end html
 734 @c @end cartouche
 735 @i{Version specification}: This manuscript is written in ver2.24.0---.
 736 It is a @i{clear statement} to the "lilypond processing (token)".@*
 737 In music manuscript coding, lilypond's-running does not choose OS,@*
 738 The ly(both old and new manuscript file) will run if it is (@i{LilyPond environment construction})@i{OS},
 739 and @i{even in the latest lilypond version}, too.@*
 740 @html
 741 <hr />
 742 @end html
 743 Default typesetting is output in Note(@i{quarter}) , Beat(@i{4/4}) , Clef(@i{treble}) , and
 744 Major(@i{C}).@*
 745 Midi is created with "@i{acoustic grand}(piano)" if there is no designated instrument@*
 746 @*
 747 @cartouche
 748 @html
 749 <b>Notes</b>&#160;&#160;
 750 &#160;&#160;&#160;
 751 Scale(pitch) basic code;<br />
 752 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 753 " <code>c d e f g a b</code> " Scale(pitch explicit symbol)<br />
 754 <img src="h-example-1.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><br /><!--  -->
 755 @end html
 756 @end cartouche
 757 @html
 758 <b>Notes</b>&#160;&#160;
 759 &#160;&#160;&#160;
 760 Note value(length of note) Basic code;<br />
 761 " <code>c d e f g a b</code> " to specify the scale,
 762 specify the numerical value " <code>1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128</code> "
 763 with the subscript.<br />
 764 <i>Descriptions of<i> &#160;&#160;
 765 "<span style="color: red;">
 766 <code> c4 &#160;&#160;a'1 &#160;&#160;g,2 &#160;&#160;..... </code></span>"
 767 <i>as note symbols</i>.<br />
 768 @end html
 769 @noindent
 770 @b{1}(Whole)@result{}@b{2}(Half)@result{}@b{4}(Quarter)@result{}@b{8}(Eigth)@result{}
 771 @b{16}(Sixteenth) ...... @*
 772 @noindent
 773 1=whole sound divided evenly by all sounds, the following diagram;
 774 @html
 775 &#160;&#160;&#160;(<span style = "color: red;">Rests are also notes</b></span>).
 776 @end html
 777 @*
 778 @html
 779 <img src="h-example-2.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><br /><!--  -->
 780 <br />
 781 In Lilypond, for a note without a note value, 
 782 <span style="color: red;">
 783 the note value is searched before and before it,</span> and the note value
 784 <span style="color: red;"> is evaluated</span>.<br />
 785 <span style="font-size: 16px">
 786 For example; " <code>a4 c8 d e f g r c4</code> " is interpreted as
 787 " <code>a4 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 r8 c4</code> "<br />
 788 @end html
 789 @sp 1
 790 @html
 791 <p align="center">
 792 ---- \clef treble \key c\major ----<br />
 793 As c\major &#160;&#160;notes-writing are  <t> c' d' e' f' g' a' b'</t> <br />
 794 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 795 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 796 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 797 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 798 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 799 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 800 <img src="c-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 801 </p>
 802 @end html
 803 @ifhtml
 804 Major scale list:@*
 805 @b{Cycle of 5th: UP @i{and} DOWN}(The minor scale is omitted,
 806 there is nature+harmony ...so,there are many sample notations.)@*
 807 @* 
 808 @b{\clef treble \key c\major}
 809 @end ifhtml
 810 @html
 811 <p align="center">
 812 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 813 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 814 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 815 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 816 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 817 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 818 <img src="c-major2.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><br />
 819 <b>Deployment;</b>
 820 </p>
 821 <div align="center">
 822 <table>
 823 <td>
 824 <p>
 825 \key g\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' d' e' fis' g' a' b'</t>
