\version "2.20.0"
#(set-global-staff-size 18)
%%%% 1
treble = { c'1 \bar " " d' \bar " " e' \bar " " f' \bar " " g' \bar " " a' \bar " "
           b' \bar " "  c'' \bar " "  d'' \bar " "  e'' \bar " "  f'' \bar " "
           g'' \bar " " a'' \bar " "  b'' \bar " " c''' \bar "|." }

trebleL = \lyricmode { c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a'' b'' c''' }

bass = { e,1^\markup { \column { "  " "  " } }
           \bar " " f, \bar " " g, \bar " " a, \bar " " b, \bar " " c \bar " "
           d \bar " "  e \bar " "  f \bar " "  g \bar " "  a \bar " "
           b \bar " " c' \bar " "  d' \bar " " e' \bar "|." }

bassL = \lyricmode { e, f, g, a, b, {
\override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
                          c d e f g a b } {
\override Lyrics . LyricText #'font-shape = #'normal
                          c' d' e' } }
soprano = { c'1\startGroup\startGroup^\markup{ "C clef on 1st line" }
            \bar " "
            d' \bar " " e' \bar " " f' \bar " " g' \bar " " a' \bar " " b' \bar " "%
            c'' \bar " " d'' \bar " " e'' \bar " " f'' \bar " " g'' \bar " "%
            a''\stopGroup \bar " "
            \override NoteHead #'color = #red  b'' \bar " " c'''\stopGroup s1 | }

sopranoL = \lyricmode { c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a'' b'' c''' }

mezzosoprano = { a1\startGroup\startGroup^\markup { \column {
                                         "  " "  " "  " "C clef on 2nd line" } }
                 b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f''\stopGroup  \bar " "
                 \override NoteHead #'color = #red  g'' a''\stopGroup s1 | }

mezzosopranoL = \lyricmode { a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' a'' }

alto = { f1\startGroup^\markup { \column { "  " "  " "  "  "C clef on 3rd line" } }
            g a\( b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d''\stopGroup
            \override NoteHead #'color = #red e'' f'' \bar " " g''\) }

altoL = \lyricmode { f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' d'' e'' f'' g'' }

tenor = { c1\startGroup\startGroup^\markup { \column {
                                           "  " "  " "  " "C clef on 4th line" } }
            d e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a'\stopGroup
            \override NoteHead #'color = #red b' c''\stopGroup s1 | }

tenorL = \lyricmode { c d e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' }

bariton = { g,1\startGroup\startGroup^\markup { \column {
                                           "  " "  " "  "  "C clef on 5th line" } }
            a, b, c d e f g a b c' d' e' f'\stopGroup
            \override NoteHead #'color = #red g' a'\stopGroup | }

baritonL = \lyricmode { g, a, b, c d e f g a b c' d' e' f' g' a' }

bassV = { e,1\startGroup\startGroup^\markup { \column {
                                             "  " "  " "  " "F clef on 4th line" } }
            f, g, a, b, c d e f g a b c' d'\stopGroup
            \override NoteHead #'color = #red e' f'\stopGroup | }

bassL = \lyricmode { e, f, g, a, b, c d e f g a b c' d' e' f' }
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \hspace #6 \bold\magnify #2.5 {Chorus"  " position} }
\score {
     \context ChoirStaff = "coroOne" <<
     \new Voice = "treble" \with { \consists Ambitus_engraver} {
                          \clef treble \key c\major \time 4/4
             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{"  "} \treble }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "treble" { \trebleL }

     \new Voice = "bass" \with { \consists Ambitus_engraver} {
                           \clef bass \key c\major \time 4/4
             \set Staff.midiInstrument = "pad 4 (choir)"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = \markup{"  "} \bass }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL }


