
          pompei4.midi        pompei4.svg        pompei4.pdf        pompei4-sheet.pdf       [ pompei4.ly     pompei4-sheet.latex  ]        pompei4.mp3

This sounds "pompei4.mp3".
[picture of music]

run--lily.cmd & run--lily.sh      ON WSL(GNU/Linux 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft x86_64)
¶ Windows OS
usally;>lilypond --png --pdf pompei4.ly[Enter]
However, this "LilyPond 2.22.1 + W32TeX + Ghostscript" is required.
    >run--lily pompei4[Enter]
----------- File name is run--lily.cmd -------------------------------------------
chcp 437
mkdir html
lilypond -dbackend=svg %1.ly
lilypond -dbackend=eps %1.ly
lilypond --pdf --png %1.ly
latex %1-sheet.latex
dvips -P pdf %1-sheet.dvi
gswin64c -sDEVICE=png16m -r120 -sOutputFile=%1-sheet+page%%d.png -dNOPAUSE %1-sheet.ps -c quit
call ps2pdf %1-sheet.ps
rename *.mid *.midi
move /y *.svg html\
move /y *.pdf html\
move /y *.midi html\
move /y *.png html\
html\%1.pdf | html\%1-sheet.pdf | html\%1.midi
rem pause
Erase *.aux *.count *.ps *eps *.dvi *.tex *.texi
dir /oe
     ¶ Ubuntu OS
usally;$ lilypond --png --pdf pompei4.ly[Enter]
However, this "LilyPond 2.22.1 + Texlive + Ghostscript" is required.
    $ ./run--lily.sh pompei4[Enter]
----------- File name is run--lily.sh -------------------------------------------
mkdir html
lilypond -dbackend=eps $1.ly
lilypond --pdf --png $1.ly
lilypond -dbackend=svg $1.ly
latex $1-sheet.latex
dvips -P pdf $1-sheet.dvi
gswin64c -sDEVICE=png16m -r120 -sOutputFile=$1-sheet+page%d.png -dNOPAUSE $1-sheet.ps -c quit
ps2pdf $1-sheet.ps
# makeinfo --no-split --force --html $1.texi
mv *.svg html/
mv *.pdf html/
mv *.png html/
mv *.midi html/
xdg-open html/$1.pdf | xdg-open html/$1-sheet.pdf | xdg-open html/$1.midi
# read -p "Hit enter: "
rm *.aux *.count *.ps *eps *.dvi *.tex *.texi
ls -l
Please display each name.png display by yourself. (Excuse me! I like the svg file format.)
ubuntu; Open! $ explorer.exe name.png[Enter] in the current directory(with png).