 826 <br />
 827 <img src="g-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 828 </p>
 829 <p>
 830 \key d\major &#160;&#160; <t> cis' d' e' fis' g' a' b'</t>
 831 <br />
 832 <img src="d-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 833 </p>
 834 <p>
 835 \key a\major &#160;&#160; <t> cis' d' e' fis' gis' a' b'</t>
 836 <br />
 837 <img src="a-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 838 </p>
 839 <p>
 840 \key e\major &#160;&#160; <t> cis' dis' e' fis' gis' a' b'</t>
 841 <br />
 842 <img src="e-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 843 </p>
 844 <p>
 845 \key b\major &#160;&#160; <t> cis' dis' e' fis' gis' ais' b'</t>
 846 <br />
 847 <img src="b-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 848 </p>
 849 <p>
 850 \key fis\major &#160;&#160; <t> cis' dis' eis' fis' gis' ais' b'</t>
 851 <br />
 852 <img src="fis-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 853 </p>
 854 <p>
 855 \key cis\major &#160;&#160; <t> cis' dis' eis' fis' gis' ais' bis'</t>
 856 <br />
 857 <img src="cis-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 858 </p>
 859 <p>
 860 Here; ..... The changes are now back.<br />
 861 (c\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' d' e' f' g' a' b'</t>)
 862 <br />
 863 <img src="c-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 864 </p>
 865 </td>
 866 <td>
 867 &#160;&#160;&#160;
 868 </td>
 869 <td>
 870 <p>
 871 \key f\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' d' e' f' g' a' bes'</t>
 872 <br />
 873 <img src="f-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 874 </p>
 875 <p>
 876 \key bes\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' d' ees' f' g' a' bes'</t>
 877 <br />
 878 <img src="bes-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 879 </p>
 880 <p>
 881 \key ees\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' d' ees' f' g' aes' bes'</t>
 882 <br />
 883 <img src="ees-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 884 </p>
 885 <p>
 886 \key aes\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' des' ees' f' g' aes' bes'</t>
 887 <br />
 888 <img src="aes-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 889 </p>
 890 <p>
 891 \key des\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' des' ees' f' ges' aes' bes'</t>
 892 <br />
 893 <img src="des-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 894 </p>
 895 <p>
 896 \key ges\major &#160;&#160; <t> ces' des' ees' f' ges' aes' bes'</t>
 897 <br />
 898 <img src="ges-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 899 </p>
 900 <p>
 901 \key ces\major &#160;&#160; <t> ces' des' ees' fes' ges' aes' bes'</t>
 902 <br />
 903 <img src="ces-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 904 </p>
 905 <p>
 906 Here; ..... The changes are now back.<br />
 907 (c\major &#160;&#160; <t> c' d' e' f' g' a' b'</t>)
 908 <br />
 909 <img src="c-major.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 910 </p>
 911 </td>
 912 </table>
 913 </div>
 914 <br />
 915 <br />
 916 @end html
 917 @ifhtml
 918 @cartouche
 919 meaning;[ -- For example --- @t{\clef treble \key g \major} The specified score is@*
 920 ---------------
 921 The author; @result{} " @t{f} "(note) must be written as " @t{fis} "(note).@*
 922 ---------------
 923 The performer; @result{} All " f " notation notes in the score must be played in " fis "(sound). ]@*
 924 Or ....
 925 meaning;[ -- For example --- @t{\clef treble \key a \major} The specified score is@*
 926 ---------------
 927 The author; @result{} " @t{c@ @ f@ @ g} "(note) must be written as " @t{cis@ @ fis@ @  gis} "(note).@*
 928 ---------------
 929 The performer; @result{} All " c@ @ f@ @ g " notation notes in the score must be played in " cis@ @ fis@ @ gis "(sound). ]@*
 930 @*
 931 ---------------
 932 @bullet{} @i{These are the basic precautions when writing a score}.