       \layout { indent = 12.00\mm line-width = 180.00\mm
            \context {\Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
            %%\context {\Staff \remove "Clef_engraver" }
            %%\context {\Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver"}
        %%\midi {}
\markup {
\italic \with-color #red "c d e f g a b" \hspace #2 is default position of LilyPond(Gnu Music Typesitter).}
\markup { Units value(default in World); a,=110Hz"  " a=220Hz "  "
a'=440Hz"   " a''=880Hz ---on LilyPond---.}
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { \bold "divisor-note" }
\markup { \line{ "Whole note          " \hspace #34 \note-by-number #0 #0 #UP }}
\markup { \line{ "Half note              " \hspace #30 \note-by-number #1 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #4 \note-by-number #1 #0 #UP }}
\markup { \line{ "Quarter note       " \hspace #25 \note-by-number #2 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #3 \note-by-number #2 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #3 \note-by-number #2 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #3 \note-by-number #2 #0 #UP }}
\markup { \line{ "Eighth note        " \hspace #16 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1.4 \note-by-number #3 #0 #UP }}
\markup { \line{ "Sixteenth note    " \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
                 \hspace #1 \note-by-number #4 #0 #UP
\markup { \column { \wordwrap {
\italic "`Sixteenth note'" \hspace #2 can do division \italic "`Thirty-second note'" \hspace #2 and
\italic "`Thirty-second note" \hspace #2 can dodivision \italic "`sixty-fourth note'" \hspace #1 .......}
As other note(duration)\hspace #2  are \italic"`Augmentation dots'" \hspace #2 that make augmentation
the note.}
\hspace #4 For example \typewriter "a4.." ; is \typewriter "a4" note that have
duration \typewriter "a4+eight+sixteenth". like this \note-by-number #2 #2 #0.8
or \raise #2 \note-by-number #2 #2 #DOWN }
\line{Also `Tie' symbol in music sheet is connect among same note.}
\line{\hspace #4 For example \typewriter "a8 ~ a2" ;
\italic "But this is" `As a rule use when stride among bar'.}
\line{\hspace #4 Must have attention!"  "`Tie of stride among bar' is make
\italic "Syncopation" on rhythm}
\line {\hspace #4 ---In general, the music; Shot first is \bold "strong beat."--- }}}}
\markup { " " }
\markup { \vspace #4 }
\markup { " " }
\markup{ \italic \column { \wordwrap {
\line { Notion of notes is different between Now time and Old time.}
\line { Old time;\hspace #2 Whole note ====>\hspace #2 Half notes ====>
\hspace #2 Quarter notes ====>\hspace #2 Eigth notes ====>\hspace #2 Sixteenth notes }
\line { Now time;\hspace #1.3 Sixteenth notes ====>\hspace #2 Eigth notes ====> \hspace #2 Quarter notes
====>\hspace #2 Half notes ====>\hspace #2 Whole note }
\line { \teeny \bold "In short, Notes of old time is division for Whole note. But, Note of now time is
increase from the smallest notes.(You! Never Don't forgot this!)" }
\markup { " " }
%%%% 2
\markup { \magnify #2.5 {Signature}\hspace #4
(\with-color #red "Tonic(I)" , \with-color #blue "Dominant(V)" ,
\with-color #green "Subdominant(IV)") }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key c\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "a" "b} }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key c \major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "Default. "
  \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red c'1
  \bar "" d' \bar "" e' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green f' \bar ""
  \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue g' \bar "" a' \bar "" b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key g\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "d" "e" "fis" "g" "a" "b} }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key g\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "g major   "
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green c'1 \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue d' \bar ""
    e' \bar "" fis' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red g' \bar ""
    a' \bar "" b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key d\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {cis" "d" "e" "fis" "g" "a" "b} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key d\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "d major   "
    cis'1 \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red d' \bar ""
    e' \bar "" fis' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green g' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue a' \bar "" b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key a\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {cis" "d" "e" "fis" "gis" "a" "b} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key a\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "a major   "
    cis'1 \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green d' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue e' \bar ""
    fis' \bar ""
    gis' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red a' \bar "" b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key e\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {cis" "dis" "e" "fis" "gis" "a" "b} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key e\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "e major  "
    cis'1 \bar "" dis' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red e' \bar ""
    fis' \bar ""
    gis' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green a' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key b\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {cis" "dis" "e" "fis" "gis" "ais" "b} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key b\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "b major  "
    cis'1 \bar "" dis' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green e' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue fis' \bar ""
    gis' \bar "" ais' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key fis\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {cis" "dis" "eis" "fis" "gis" "ais" "b} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key fis\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "fis major  "
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue cis'1 \bar "" dis' \bar "" eis' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red fis' \bar ""
    gis' \bar "" ais' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green b' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key cis\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {cis" "dis" "eis" "fis" "gis" "ais" "bis} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key cis\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "cis major  "
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red cis'1 \bar ""
    dis' \bar "" eis' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green fis' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue gis' \bar ""
    ais' \bar "" bis' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
%%% 3 %%%%%%%%%%
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key f\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "a" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key f\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "f major  "
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue c'1 \bar "" d' \bar "" e' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red f' \bar ""
    g' \bar "" a' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key bes\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "d" "ees" "f" "g" "a" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key bes\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "bes major  "
    c'1 \bar "" d' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green ees' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue f' \bar ""
    g' \bar "" a' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key ees\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "d" "ees" "f" "g" "aes" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key ees\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "ees major  "
    c'1 \bar "" d' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red ees' \bar ""
    f' \bar ""
    g' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green aes' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key aes\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "des" "ees" "f" "g" "aes" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key aes\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "aes major  "
    c'1 \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green des' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue ees' \bar "" f' \bar ""
    g' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red aes' \bar "" bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key des\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {c" "des" "ees" "f" "ges" "aes" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key des\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "des major  "
    c'1 \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red des' \bar ""
    ees' \bar "" f' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green ges' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue aes' \bar "" bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key ges\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {ces" "des" "ees" "f" "ges" "aes" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key ges\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "ges major  "
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green ces'1 \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue des' \bar "" ees' \bar "" f' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red ges' \bar "" aes' \bar "" bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup { " " }
\markup {
\hspace #12 \typewriter "\key ces\major" " "=" "
\tiny\italic "LilyPond coding notes is like this";
\hspace #2 \typewriter {ces" "des" "ees" "fes" "ges" "aes" "bes} }
\score {   { \clef treble \key ces\major
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "ces major  "
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #red ces'1 \bar ""
    des' \bar "" ees' \bar "" \once \override NoteHead #'color = #green fes' \bar ""
    \once \override NoteHead #'color = #blue ges' \bar ""
    aes' \bar "" bes' \bar "|." }