 933 ---------------@*
 934 @end cartouche
 935 @*
 936 A clef is a symbol at the beginning of a line of music, and...
 937 Clef is a word(noun) that refers to a state that envelops a kind of diversity.@*
 938 Simply put, the clef symbol indicates the (c)position of its Scale(pitch)-on the staff-@*
 939 @end ifhtml
 941 @html
 942 </blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>
 943 @end html
 945 @html
 946 <blockquote><blockquote>
 947 @end html
 948 @ifhtml
 949 About the \clef and \key:@*
 950 Just move the \key sign notation with clef.@ @bullet{}@ But!@ @ 
 951 @result{}@result{}@result{}
 952 @i{The description of notes by \key does not change.}@*
 953 @end ifhtml
 954 @ifhtml
 955 @html
 956 <span style="font-size: 18px;">
 957 &#160;&#160;
 958 <code>\clef ???????</code>&#160;&#160;<=====&#160;&#160;
 959 <code><span style="color: red;">treble</span></code> <i>or</i>
 960 <code><span style="color: red;">soprano</span></code> <i>or</i>
 961 <code><span style="color: red;">alto</span></code> <i>or</i>
 962 <code><span style="color: red;">tenor</span></code> <i>or</i>
 963 <code><span style="color: red;">bass</span></code>
 964 &#160;&#160;
 965 </span>
 966 @end html
 967 (LilyPond has othe \clef, too. see==>notation.pdf)@*
 968 @end ifhtml
 969 @html
 970 <br />
 971 <div align="center">
 972 <table>
 973 <td>
 974 <p>
 975 <img src="clef-g.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 976 </p>
 977 <p>
 978 <img src="clef-d.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 979 </p>
 980 <p>
 981 <img src="clef-a.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 982 </p>
 983 <p>
 984 <img src="clef-e.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 985 </p>
 986 <p>
 987 <img src="clef-b.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 988 </p>
 989 <p>
 990 <img src="clef-fis.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 991 </p>
 992 <p>
 993 <img src="clef-cis.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
 994 </p>
 995 </td>
 996 <td>
 997 &#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;
 998 </td>
 999 <td>
1000 <p>
1001 <img src="clef-f.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1002 </p>
1003 <p>
1004 <img src="clef-bes.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1005 </p>
1006 <p>
1007 <img src="clef-ees.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1008 </p>
1009 <p>
1010 <img src="clef-aes.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1011 </p>
1012 <p>
1013 <img src="clef-des.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1014 </p>
1015 <p>
1016 <img src="clef-ges.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1017 </p>
1018 <p>
1019 <img src="clef-ces.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1020 </p>
1021 </td>
1022 </table>
1023 </div>
1024 <br />
1025 <br />
1026 @end html
1027 @ifhtml
1028 @cartouche
1029 As you can see, all lilypond outputs automatically typesetting.
1030 The author specified \clef \key \time, and then followed \key.
1031 Just write @t{c d e f g a b }with \time in mind.@*
1032 For example;(soprano.ly)@*
1033 @multitable columnfractions .4 .4
1034 @item
1035 @cartouche
1036 @verbatim
1037 \version "2.22.2"
1038 #(set-global-staff-size 18)
1039 %% #(set-default-paper-size "letter")
1040 \paper { paper-height = 35.00\mm }
1041 soprano = { \autoBeamOff
1042 %% 1-4(1-12)
1043   \repeat volta 2 {   \repeat volta 2 {
1044   r8 gis'8[ ais'] b'4. cis''8 disis''!2~ disis''8 | ais'4 dis''2 gis'2. | }
1045   fis'4 e' dis'4. fis'8 e'2 | ais'4 dis''2 gis'2. | } \bar "|."
1046           }
1047 %% get sheet
1048 \score { \context ChoirStaff <<
1049      \context Voice = "SopOne" {
1050                 \clef soprano \key b\major \time 3/2 \tempo 4 = 58
1051      \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{"soprano"} \soprano }
1052                        >>
1053        \layout {}
1054            }
1055 %% get midi
1056 \score {  <<
1057      \new Staff { \clef soprano \key b\major \time 3/2
1058      \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
1059                                  \unfoldRepeats \soprano }
1060          >>
1061        \midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 58 4) }  
1062            }%% End score.
1063 @end verbatim
1064 @end cartouche
1065 @tab
1066 @html
1067 <span style="font-size: 18px;">
1068 Any OS; (prompt)<t>lilypond --pdf --png soprano.ly</t></span>[Enter]<br />
1069 <br />
1070 <p>
1071 <img src="soprano.svg" alt="[picture of music]" /><!--  -->
1072 </p>
1073 <a href="soprano.midi">soprano.midi</a>&#160;(<a href="soprano.mp3">soprano.mp3</a>)<br />
1074 @end html
1075 Typesetting is output like this.(midi=Its a one minute and ten second performance.)@*
1076 @*
1077 @*
1078 @i{This is just an example(because there are various forms of description)}@*
1079 @html
1080 <span style="color: red;">
1081 \soprano
1082 </span>
1083 @end html
1084 means soprano = @{... description ....@} is called to this location for processing.@*
1085 The staff call is usually \new Staff @{@*
1086 However, it is better to call the staff with \context Voice @{@*
1087 @*
1088 Also,
1089 @html
1090 <span style="color: red;">
1091  \context Voice = "SopOne"
1092 </span>
1093 @end html
1094  @{... description ....@}@*
1095 It is an act of giving the name "SopOne" to this music-processed memory stacks.@*
1096 (Because you can specify a word etc. to this "SopOne".)@*
1097 @*
1098 @*
1099 --------
1100 Please refer to "notation.pdf" for the correspondence between note spelling and lyrics.@*
1101 @*
1102 @*
1103 @end multitable
1104 @end cartouche
1105 About \time; For example@*
1106 @code{\time 3/2} describes the score with the length of three half notes as one unit.@*
1107 @result{}@i{The upper number indicates the number of beets par measure}.@*
1108 @result{}@i{The lower number indicates the note that gets one beet(2=half note, 4=quarter note,
1109 8=eight note ...etc}.@*
1110 @end ifhtml
1111 @*
1112 @ifhtml
1113 @html
1114 <br />
1115 <br />
1116 <div align="center">
1117 <span style="font-size: 22px;">
1118 <span style="color: red;">
1119 When writing a score, it is recommended to keep notation.pdf + usage.pdf at hand.<br />
1120 </span></span>
1121 </div>
1122 @end html
1123 @end ifhtml
1125 @html
1126 </blockquote></blockquote>
1127 <br />
1128 <br />
1129 @end html
1131 @end ifhtml
1132 @c -------------End HTML context Voice part #2 -----------------------------------
1133 @c ****
1134 @ignore
1135 @c -------------Pdf Formatting text epart #3  --------------------------------------------
1136 @iftex
1137 @headline{@sevenrm Formatting text@hfill @folio}
1138 @end iftex
1139 @tex
1140 \centerline{{\bigcm Formatting text}}
1141 \vskip 2pc
1142 @end tex
1143 @iftex
1145 I'm sorry, I'll omit it. For details, we recommend referring to "notation.pdf".`@*
1146 @largcmb{
1147 [.....\share\doc\lilypond\html\Documentation\notation.pdf(6,832KB) + usage.pdf(521KB) ]}@*
1149 @end iftex
1150 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
1151 @page
1152 @c ------------- End pdf Formatting text epart #3 ----------------------------------------
1153 @end ignore
1154 @c ***
1155 @c -------------HTML  Formatting text part #3 ------------------------------------------
1156 @ifnottex
1157 @node     Formatting text,         context Staff,        context Voice,   Top
1158 @comment     node-name,                next,                previous,      up
1159 @unnumbered Formatting text
1160 @end ifnottex
1161 @ifhtml
1162 @html
1163 <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>
1164 @end html
1166 I'm sorry, I'll omit it. For details, we recommend referring to "notation.pdf".`@*
1167 [.....\share\doc\lilypond\html\Documentation\notation.pdf(6,832KB) + usage.pdf(521KB) ]@*