 \layout { indent = 30.00\mm line-width = 120.00\mm
           top-margin = 00.00\mm head-separation = 00.00\mm
         \context { \Staff \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t }
\markup {" " }
\markup { \magnify #2.5 {Chorus"  " Scale}\huge "---Voice music---"}
\score {
           \context ChoirStaff = "FourPartStaffaddchorus" <<
           \new Voice = "soprano" { \clef soprano \key c\major \time 4/4
                         \set Staff.instrumentName = "soprano" \soprano }
                         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoL }

           \new Voice = "mezzosop" { \clef mezzosoprano \key c\major \time 4/4
                        \set Staff.instrumentName =
                          \markup {\column{ "mezzo" "soprano" }} \mezzosoprano }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" { \mezzosopranoL }

           \new Voice = "alto" { \clef alto \key c\major \time 4/4
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "alto   " \alto }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" { \altoL }

           \new Voice = "tenor" { \clef tenor \key c\major \time 4/4
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "tenor  " \tenor }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorL }

           \new Voice = "bariton" { \clef baritone \key c\major \time 4/4
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "bariton  " \bariton }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bariton" { \baritonL }

           \new Voice = "bass" { \clef bass \key c\major \time 4/4
                        \set Staff.instrumentName = "bass   " \bassV }
                        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "bass" { \bassL }
  \layout {
      \context {
        \consists "Horizontal_bracket_engraver"
        %%\remove "Clef_engraver"
        \override StaffSymbol #'transparent = ##f
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
        \override BarLine #'transparent = ##f
        \consists "Pitch_squash_engraver"
        %%\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-8 . 4)

  %%\midi { tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 68 4) }
\markup { \bold "Treble; G clef on 2nd line." }
\markup { \italic "Key Signature is printed automatically for each Clef(and notes)"}
\markup { \bold \italic "All are automatically formatted."}
\markup { key c major (like this;) \hspace #4 c d e f g a b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key c \major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key c \major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key c \major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key c \major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key c \major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "Default " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key g major (like this;) \hspace #4 c  d  e  fis  g  a  b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key g \major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key g \major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key g \major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key g \major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key g \major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key g\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key d major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  d  e  fis  g  a  b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key d\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key d\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key d\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key d\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key d\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key d\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key a major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  d  e  fis  gis  a  b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key a\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key a\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key a\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key a\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key a\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key a\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key e major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  dis  e  fis  gis  a  b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key e\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key e\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key e\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key e\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key e\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key e\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key b major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  dis  e  fis  gis  ais  b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key b\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key b\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key b\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key b\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key b\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key b\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key fis major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  dis  eis  fis  gis  ais  b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key fis\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key fis\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key fis\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key fis\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key fis\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key fis\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key cis major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  dis  eis  fis  gis  ais  bis }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key cis\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key cis\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key cis\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key cis\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key cis\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key cis\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}
\markup { \bold \italic "All are automatically formatted."}
\markup { key c major (like this;) \hspace #4 c d e f g a b }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key c \major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key c \major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key c \major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key c \major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key c \major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "Default " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key f major (like this;) \hspace #4 c  d  e  f  g  a  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key f \major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key f \major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key f \major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key f \major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key f \major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key f\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key bes major (like this;) \hspace #4 cis  d  ees  f  g  a  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key bes\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key bes\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key bes\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key bes\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key bes\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key bes\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key ees major (like this;) \hspace #4 c  d  ees  f  g  aes  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key ees\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key ees\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key ees\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key ees\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key ees\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key ees\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key aes major (like this;) \hspace #4 c  des  ees  f  g  aes  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key aes\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key aes\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key aes\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key aes\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key aes\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key aes\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key des major (like this;) \hspace #4 c  des  ees  f  ges  aes  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key des\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key des\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key des\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key des\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key des\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key des\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key ges major (like this;) \hspace #4 ces  des  ees  f  ges  aes  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key ges\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key ges\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key ges\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key ges\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key ges\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key ges\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}

\markup { " " }
\markup { key ces major (like this;) \hspace #4 ces  des  ees  fes  ges  aes  bes }
\score {
   { \clef treble \key ces\major s1^\markup {treble} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef soprano \key ces\major s1^\markup {soprano} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef alto \key ces\major s1^\markup {alto} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef tenor \key ces\major s1^\markup {tenor} \bar "" \skip 1
     \bar "" \clef bass \key ces\major s1^\markup {bass} \bar "||"
             \set Staff.instrumentName = "\key ces\major " }

   \layout {
      \context {
        \override TimeSignature #'transparent = ##t
     %%\midi {}
}%%end book, End All.