1169 @html
1170 </blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>
1171 @end html
1172 @end ifhtml
1173 @c ------------- End html Formatting text epart #3 ----------------------------------------
1174 @c ***
1175 @ignore
1176 @c -------------Pdf  context Staff part #4 ------------------------------------------
1177 @iftex
1178 @headline{@sevenrm context Staff@hfill @folio}
1179 @end iftex
1180 @tex
1181 \centerline{{\bigcm context Staff}}
1182 \vskip 2pc
1183 @end tex
1184 @iftex
1186 I'm sorry, I'll omit it. For details, we recommend referring to "notation.pdf".`@*
1187 [.....\share\doc\lilypond\html\Documentation\notation.pdf(6,832KB) + usage.pdf(521KB) ]@*
1189 @end iftex
1190 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
1192 @page
1193 @c ------------- End pdf context Syaff epart #3 ----------------------------------------
1194 @end ignore
1195 @c ***
1196 @c -------------HTML  context Staff part #3 ------------------------------------------
1197 @ifnottex
1198 @node     context Staff,          context Score,        Formatting text,   Top
1199 @comment     node-name,                next,                previous,      up
1200 @unnumbered context Staff
1201 @end ifnottex
1202 @ifhtml
1203 @html
1204 <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>
1205 @end html
1207 I'm sorry, I'll omit it. For details, we recommend referring to "notation.pdf".@*
1208 [.....\share\doc\lilypond\html\Documentation\notation.pdf(6,832KB) + usage.pdf(521KB) ]@*
1210 @html
1211 </blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>
1212 @end html
1213 @end ifhtml
1214 @c ------------- End html context Syaff part #3 ----------------------------------------
1215 @c ***
1216 @ignore
1217 @c -------------Pdf context score part #4 ------------------------------------------
1218 @iftex
1219 @headline{@sevenrm context Score@hfill @folio}
1220 @end iftex
1222 @tex
1223 \centerline{{\bigcm context Score}}
1224 \vskip 2pc
1225 @end tex
1226 @end iftex
1227 @iftex
1228 @*
1229 @image{example-7-1, 6.5in}
1230 @*
1231 @end iftex
1232 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
1233 @iftex
1234 @sp 1
1235 LilyPond,@*
1236 The outer world of \score called \book {....}, which bundles "the musical scores" and
1237 "scores created by \score{....}" .... has a kind of document world area.
1238 In this area The music cover can also be typeset without relying on @TeX{}. 
1239 @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
1240 @page
1241 @iftex
1242 @*
1243 @image{example-8-1, 6.5in}
1244 @*
1245 @end iftex
1246 @end iftex
1247 @page
1248 @c ------------- End Pdf context Staff part #4 ----------------------------------------
1249 @end ignore
1250 @c ***
1251 @c -------------HTML context score part #4 ------------------------------------------
1252 @ifnottex
1253 @node     context Score,                      ,        context Staff,   Top
1254 @comment     node-name,                next,                previous,      up
1255 @unnumbered context Score
1256 @end ifnottex
1257 @ifhtml
1258 @html
1259 <blockquote><blockquote><blockquote>
1260 @end html
1262 I'm sorry, I'll omit it. For details, we recommend referring to "notation.pdf".`@*
1263 [.....\share\doc\lilypond\html\Documentation\notation.pdf(6,832KB) + usage.pdf(521KB) ]@*
1265 @html
1266 </blockquote></blockquote></blockquote>
1267 <br />
1268 <br />
1269 @end html
1270 @*
1271 `:
1272 @end ifhtml
1273 @c ------------- End html context Score part #3 ----------------------------------------
1275 @bye